So.....MJ + Scottie, and 10 solid role guys = "Stacked"? :lol:
Blazers had Pip, Sheed, Damon, Detlef, Grant, Sabonis, Augmon and whoever else I forgot. 100 mil payroll, we had Shaq, Kobe and our role guys.
Kings, Webb, Bibby, Peja, Doug, Divac, Bobby, Hedo, Gerald Wallace, and we used all our role guys plus 2 elite stars, and we were the stacked team? :lol:
So, 2 elite players, plus role guys.....Utah Jazz? Stock/Malone, stacked?
You all tellin me that Ron Harper, Fish, Fox, Horry, George, Samaki was stackin the deck after 2 players? :rofl:
I'll give you 2000 with Rice, and 2010 with Artest. 3-4 guys, I can dig that, but suddenly you all elevatin former players to make a case on Kobe. Interesting.

Blazers were definitely a stacked team no doubt and the kings had a talented squad too but let's not sit here and front as if ANY of those guys were ANYWHERE near a Prime Shaq. EVERYONE on that blazer team was past their prime besides Sheed who NEVER turned into a "Franchise" player. Same with the Kings.

Fox had his BEST year the year before he became a Laker so stop fronting like he was just some scrub off the bench. Add on Ho Grant and B Shaw and you seriously trying to tell me you guys didn't have a stacked team?

Again, compare Kobe's teams to the player's he was being compared to and let me know what's good. You know damn well Kobe has had the better fortune his career so stop frontin.
Other than the Shaq factor I think the luxury of Phil gives you a better leg to stand on than Kobe's teammates - if trying to devalue his career.

I disagree. Phil was definitely a huge part no question but Kobe's ALWAYS had very talented teammates.

I pointed out before, he's the ONLY player in 3 different eras that has had a DIFFERENT BIG 4 dating back to the Van Exel, Eddie Jones era. Then these dudes want to act like Glen Rice wasn't a good player or D Fish and Horry aren't probably THE BEST role players in NBA history.

The fact that he's acting like Gasol, Odom and Bynum aren't "stacked" shows you how spoiled they are.

You have to be trolling.

So Fish is a star now? Injured Drew? Drew has had one single healthy year. ONE, last year!!!!! We had Glen Rice for 18 months!!!!! :rofl:

And Nick and Eddie......when Kobe was 18 on the bench. :lol:

Eddie was moved FOR Rice, and Nick was traded.

So again, you adjusting history now? D Fish, star player. Drew Bynum, 80 games per, all star? :lol:

We've been deep, always. Phil mastered his bench, same as Chicago. Or wait, Steve Kerr a star too? John Paxson, stacked the deck?
Phil put guys in positions to work.

LO do much before or after LA?
Ariza after he left?
Heard from Farmar?
Hell, even Bynum hasn't dressed yet since leavin.
D George?
Rice solid after he left us?

Sorta weird, don't ya think?
Show me said star in years 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08 that was healthy and viable. Don't say Drew, or any of that mess. Legit stars. Name them. Put their name next to star.

Well OBVIOUSLY you're thinking stars as in Kobe and Shaq as if Glen Rice, Fox, Caron, Lamar, Drew Bynum and Pau are just "role players' so I'ma let you just keep thinking that.

Why don't you compare his team with OTHER star players he was compared to at the time and let me know WHO had the "stacked" team bruh?
Rice for half the lockout year in 99 + 2000, granted. Gave you that team.

Fox, no, stop it.

Drew, which year? What year was he healthy for 75 games, tell me, what year?

Caron, one year, the year Kobe missed 20 something games. Divac hurt, Mihm hurt, chucky Atkins at point, yeah, stacked squad there.

Pau and Kobe were a great duo, LO a solid 3rd option.
You have to be trolling.
So Fish is a star now? Injured Drew? Drew has had one single healthy year. ONE, last year!!!!! We had Glen Rice for 18 months!!!!! :rofl:
And Nick and Eddie......when Kobe was 18 on the bench. :lol:
Eddie was moved FOR Rice, and Nick was traded.
So again, you adjusting history now? D Fish, star player. Drew Bynum, 80 games per, all star? :lol:
We've been deep, always. Phil mastered his bench, same as Chicago. Or wait, Steve Kerr a star too? John Paxson, stacked the deck?
Phil put guys in positions to work.
LO do much before or after LA?
Ariza after he left?
Heard from Farmar?
Hell, even Bynum hasn't dressed yet since leavin.
D George?
Rice solid after he left us?
Sorta weird, don't ya think?

