Lmao yea 31, 10, and 6 with Chris Duhon, Devin Ebanks, and Jodie Meeks his only other help in the backcourt while playing with back spasms. Yea let me tell you how Kidd shut him down. Kobe was the only reason we were even in this game.
And yea, you are one of three or four guys in this thread that have posted the same redundant argument for the past 40 pages now. It's not even an argument at this point, saying "where's your top ten player now?" after every game doesn't lead to any good discussion.
Here we go with those numbers again. 

You lost. Kobe is the reason that you lost, and that is because he does not know how to get players in position, in order for them to get good shots, All he does is dribble, dribble, then pull up with his awful shot selection. His back was hurting when they were down twenty, and then when it got down to ten, he was bouncing all over the place.

He's a terrible actor.

Jason had him on lock, so he began putting up ANY kind of shots in order to get loose.

What an overrated player.

Without Phil, Fish, he is a loser.
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Yeah "back spasms" but plays 44 mins puts up 24 shots and 10 turnovers?

The best center in the NBA with only 11 shot attempts.


You do know he was only getting 13 shot attempts when he was the focal point of the offense of the Magic.. And averages 11.3 in his career.

3 other guys got 11 or more shots as well. Excluding Kobe.

He went 31, 10 & 6. Again what do you honestly want from him...
Melo going to the locker room was like a shot of cortisone to Kobe's back.

About to get blown out on national TV in your third straight loss?....Fake back spasms.

Best player on the opposing teams leaves the game and the lead start disappearing....miraculous recovery.
Melo going to the locker room was like a shot of cortisone to Kobe's back.
About to get blown out on national TV in your third straight loss?....Fake back spasms.
Best player on the opposing teams leaves the game and the lead start disappearing....miraculous recovery.

This is the stupidest thing I read on NT all week. Fake back spasms? You think Kobe is gonna go through the trouble of wrapping a brace around his back just because he wants people to think he only lost cause of his back pain? You guys have so much hate for Kobe that you become delusional.
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This is the stupidest thing I read on NT all week. Fake back spasms? You think Kobe is gonna go through the trouble of wrapping a brace around his back just because he wants people to think he only lost cause of his back pain? You guys have so much hate for Kobe that you become delusional.

It's not even worth arguing man. You read **** like that and just shake your head. Like I said this should have been locked 40 pages ago.
This is the stupidest thing I read on NT all week. Fake back spasms? You think Kobe is gonna go through the trouble of wrapping a brace around his back just because he wants people to think he only lost cause of his back pain? You guys have so much hate for Kobe that you become delusional.
I think that it's the exact opposite. If you don't think that Kobe Bryant would obviously fake an injury, due to being blown out on national television, then it is you who suffers from bouts of delusion.

I'm surprised that he simply didn't give an intentional foul, or double technical, so that he could be thrown out.

I guess faking an injury is a bit more noble...
He played well so he was obviously faking an injury? :lol:

Come on...

His whole career has been him playing through injuries..
He played well so he was obviously faking an injury?

Come on...
His whole career has been him playing through injuries..
Don't try to sneak in the he played well part. He sucked, Didn't get his teammates involved, dribbled too much, jacked up bad shots. Meanwhile, the Knicks played TEAM Basketball.

You don't see that very often on a Kobe Bryant led team, so I can understand if the Laker fans are a bit confused in regard to what that actually is.

Team Basketball > Top Ten player dominates the ball, can't figure out how to motivate his teammates.
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He played well so he was obviously faking an injury? :lol:

Come on...

His whole career has been him playing through injuries..
Don't try to sneak in the he played well part. He sucked, Didn't get his teammates involved, dribbled too much, jacked up bad shots. Meanwhile, the Knicks played TEAM Basketball.

You don't see that very often on a Kobe Bryant led team, so I can understand if the Laker fans are a bit confused in regard to what that actually is.

Team Basketball > Top Ten player dominates the ball, can't figure out how to motivate his teammates.

He led the team in assists.... 4 guys had 11 or more shots (5 including Kobe)..

Both teams had 5 players in double digits.. Kobe didn't even lead the game in shots.. That was Felton..

31-10 & 6 is now a terrible game..
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Don't try to sneak in the he played well part. He sucked, Didn't get his teammates involved, dribbled too much, jacked up bad shots. Meanwhile, the Knicks played TEAM Basketball.

