Is Lebron James still the best basketball player right now?

Yada yada yada. All I hear is excuses. Lebron is the Wilt Chamberlain of this era. He's an all time great, but top 3 hands down. Nah. Continue to get your lamekilla lamekilla on though.

LOL you want to be ignorant go right on ahead. Anyone with an objective opinion on the matter will not sit here and try to degrade his accomplishments because he hasn't won some arbitrary # of championships that YOU think he needs to win. Use your eyes, look at his numbers and level of play, hes top 3 at the worst.
LOL you want to be ignorant go right on ahead. Anyone with an objective opinion on the matter will not sit here and try to degrade his accomplishments because he hasn't won some arbitrary # of championships that YOU think he needs to win. Use your eyes, look at his numbers and level of play, hes top 3 at the worst.

Ignorant cause I have him in the 4-7 range ALL TIME? Yea just get your slurp on and don't @ me again. Just cause I don't believe he's as great as YOU think he is and aren't just going to ignore that he's had stacked teams in a weak *** conference since the turn of the decade doesn't constitute ignorance. There's players that have more points, rebounds, and assists (total and average) than he does. More MVPs and chips. I'm not going to bow down to some faux king in this era of hot takes and forced greatness.
Ignorant cause I have him in the 4-7 range ALL TIME? Yea just get your slurp on and don't @ me again. Just cause I don't believe he's as great as YOU think he is and aren't just going to ignore that he's had stacked teams in a weak *** conference since the turn of the decade doesn't constitute ignorance. There's players that have more points, rebounds, and assists (total and average) than he does. More MVPs and chips. I'm not going to bow down to some faux king in this era of hot takes and forced greatness.

Well said!!!

Yada yada yada. All I hear is excuses. Lebron is the Wilt Chamberlain of this era. He's an all time great, but top 3 hands down. Nah. Continue to get your lamekilla lamekilla on though.

Oh and don't talk about stacked rosters when he's literally made it his business to have one each of the last 8 seasons. Too bad he ran off the other star on his team this season and is probably getting swept this time out.

Lol at Kevin Love and JR smith being a stacked roster. Son turned Matthew Dellavadova and Iman Shumpert into NBA champions.
LOL you want to be ignorant go right on ahead. Anyone with an objective opinion on the matter will not sit here and try to degrade his accomplishments because he hasn't won some arbitrary # of championships that YOU think he needs to win. Use your eyes, look at his numbers and level of play, hes top 3 at the worst.

There are real tangible, objective arguments for guys like Magic, Kareem, Shaq and Duncan. “Top 3 at worst” is mad dismissive to guys who have accomplished everything he has and more in respective areas over the course of their careers. Personally, Bron is in my 5-8 range.

There is nothing wrong with that.
Lol at Kevin Love and JR smith being a stacked roster. Son turned Matthew Dellavadova and Iman Shumpert into NBA champions.

This is the first year where he hasn’t had the clear cut best roster in the East since 2010. Don’t diminish that fact. He’s been the favorite every year due to him, the weakness of the conference, and his teammates.

Even this year over the course of the season and the rollercoaster....his team has been the prohibit favorites largely because of him....but also because he’s playing with an all star and role players hand picked to fit his system. If they don’t hit shots or do the dirty work...he has “no help”. If they do hit shots “Cavs are favorites again”.

It went from the Pacers series being a Cavs “no other top 6 player could’ve beat this pacers team” (somebody literally said that in the nba thread :lol:).
Ignorant cause I have him in the 4-7 range ALL TIME? Yea just get your slurp on and don't @ me again. Just cause I don't believe he's as great as YOU think he is and aren't just going to ignore that he's had stacked teams in a weak *** conference since the turn of the decade doesn't constitute ignorance. There's players that have more points, rebounds, and assists (total and average) than he does. More MVPs and chips. I'm not going to bow down to some faux king in this era of hot takes and forced greatness.

LOL nah youre being ignorant because are using some lame *** excuse of him having "stacked teams" against him like every all time player didnt have stacked teams when they succeeded the most. And LeBron has taken his teams to the finals WITH and WITHOUT stacked teams. In fact, he took one of the weakest rosters of all time in 07 and quite possibly another one this year almost 11 years later. I love how recognizing an all time athletes greatness is automatically considered "slurping" now. Because I'm making an argument to refute your weak arguments its slurping? Go take a walk.