LMAO at you being the typical kobe fan. Did i say Eddie, Nick and Rice played together?!?!?!? NO!!!! So the hell you talking about "adjusting history"

I said He's had a DEEP 4 in THREE DIFFERENT OCCASION!!! Learn to read! That's why nobody can stand kobe fans. Y'all pick and choose what y'all like to see.

So to break it down for you:

FIRIST FOUR: Eddie, Nick, Kobe, Shaq

Second FOUR: Karl Malone, GP, Kobe, Shaq

THIRD FOUR: Kobe, Nash, Dwight, PAU

And again, somebody already SONNED y'all by telling you that some of those guys you name weren't doing NOTHING when they were Lakers and aren't doing nothing now so stop fronting like they were "great" when they played with Kobe.
36 year old Ho Grant and Brian ******g Shaw........

So they weren't key players in your championship years and will be known as some of the best role players? :lol: OKAY! Again, the WHOLE POINT: SPOILED KOBE fans thinking that if they aren't "SUPERSTARS" they weren't nothing. Keep living in your "Poor kobe has been playing with Kwame Brown his whole career" mentality"
Rice for half the lockout year in 99 + 2000, granted. Gave you that team.
Fox, no, stop it.
Drew, which year? What year was he healthy for 75 games, tell me, what year?
Caron, one year, the year Kobe missed 20 something games. Divac hurt, Mihm hurt, chucky Atkins at point, yeah, stacked squad there.
Pau and Kobe were a great duo, LO a solid 3rd option.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA again... TYPICAL kobe fans bringing up the SAME MEASLY TWO YEARS of kobe having to FINALLY play with "sub par" talent. Welcome to the world of Paul Pierce, TMac, Lebron, AI, Vince, etc for the MAJORITY of THEIR careers...HILARIOUS!
Hmmmm.....So, Mo Williams, Shaq, and Jamison......the Cavs were STACKED around Bron then right?

Injured Drew can be Shaq
Fox can be Mo Will (although Fox never made an all star team)
Delonte and Jamison can be LO.......

Yes!!!! The Cavs were STACKED!!!

:lol: We are stacked good this year, we were very deep in 2010, decent in 09 (Drew still banged up) and Rice gave us 3 stars in 2000. 98 we had 4 all stars, 1 played 18 minutes a night off the bench, at 18.

That's it. Those are the loaded teams. But yeah, 13 years of being loaded, sure.
Hmmmm.....So, Mo Williams, Shaq, and Jamison......the Cavs were STACKED around Bron then right?
Injured Drew can be Shaq
Fox can be Mo Will (although Fox never made an all star team)
Delonte and Jamison can be LO.......
Yes!!!! The Cavs were STACKED!!!
:lol: We are stacked good this year, we were very deep in 2010, decent in 09 (Drew still banged up) and Rice gave us 3 stars in 2000. 98 we had 4 all stars, 1 played 18 minutes a night off the bench, at 18.
That's it. Those are the loaded teams. But yeah, 13 years of being loaded, sure.

OBVIOUSLY according to you Kobe fans that Cavs team WAS stacked.

Remember the good ole Jamison = Pau when you guys wanted to OVERRATE Lebron??? i KNOW YOU remember that? And LOOK what we have here, a few years later you have the "great" Antwan Jamison on YOUR team off the bench....AKA "STACKED":rofl:
Funny, because I remember the early 2000 championship teams being critiqued for being so top heavy with Shaq and Kobe (and Rice in 2000, but he was in decline).
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You have to be trolling.
So Fish is a star now? Injured Drew? Drew has had one single healthy year. ONE, last year!!!!! We had Glen Rice for 18 months!!!!! :rofl:
And Nick and Eddie......when Kobe was 18 on the bench. :lol:
Eddie was moved FOR Rice, and Nick was traded.
So again, you adjusting history now? D Fish, star player. Drew Bynum, 80 games per, all star? :lol:
We've been deep, always. Phil mastered his bench, same as Chicago. Or wait, Steve Kerr a star too? John Paxson, stacked the deck?
Phil put guys in positions to work.
LO do much before or after LA?
Ariza after he left?
Heard from Farmar?
Hell, even Bynum hasn't dressed yet since leavin.
D George?
Rice solid after he left us?
Sorta weird, don't ya think?