You don't see that very often on a Kobe Bryant led team, so I can understand if the Laker fans are a bit confused in regard to what that actually is.

Team Basketball > Top Ten player dominates the ball, can't figure out how to motivate his teammates.

So missing the main facilitator on offense in Nash and their starting power forward in Gasol has nothing to do with the Laker's recent struggles? How about the fact that Pringles is still running the same poor offensive scheme that got him fired when he was coaching the Knicks (i.e. iso one on one basketball). Are you really gonna disregard all of that and put the blame purely on Kobe.
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Don't try to sneak in the he played well part. He sucked, Didn't get his teammates involved, dribbled too much, jacked up bad shots. Meanwhile, the Knicks played TEAM Basketball.

You don't see that very often on a Kobe Bryant led team, so I can understand if the Laker fans are a bit confused in regard to what that actually is.

Team Basketball > Top Ten player dominates the ball, can't figure out how to motivate his teammates.

Did you even watch the game? In the 4th quarter he GAVE UP THE BALL and kicked out off a post up to meeks for a wide open 3 which he missed, passed it to artest a couple times in the post, and i believe kicked it to ebanks for an open 3. i think maybe only one of those artest post ups resulted in a basket while the others were misses.
No, it isn't. I didn't ask about one game, I was asking about his total game. 

You Kobe fans can't wait to be right about something, and you are simply so damned thirsty, that if we say that Kobe ties his shoes from left to right, and you find out that he doesn't, you'll have a goddamned parade about it.

This guy Kobe Bryant is nothing but an overrated scorer, one that can't do anything to lift a team, but he has proven that he can damned sure kill one in more ways than one.

Again, look at what's happening with the Knicks, and then what's happening with the Lakers. 

The Lakers suck, and they supposedly have a top ten player, and the best center in the NBA , and they are STILL garbage.


You lying sack of **** :lol: :lol: :lol:

Has Kobe Bryant ever dominated a game by NOT shooting the ball? You know, by passing, playing defense, rebounding, setting off ball picks, motivating teammates, etc?

The true all time greats did.

You're so blinded by fury you can't see what you typed. :smh: :x
I couldn't get to this last night, but let's talk.
TMac? TMac didn't have help? He didn't have anyone around him? Hmmm, did he, or did he not leave HIS OWN COUSIN Vince Carter when they were still both very young, and up and coming? Tracy did that, yes? And he did that, why? To sign with Grant Hill, and they hoped Tim Duncan, but Tim stayed put. Then Hill broke down, and Orlando nabbed Dwight Howard. What did Tracy do? He left again. To join Yao, and then Ron. And in the end, Tracy's body broke down. This is TRACY'S fault for leaving Vince in the first place, don't you think? And he left to join other stars, some bad breaks, and then he left the #1 pick to join another. Poor Tracy? :smh:
Pierce had Toine, which is, meh, and since 07 has had KG, Ray, Rondo, and whoever else goes thru Boston now. Paul ain't hurtin. His career is split right down the middle just fine. He and Toine went to the ECF too, and almost made the finals in 02.
Vince? His own cousin left him, he went and played with Kidd and the Nets, did nothin. Tried Phoenix, nothin. Joined Dwight in Orlando comin out of the Finals, and do I really need to inset my favorite gif here to show how that went? Now he's in Dallas after they won a title, and has done nothing. Vince has had talent around him always, he just has a vag where his balls should be.
Pretty sure you can take Lebron off this list now dude, his first 5 years, no doubt, he's makin up for it now.
Majority of their careers? You did your homework before you typed all this garbage, cuz I just broke it down in 8 minutes without even looking it all up. Let me guess, because they didn't get to play with Shaq, one player, they were never "stacked" but Kobe was, cuz he had Shaq, and as stated by you people now, Shaq = stacked.
Wow. :smh:

Wow! The fact that you're REALLY try to compare ANY of those players with Kobe's teams is laughable. So you're telling me Tmac's PRIME years in Orlando he had help? This is TOO much. Just stop! Next thing you know, you'll tell me Tmac had Patrick Ewing and Shawn Kemp as his "star" players:rofl:

You think if Tmac in his prime played with DWIGHT in his PRIME, he would've left? OF COURSE he didn't want to play with a UNKNOWN high school rookie. I LOVE how you try to make it SEEM SOOOOO glamorous with the "# 1 pick" talk as if he was a Lebron or Tim Duncan who was ready to do IMMEDIATE help. Dwight was a PROJECT coming out so STOP that nonsense.