However, If you have him 4-7 all time thats NOT ignorant, obviously arguments CAN be made for Wilt, Kareem, or Magic above him. They're incorrect, but not ignorant those guys are obviously transcendent in their own right so ill concede that.
Ignorant cause I have him in the 4-7 range ALL TIME? Yea just get your slurp on and don't @ me again. Just cause I don't believe he's as great as YOU think he is and aren't just going to ignore that he's had stacked teams in a weak *** conference since the turn of the decade doesn't constitute ignorance. There's players that have more points, rebounds, and assists (total and average) than he does. More MVPs and chips. I'm not going to bow down to some faux king in this era of hot takes and forced greatness.

Jordan was nothing more than Nick Young with a signature shoe. I’m sorry, I’m not buying it. Scottie Pippen and Bron debate should be the real debate. Pippen did it all man.

Pippen deserve top 5 all time over Jordan.

Kobe = Rape charge Derozan.

This is the first year where he hasn’t had the clear cut best roster in the East since 2010. Don’t diminish that fact. He’s been the favorite every year due to him, the weakness of the conference, and his teammates.

Even this year over the course of the season and the rollercoaster....his team has been the prohibit favorites largely because of him....but also because he’s playing with an all star and role players hand picked to fit his system. If they don’t hit shots or do the dirty work...he has “no help”. If they do hit shots “Cavs are favorites again”.

It went from the Pacers series being a Cavs “no other top 6 player could’ve beat this pacers team” (somebody literally said that in the nba thread :lol:).

It is what is though. The point is doesn’t matter who Lebron plays with, he gets the best out of them and 9/10 he’s going to the finals with them. Just so happens the finals is where a team dynamic gets exposed and Lebron’s teams for the most part haven’t been head over heels the dominant opposition. Every championship he’s played in a Cleveland Cavaliers jersey has been against damn near insurmountable odds. Not sure why Lebron gets so much flack for handpicking capable role players yet Golden State went and picked Kevin Durant and yet the team is openly appreciated. Mind you the reason they went to go get Kevin Durant is because they got a spanking from Lebron.
LOL nah youre being ignorant because are using some lame *** excuse of him having "stacked teams" against him like every all time player didnt have stacked teams when they succeeded the most. And LeBron has taken his teams to the finals WITH and WITHOUT stacked teams. In fact, he took one of the weakest rosters of all time in 07 and quite possibly another one this year almost 11 years later. I love how recognizing an all time athletes greatness is automatically considered "slurping" now. Because I'm making an argument to refute your weak arguments its slurping? Go take a walk.

However, If you have him 4-7 all time thats NOT ignorant, obviously arguments CAN be made for Wilt, Kareem, or Magic above him. They're incorrect, but not ignorant those guys are obviously transcendent in their own right so ill concede that.

I wonder when this turn of just getting to the big dance and losing repeatedly became such a badge of honor. I thought nobody remembers 2nd place? My mans Jerry West and Elgin Baylor obviously should have played in this era. They'd be GOATs too. This man has had no less than 1 all star on his team each of the past 8 seasons, most of the time 2. And has been an integral part of shaping every roster he's on. I don't want to hear about the Warriors who did it organically pre-KD and then KD following Bron's model decided to one up him.

Nice to see you backtracking after your initial assessment though. He's not the best in any of those categories I listed and I didn't include total all league accolades as well. But like I said crown him if you want, it's your opinion. But I don't have to accept it as fact or being called ignorant.
I wonder when this turn of just getting to the big dance and losing repeatedly became such a badge of honor. I thought nobody remembers 2nd place? My mans Jerry West and Elgin Baylor obviously should have played in this era. They'd be GOATs too. This man has had no less than 1 all star on his team each of the past 8 seasons, most of the time 2. And has been an integral part of shaping every roster he's on. I don't want to hear about the Warriors who did it organically pre-KD and then KD following Bron's model decided to one up him.

Nice to see you backtracking after your initial assessment though. He's not the best in any of those categories I listed and I didn't include total all league accolades as well. But like I said crown him if you want, it's your opinion. But I don't have to accept it as fact or being called ignorant.

Im not backtracking **** homie, like I said you can have that opinion but it would be incorrect. Dont even try to bring up any statistical arguments though because hes going to obliterate pretty much every player overall in regular season AND playoffs. You really gonna sit here and mention he's not number one in any of those categories you listed? Knowing damn well he's gonna be top 3 in all time points, top 6 in assists, and top 25 in rebounds? That will be a more impressive statistical spread than any player ever.