LMAO at you being the typical kobe fan. Did i say Eddie, Nick and Rice played together?!?!?!? NO!!!! So the hell you talking about "adjusting history"

I said He's had a DEEP 4 in THREE DIFFERENT OCCASION!!! Learn to read! That's why nobody can stand kobe fans. Y'all pick and choose what y'all like to see.

So to break it down for you:

FIRIST FOUR: Eddie, Nick, Kobe, Shaq

Second FOUR: Karl Malone, GP, Kobe, Shaq

THIRD FOUR: Kobe, Nash, Dwight, PAU

And again, somebody already SONNED y'all by telling you that some of those guys you name weren't doing NOTHING when they were Lakers and aren't doing nothing now so stop fronting like they were "great" when they played with Kobe.

Psssst, go look at those teams. Eddie, Nick, etc, 1 year, when he was 18.

Malone, GP, one year.

Nash, Dwight, year one.........

You said 13 years.........
Hmmmm.....So, Mo Williams, Shaq, and Jamison......the Cavs were STACKED around Bron then right?
Injured Drew can be Shaq
Fox can be Mo Will (although Fox never made an all star team)
Delonte and Jamison can be LO.......
Yes!!!! The Cavs were STACKED!!!
:lol: We are stacked good this year, we were very deep in 2010, decent in 09 (Drew still banged up) and Rice gave us 3 stars in 2000. 98 we had 4 all stars, 1 played 18 minutes a night off the bench, at 18.
That's it. Those are the loaded teams. But yeah, 13 years of being loaded, sure.

:rofl: JUST saw can that be when Jamison = PAU GASOL....Sorry you're going to have to find another player to overrate
Hmmmm.....So, Mo Williams, Shaq, and Jamison......the Cavs were STACKED around Bron then right?
Injured Drew can be Shaq
Fox can be Mo Will (although Fox never made an all star team)
Delonte and Jamison can be LO.......
Yes!!!! The Cavs were STACKED!!!
:lol: We are stacked good this year, we were very deep in 2010, decent in 09 (Drew still banged up) and Rice gave us 3 stars in 2000. 98 we had 4 all stars, 1 played 18 minutes a night off the bench, at 18.
That's it. Those are the loaded teams. But yeah, 13 years of being loaded, sure.

OBVIOUSLY according to you Kobe fans that Cavs team WAS stacked.

Remember the good ole Jamison = Pau when you guys wanted to OVERRATE Lebron??? i KNOW YOU remember that? And LOOK what we have here, a few years later you have the "great" Antwan Jamison on YOUR team off the bench....AKA "STACKED":rofl:

You ****** name Rick Fox, D Fish, Ho Grant and Brian God damn Shaw and I can't say Jamison?

Funny, because I remember the early 2000 championship teams being critiqued for being so top heavy with Shaq and Kobe (and Rice in 2000, but he was in decline).

Whaaaaaaaaaaa? No, can't be. You musta misremembered.
You ****** name Rick Fox, D Fish, Ho Grant and Brian God damn Shaw and I can't say Jamison?

No, I have NO problem with you saying Jamison. It's the fact that y'all wanna act like Jamison was EQUAL to Pau Gasol is what's EDDIE MURPHY COMEDY to me.

Now all of a sudden he's just another "smush parker" though huh? As if his game even changed any. since.:rolleyes
Btw Trust, I never, ever, ever said Jamison is Pau.

Nor have I said Kobe played with Kwame forever.

I'm far smarter than that and you know it. You wanna be a **** about things, fine but don't label me with morons, that ain't me. I'll debate all you want, but don't use other people's stupidity on me. I'm using your words, not lame trolls, don't do that to me.
Whaaaaaaaaaaa? No, can't be. You musta misremembered.

