
Let me know when you find another 36+ year old to play like him
Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller.

These guys easily had better seasons at age 36 compared to Kobe Bean Bryant, but it's hard to explain that to people who have tunnel vision that leads to only ONE statistic (points per game).

I'm sure there's more but I don't feel like looking up everyone's stats.
Using the "at the age of 36" argument is also stupid.  How many of Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen or Reggie Miller were in their 19th NBA season at age 36?  That's what I thought.

I understand that some people dont like Kobe, and thats fine.  But some of the arguments against him these last few pages have just been downright stupid.

Let me know when you find another 36+ year old to play like him


Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller.

These guys easily had better seasons at age 36 compared to Kobe Bean Bryant, but it's hard to explain that to people who have tunnel vision that leads to only ONE statistic (points per game).

I'm sure there's more but I don't feel like looking up everyone's stats.

At age 36 Reggie Miller's PER was 16.5
Ray Allen 14.8
Nash 20.8
Duncan 24.4

Allen & Miller worse seasons than Kobe is having. Unless you are only going by FG%.

Nash was in his 15th season, Duncan 16th.

Kobe's in his 19th. That's actually quite significant. 15 & 16 compared to 19. Then factor in career-threatening injuries of a ruptured achilles and broken kneecap on top

Context my friend.. Context
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Kobe Bryant sets the NBA record for MOST FIELD-GOAL MISSES

If Kobe & Jordan played the same amount of games... You do know Jordan would currently have 2,000 more misses than Kobe.

Having the most misses is actually a testament to being a #1 option for so long. You don't make that top 10 of most missed shots if you do not have lonjevity.

It's why guys who had long careers are at the top of the list. Wes Johnson is a horrible shooter, and he'll never make the top 400 of that list.
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Let me know when you find another 36+ year old to play like him


Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller.

These guys easily had better seasons at age 36 compared to Kobe Bean Bryant, but it's hard to explain that to people who have tunnel vision that leads to only ONE statistic (points per game).

I'm sure there's more but I don't feel like looking up everyone's stats.
At age 36 Reggie Miller's PER was 16.5
Ray Allen 14.8
Nash 20.8
Duncan 24.4

Allen & Miller worse seasons than Kobe is having. Unless you are only going by FG%.

Nash was in his 15th season, Duncan 16th.

Kobe's in his 19th. That's actually quite significant. 15 & 16 compared to 19. Then factor in career-threatening injuries of a ruptured achilles and broken kneecap on top

Context my friend.. Context
Thank you.  Explained it much better than I did.  I just simply called this line of arguing idiotic.  

Let me know when you find another 36+ year old to play like him


Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen, Reggie Miller.

These guys easily had better seasons at age 36 compared to Kobe Bean Bryant, but it's hard to explain that to people who have tunnel vision that leads to only ONE statistic (points per game).

I'm sure there's more but I don't feel like looking up everyone's stats.

Not referring to just PPG

The Lakers are trash and Kobe is playing like an idiot. Obviously im not being biased but ill wait til you show me a player in better shape than Kobe, still throw it down, run the floor, player 45 minutes, put up impossible shots and still put up 26+ppg at 36 years old.

Ill wait.

the Point is hes playing at a high level and like someone in their 20's. We cant bring up team play into this because both the team and Kobe are to blame. Im just referring to Kobe and his body not what the Lakers are doing.

but haters gon hate
Using the "at the age of 36" argument is also stupid.  How many of Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen or Reggie Miller were in their 19th NBA season at age 36?  That's what I thought.

I understand that some people dont like Kobe, and thats fine.  But some of the arguments against him these last few pages have just been downright stupid.
The stupidest arguments that are being made are by the people that are actually defending Kobe Bryant.

If you watch this guy play basketball and defend his antics, I don't know what to tell you.
Using the "at the age of 36" argument is also stupid.  How many of Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen or Reggie Miller were in their 19th NBA season at age 36?  That's what I thought.

I understand that some people dont like Kobe, and thats fine.  But some of the arguments against him these last few pages have just been downright stupid.

The stupidest arguments that are being made are by the people that are actually defending Kobe Bryant.

If you watch this guy play basketball and defend his antics, I don't know what to tell you.