Basically, you wrote ALL that garbage yet you're missing ONE key thing...when these OTHER guys EVENTUALLY got some help, they were ALL past their prime with the exception of Bron and well, we all know how THAT turned out. I'm sure if Vince had Dwight when they were both in their primes, results would've been A LOT different.

Stop acting like Kobe hasn't been SUPER fortunate, seriously.
Kobe is being criticized for this game and he was the only Lakers starter that didn't have a negative +/- :lol:
Bet majority of the kobe fans in this forum wants this thread closed. LOL

the more it gets longer the more their hero is getting exposed... For me he's just a talented volume scorer who has a hero ballhoging mentality fortunate enough to play with some of the great players of his gen. He molded his style to greatest player to ever play that is why he's been rubbed with greatness, specially in the eyes of his loyal fanatics.
Bet majority of the kobe fans in this forum wants this thread closed. LOL
the more it gets longer the more their hero is getting exposed... For me he's just a talented volume scorer who has a hero ballhoging mentality fortunate enough to play with some of the great players of his gen. He molded his style to greatest player to ever play that is why he's been rubbed with greatness, specially in the eyes of his loyal fanatics.

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Bet majority of the kobe fans in this forum wants this thread closed. LOL
the more it gets longer the more their hero is getting exposed... For me he's just a talented volume scorer who has a hero ballhoging mentality fortunate enough to play with some of the great players of his gen. He molded his style to greatest player to ever play that is why he's been rubbed with greatness, specially in the eyes of his loyal fanatics.

Na, most Kobe and Lakers' fans keep that stuff in the Lakers' thread. If anything, this thread exposes folks who can't stand Kobe. Dude is literally on their mind 24/7. :x
i mean what ever you guys say doesnt change the fact that kobe has had the best sig shoes in the game for the past 6 years. last person to do that was jordan. no other shoe can touch the kobe 4s
Its all perspective, Shaq played with the greatest 2 guards of this generation and an all time pg in penny if not for injuries.
Was he fortunate as well?
Its funny though, all the special years happened in LA with an above avg shooting guard. And although he won again in Miami during the playoffs he was a shell of himself and it took the worst officiated finals in history for him to get another ring.
Has Duncan been fortunate?
He came to a playoff ready team with a HOF center, who only got the #1 pick because D Rob hurt his back and the team tanked it. What other big has had a HOF backcourt majority of their career, top flight organization, and also 1 of the greatest coaches in NBA history?
We gonna downplay Kobe and call him lucky and fortunate I hope we got room in that boat for other greats as well. Even magic came out ta college to a great coach and 1 of the greatest scorers in NBA history.
Tim Duncan didn't need to be "lucky" because he was/is THAT good.

Please don't compare a 50% career shooter, a 2 time MVP, a 3 time Finals MVP, a guy who has made his teammates better since day 1, a guy who shows up in the NBA Finals and nearly drops a quadruple-double in a chip-clincher... to Kobe Bryant.

A HOF center? So we're gonna act like the "HOF center" he came into the league with wasn't past his prime? We're gonna act like it Robinson in 1999-2003 was equivalent to Shaq from 1996-2004? Stop it.

The Spurs have NEVER fell off since Duncan got there. And if you think that it's because they've been stacked, you're out of your mind. They have been successful year in and year out because they have a leader/player who isn't concerned about scoring all the points and taking all the shots.

You think Gary Neal is more talented than Jodie Meeks?

You think Tiago Splitter is much better than Jordan Hill?

They're not.

The difference between those players is that they play with a leader. A real leader. I understand that Popovich >>>> MDA, but this applies to when Phil was coach too. Bryant has never made a single player better. That's why role players flourish on teams like Boston and San Antonio... because the superstars on those teams allow the role players to have a role. Kobe Bryant doesn't.

And that's the difference between Kobe Bryant and the great Tim Duncan.
I couldn't get to this last night, but let's talk.
TMac? TMac didn't have help? He didn't have anyone around him? Hmmm, did he, or did he not leave HIS OWN COUSIN Vince Carter when they were still both very young, and up and coming? Tracy did that, yes? And he did that, why? To sign with Grant Hill, and they hoped Tim Duncan, but Tim stayed put. Then Hill broke down, and Orlando nabbed Dwight Howard. What did Tracy do? He left again. To join Yao, and then Ron. And in the end, Tracy's body broke down. This is TRACY'S fault for leaving Vince in the first place, don't you think? And he left to join other stars, some bad breaks, and then he left the #1 pick to join another. Poor Tracy?