Must have cause he was dropping 18 a game in the playoffs in 99. OH but of course once Kobe started ball hogging his numbers surely dropped!:smh:

Rice was gone by 01. LA didn't bring him back because he was a shell of himself. Phil sat him A LOT in 2000, if you put that on Kob, I dunno what to tell you.
Btw Trust, I never, ever, ever said Jamison is Pau.
Nor have I said Kobe played with Kwame forever.
I'm far smarter than that and you know it. You wanna be a **** about things, fine but don't label me with morons, that ain't me. I'll debate all you want, but don't use other people's stupidity on me. I'm using your words, not lame trolls, don't do that to me.

You brought up the Cavs team and trying to overrate them just like the dude that said "jamison = Pau." The fact that you wanted to bring that Cavs team up and say they were stacked just reminded me of how dudes used to try and say that silly ish.

At the end of the day, my point was Kobe been had a fortunate career compared to the peers he played with. For the majority of his career, he's been handed good teams but when we bring that up, Kobe fans dwell on the VERY short time he had playing with a less than sub par team. That's all I'm saying.
Btw Trust, I never, ever, ever said Jamison is Pau.
Nor have I said Kobe played with Kwame forever.
I'm far smarter than that and you know it. You wanna be a **** about things, fine but don't label me with morons, that ain't me. I'll debate all you want, but don't use other people's stupidity on me. I'm using your words, not lame trolls, don't do that to me.

You brought up the Cavs team and trying to overrate them just like the dude that said "jamison = Pau." The fact that you wanted to bring that Cavs team up and say they were stacked just reminded me of how dudes used to try and say that silly ish.

At the end of the day, my point was Kobe been had a fortunate career compared to the peers he played with. For the majority of his career, he's been handed good teams but when we bring that up, Kobe fans dwell on the VERY short time he had playing with a less than sub par team. That's all I'm saying.

Fine and dandy. But you ain't seen me say that. I came in to counter your 13 years of stacked teams which I've proven was incorrect.

You threw role guys names in my face and I pointed out other teams as examples, such as the Bulls, Jazz, Sonics and then Cavs.

You say Fish, Fox, Shaw, Ho Grant, you damn straight I'm sayin Mo, West, Old Shaq and Jamison to counter so you can see how silly your logic sounds.

I love those Lakers, but they were role players. Period. Clutch, tough, fought like Warriors, but role guys. You tellin me we were stacked because of them is insulting. Not for Kobe, as a fan of basketball. Those players stack no one, they simply did the dirty work needed off Shaq and Kobe's brilliance.
Fine and dandy. But you ain't seen me say that. I came in to counter your 13 years of stacked teams which I've proven was incorrect.
You threw role guys names in my face and I pointed out other teams as examples, such as the Bulls, Jazz, Sonics and then Cavs.
You say Fish, Fox, Shaw, Ho Grant, you damn straight I'm sayin Mo, West, Old Shaq and Jamison to counter so you can see how silly your logic sounds.
I love those Lakers, but they were role players. Period. Clutch, tough, fought like Warriors, but role guys. You tellin me we were stacked because of them is insulting. Not for Kobe, as a fan of basketball. Those players stack no one, they simply did the dirty work needed off Shaq and Kobe's brilliance.

You want to say those teams weren't stacked but when you cpmpare it to other teams of THAT era, they were right up there. You're taking the NUMBER 13 way toooo literal. I said, "13 or so" basically implying for the MAJORITY of his career. I could care less what the ACTUAL number is but you ALL know damn well for the MAJORITY of Kobe's career, he's had DEEP teams. Let's just keep it 100 on that.
Top heavy =/= Stacked

I suppose you can reason with me the late 90s Lakers were stacked, but they had their flaws. The early 2000 championship teams were top heavy. The team got old and shallow in 2003 and it showed in the playoffs (insert DBD :frown:). 2004 was top heavy. 2005-2007, well you know. :lol: The 2008-2010 teams were stacked (I would label deep more than stacked, but that's semantics). 2011 was in-between and the last two seasons the team has been top heavy.

But this is all semantics.
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