But how is he doing on the court? If you watched basketball for the first time in your life and didnt know who Kobe was, what age would you guess he was?

But how is he doing on the court? If you watched basketball for the first time in your life and didnt know who Kobe was, what age would you guess he was?

I wouldn't give a **** about what age he is... I would say that this guy is terrible and should be benched... because that's the reality of the situation.
But how is he doing on the court? If you watched basketball for the first time in your life and didnt know who Kobe was, what age would you guess he was?


I wouldn't give a **** about what age he is... I would say that this guy is terrible and should be benched... because that's the reality of the situation.

ouch a Lebron or Jordan fan, huh?
Using the "at the age of 36" argument is also stupid.  How many of Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Ray Allen or Reggie Miller were in their 19th NBA season at age 36?  That's what I thought.

I understand that some people dont like Kobe, and thats fine.  But some of the arguments against him these last few pages have just been downright stupid.

The stupidest arguments that are being made are by the people that are actually defending Kobe Bryant.

If you watch this guy play basketball and defend his antics, I don't know what to tell you.

From 2002 - 03 to 2012-13.

Kobe was in the top 10 for Estimated Wins Added every single year.

I'm not even sure about 1999-00, 2000-01, 2001-02 (because ESPN does not have it listed) all 3 of which were over 10+ Win Shares, and 21-24.5 PER.

That's Longevity.

That same guy is in year 19, and he's 22nd in Estimated Wins Added this season. Off for all but 6 games in 18 months. Not minor injuries. Injuries that have ended careers.

Just like everyone needs help, Kobe's FG% is based on a few separate things. 1. Byron Scott's horrible offense that creates very little spacing 2. Kobe does not have the hops, speed that he once had, so he is forced to rely on tougher shots than previous year. It's an adjustment he still has to get used to. Someone doesn't play the same way for 18 years, and have to play entirely different without trouble 3. The 2nd option is Nick Young. There is nobody to take pressure off of Kobe. He must go all out, guns blazing for the Lakers to have a chance. Why? Because there isn't a guy who can efficiently create for himself.

By Kobe's standards, being 22nd in EWA is horrible. But it is still playing at a high level.
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Kobe is a great player but, its almost as if he lets his ego get in the way. Sometimes he just prefers to take terrible shots because he wants to prove to everyone what he is capable of. Yet he can get a good shot if he really wanted to, he just chooses to chuck away. Also people say he has terrible teammates which may or may not be true but, what is clear to me is that he does not trust them at all and that is a detriment to the team as a whole since nobody feels involved once the ball gets stuck in his hands. in the end he is a great player it just feels like he settles for bad shots because he allows his ego to get in the way.
I don't really care about his accomplishments because you can take any talented wing player and put him in the same situations that Kobe's been blessed with and you'd get the same results, if not better.
Do not understand why people wanna feed trolls. Let it be. Not just trolls, but legitimate POVs. Kobe with out a doubt has gotten the nod by many. That trumps everything. It is not an argument until KD, LBJ, shows up. This thread has gone tired. The same crap that shows up.

If you folks are not sure, Tweet Jordan amd Magic. If anything, those legends hold more water than anyone else.
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I don't really care about his accomplishments because you can take any talented wing player and put him in the same situations that Kobe's been blessed with and you'd get the same results, if not better.

Biggest crock of **** ever.

Right up there with Bron's imaginary rings.
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I don't really care about his accomplishments because you can take any talented wing player and put him in the same situations that Kobe's been blessed with and you'd get the same results, if not better.

LoL. Not even close. People here too young, NT was never like this back then. Nothing but kids these days, talking baloney. They ain‘t never watch the legendary draft class that propelled the NBA to where it is. You got kids writing fan fictions and 20/20 hind sight yahoo what if articles. lol

Kids are naive, and disrespectful, no wonder they ain‘t achieving anything.
I don't really care about his accomplishments because you can take any talented wing player and put him in the same situations that Kobe's been blessed with and you'd get the same results, if not better.

You don't care about his accomplishments because you don't like him.

Some hypothetical you want to be true =/= proof he's not great or proof his accomplishments didn't matter, :lol:
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