Pierce had Toine, which is, meh, and since 07 has had KG, Ray, Rondo, and whoever else goes thru Boston now. Paul ain't hurtin. His career is split right down the middle just fine. He and Toine went to the ECF too, and almost made the finals in 02.
Vince? His own cousin left him, he went and played with Kidd and the Nets, did nothin. Tried Phoenix, nothin. Joined Dwight in Orlando comin out of the Finals, and do I really need to inset my favorite gif here to show how that went? Now he's in Dallas after they won a title, and has done nothing. Vince has had talent around him always, he just has a vag where his balls should be.
Pretty sure you can take Lebron off this list now dude, his first 5 years, no doubt, he's makin up for it now.
Majority of their careers? You did your homework before you typed all this garbage, cuz I just broke it down in 8 minutes without even looking it all up. Let me guess, because they didn't get to play with Shaq, one player, they were never "stacked" but Kobe was, cuz he had Shaq, and as stated by you people now, Shaq = stacked.
You're awful. AWFUL.

Your arguments don't use any logic.

You simply try to maneuver your words in a way that will mislead people and hope they believe you. This is the problem with Lakers' fans. They all listen to "rumors" and run with them... without knowing anything about basketball.

You constantly say "T-Mac left his cousin" and vice-versa. What does that have to do with anything?

How did T-Mac have help? You justify that T-Mac had help because "he left to sign with Orlando because Grant Hill signed there and they were hoping Duncan would sign there." What the **** kind of logic is this? So because Orlando wanted to sign Duncan, that means that T-Mac had a championship team? We're gonna act like Grant Hill played alongside T-Mac for years? We're gonna act like Yao Ming was healthy with T-Mac in the playoffs those years? Just stop it.

"Vince Carter couldn't do anything with Jason Kidd." What kind of stupid statement is this? You're gonna compare Kidd past his prime to a prime Shaq? 
You're going to compare an older Kidd to Odom & Gasol in their prime + a young beast in Bynum?

Paul Pierce had a championship team since 2007-2008? Are we going to ignore that 2008 was the end of all 3 of those guys' prime? Are we going to ignore that the 2008-2009 team was NOT a championship caliber team with KG's injury? Pierce had a championship team in 2008, 2010, 2011 & 2012. 4 out of 14 years.

So once again, YES... these guys ABSOLUTELY DID NOT have anything close to a championship team for a majority of their careers.

Then you have the nerve to mislead people by saying LeBron had a wack team first his first 5 years... completely ignoring that it was 7 years.

The only reason that you believe the things you say is that because you're misleading clueless people that are Lakers fans.
I'm not arguing that we have had good players.
The point was made, Kobe has been on a STACKED team for 13 years, which is complete, utter ********. And I said so.
I never once, said Kobe has played with bums. I never once said we have had no talent with him. Never once.
I also never combined Shaq with Pau and LO. Or Rice with Artest and Eddie Jones, things that were being mixed up.
Then I was told that one man made a team stacked, which was hilarious, then I was told B Shaw and 36 year old Ho Grant made a team stacked, which was maybe by a family member of theirs, and I went from there.
This thread is 75 horrible pages which you have enjoyed along with the rest of your Kobe hating brothers. A thread about ANY other NBA player wouldn't make it this far, woulda been locked before page 5. I stayed out mostly for 65+ pages, then I saw Trust came in, and I came in to chop it up with him. Now I'm screwed and gonna have to hear about how Bynum played 500 straight games as the most dominant player ever, and Pau was a God before he became a Laker, and he alone made Kobe a winner again, all kinds of more crap coming soon. It's great.
Don't reply to my post if you're gonna act ******ed. I never said that Pau was the league's best big man. I never said that Pau played with Shaq. You just have a hard time reading English.

The only thing funny here is that you think it is "complete, utter BS" that Kobe Bryant had a stacked team for 13 years.

And you keep laughing about my comment stating that Shaq automatically makes a team "stacked." CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT THE **** IS SO FUNNY ABOUT THAT?

"Shaq has been traded to Miami. The power in the NBA has shifted to the East."

You don't know jack-**** about basketball. At all.
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