January Wrestling Thread/Tonight NXT 8PM EST/RIP Mean Gene Okerlaud

Looks like it’ll be a GLORIOUS fx2 DAY
Normally with a lot of food and crazy amount of people. Unfortunately, I’m stuck at work. My two youngest are running a fever so no going out.

danger style danger style no food pictures this year.

Hope the younsters feel better brother

Working today until 5. Heading over to my girl’s moms place for dinner until midnight. Play smash all night long. Heavy drinking starts tomorrow with my fam.
Cant even drink as much i want to, got work at 5AM

btw us Mexicans celebrate Christmas today so feliz navidad putos :wink:

Pops throws a big Christmas Eve party every year. At the market picking up catering stuff with him now.

Sounds dope and alot of work. You got a big fam?

Hosting brunch tomorrow. Already waiting for it to end. I feel like trash and I can’t be bothered

You sick or something?

Working today until 5. Heading over to my girl’s moms place for dinner until midnight. Play smash all night long. Heavy drinking starts tomorrow with my fam.
Send me that Friend CODE and you can get these Ness Hands!!

just got off work, now I have the rest of the day to myself before Christmas with the fam tomorrow #fx2Day

Sounds dope and alot of work. You got a big fam?
Nah not a big fam, but he does it open house style all day and all him and his wife’s friends and Co-workers come and go throughout the day.

Majority of the food is catered from their local market, but they still do ham, turkey and some other stuff. I’ll post pics in a bit once the spread is all good to go.
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