Again, you have to rely on a weak straw man argument of "stacked teams" because you know the numbers and eye test do not back your assertion. Jordan played with HOF talent for all his rings, so did Kobe, so did Magic, so did Bird, so did Kareem... You give Bird/Magic/Kobe the same teams and competition and finals opponents Bron has had, are they winning MORE than Bron has in his career? If you say yes you are straight lying through your damn teeth. Mentioning stacked teams in this argument is the stupidest **** ever.
Im not backtracking **** homie, like I said you can have that opinion but it would be incorrect. Dont even try to bring up any statistical arguments though because hes going to obliterate pretty much every player overall in regular season AND playoffs. You really gonna sit here and mention he's not number one in any of those categories you listed? Knowing damn well he's gonna be top 3 in all time points, top 6 in assists, and top 25 in rebounds? That will be a more impressive statistical spread than any player ever.

Again, you have to rely on a weak straw man argument of "stacked teams" because you know the numbers and eye test do not back your assertion. Jordan played with HOF talent for all his rings, so did Kobe, so did Magic, so did Bird, so did Kareem... Mentioning stacked teams in this argument is the stupidest **** ever.

You brought it up 1st with the Warriors doe as somehow that's a justification for him losing. How about YOU stop mentioning it as an excuse. I see you're an Eagles fan do you think Peyton is a better QB than Brady cause of the stats?

I've already mentioned there's players with overall better resumes than Bron right now. So it makes no sense to elevate him to a top 3 position right now.
You brought it up 1st with the Warriors doe as somehow that's a justification for him losing. How about YOU stop mentioning it as an excuse. I see you're an Eagles fan do you think Peyton is a better QB than Brady cause of the stats?

I've already mentioned there's players with overall better resumes than Bron right now. So it makes no sense to elevate him to a top 3 position right now.
HOw many MVPs did Kobe win?
You brought it up 1st with the Warriors doe as somehow that's a justification for him losing. How about YOU stop mentioning it as an excuse. I see you're an Eagles fan do you think Peyton is a better QB than Brady cause of the stats?

Dude I brought up the Warriors in response to you saying he loses in the finals all the time and I stand by my opinion that losing too what might end up being a top 3 dynasty of all time is not a bad thing. And getting the GOAT moniker is a result of all time regular season stats + playoff stats + winning/rings/clutch etc. It is a COMBINATION of all those factors not just one.

As for Peyton/Brady, No I do not think Peyton is better than Brady no way. Why? The ONLY edge Peyton has is regular season stats and even that gap has been lessened significantly in recent years by Brady. Brady's playoff stats dwarf Mannings'(similar to Bron in the NBA) AND he has more rings. See what I'm getting at? Its not singularly the rings otherwise I'd have Terry Bradshaw or Troy Aikman in front of Peyton too but I dont. Brady has the complete resume in all those facets and I'd say LeBron does the same in NBA. 3 rings is nothing to sneeze at man... If he was still at 1 or 2 a case can be made but the last ring he won, in the fashion he won it, and the team he did it against validated him IMO in the winning department. These arguments are a lot more nuanced than simple "player A has more rings or stats> than player B".
Dude I brought up the Warriors in response to you saying he loses in the finals all the time and I stand by my opinion that losing too what might end up being a top 3 dynasty of all time is not a bad thing. And getting the GOAT moniker is a result of all time regular season stats + playoff stats + winning/rings/clutch etc. It is a COMBINATION of all those factors not just one.

As for Peyton/Brady, No I do not think Peyton is better than Brady no way. Why? The ONLY edge Peyton has is regular season stats and even that gap has been lessened significantly in recent years by Brady. Brady's playoff stats dwarf Mannings'(similar to Bron in the NBA) AND he has more rings. See what I'm getting at? Its not singularly the rings otherwise I'd have Terry Bradshaw or Troy Aikman in front of Peyton too but I dont. Brady has the complete resume in all those facets and I'd say LeBron does the same in NBA. 3 rings is nothing to sneeze at man... If he was still at 1 or 2 a case can be made but the last ring he won, in the fashion he won it, and the team he did it against validated him IMO in the winning department. These arguments are a lot more nuanced than simple "player A has more rings or stats> than player B".

Kareem has more points, rebs, league MVPs, blocks, all league selections, and chips than Bron, what logical argument can you make for him at this point to be under Bron?
You brought it up 1st with the Warriors doe as somehow that's a justification for him losing. How about YOU stop mentioning it as an excuse. I see you're an Eagles fan do you think Peyton is a better QB than Brady cause of the stats?

I've already mentioned there's players with overall better resumes than Bron right now. So it makes no sense to elevate him to a top 3 position right now.

Saw your edit, give me your list then... which players are better?
My guy calls you ignorant for your list and then proceeds to have Kobe in his Top 5 and above LBJ.

Amazing stuff.
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