I don't like him? No, it's just the truth, :lol:

The Lakers team that 3 peated actually had a better winning % w/o Kobe than they did with him.

They went 181-65 during that 3 year stretch.

12-11 when Shaq missed games and 25-7 when Kobe missed games.

You mean to tell me that if you replace Kobe w/ Paul Pierce for those 3 seasons that wouldn't have went 3 for 3 in the Finals? Because I find that extremely hard to believe.

The Lakers have always been a better team when Kobe's shots are limited, but I'm just a kid talking bologna, :lol:

In that 2004 Finals that I mentioned earlier Shaq was avg about 27 a game on 63% from the field.

Please explain to me why Kobe was taking 6 more attempts than him per game while shooting about 38%.

I'm sure one of you has a logical explanation.

Kobe is a great player, but every time I think of his career I think of that scene from Breaking Bad, right before Walt shoots Mike:

We had a good thing, you stupid son of a *****! We had Fring. We had a lab. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth, cooked and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect. But, no, you just had to blow it up. You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.

Replace Fring and lab w/ Shaq and Phil and it's pretty spot on, IMO.
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I don't like him? No, it's just the truth, :lol:

The Lakers team that 3 peated actually had a better winning % w/o Kobe than they did with him.

They went 181-65 during that 3 year stretch.

12-11 when Shaq missed games and 25-7 when Kobe missed games.

You mean to tell me that if you replace Kobe w/ Paul Pierce for those 3 seasons that wouldn't have went 3 for 3 in the Finals?

Because I find that extremely hard to believe.


The record that matters for those three years is that they won THREE TITLES IN A ROW. And both Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant were healthy and playing for all three playoff runs. And they were both having huge games and making huge plays that were crucial to winning the title.

Kobe actually hit a game winner against Phoenix in 00. A huge play in their title run.

Kobe actually carried the team in OT when Shaq fouled out in the Finals against the Pacers. A huge stretch in their title run.

Kobe actually dropped 48 to help sweep the Kings in Arco in 01. A huge game in their title run.

Kobe actually had 36 points in that rout of the Spurs in 2002. A huge game in their title run.


A player like Paul Pierce is certainly capable of having those moments. Would he actually have had big enough games and moments all those times Kobe actually did, helping the Lakers win those titles?

WHO KNOWS? Maybe? That ain't really proof Kobe's just some "talented" guy whose job any other "talented guy" could do and accomplishments any other "talented guy" could get.

Believe it if you want, but don't try to pass it off as the truth. Comma :lol: emoticon.
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If Kobe & Jordan played the same amount of games... You do know Jordan would currently have 2,000 more misses than Kobe.

Having the most misses is actually a testament to being a #1 option for so long. You don't make that top 10 of most missed shots if you do not have lonjevity.

It's why guys who had long careers are at the top of the list. Wes Johnson is a horrible shooter, and he'll never make the top 400 of that list.
well ya but jordan would probably scored a lot more points too based on career fg%
I don't like him? No, it's just the truth, :lol:

The Lakers team that 3 peated actually had a better winning % w/o Kobe than they did with him.

They went 181-65 during that 3 year stretch.

12-11 when Shaq missed games and 25-7 when Kobe missed games.

You mean to tell me that if you replace Kobe w/ Paul Pierce for those 3 seasons that wouldn't have went 3 for 3 in the Finals?

Because I find that extremely hard to believe.


The record that matters for those three years is that they won THREE TITLES IN A ROW. And both Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant were healthy and playing for all three playoff runs. And they were both having huge games and making huge plays that were crucial to winning the title.

Kobe actually hit a game winner against Phoenix in 00. A huge play in their title run.

Kobe actually carried the team in OT when Shaq fouled out in the Finals against the Pacers. A huge stretch in their title run.

Kobe actually dropped 48 to help sweep the Kings in Arco in 01. A huge game in their title run.

Kobe actually had 36 points in that rout of the Spurs in 2002. A huge game in their title run.


A player like Paul Pierce is certainly capable of having those moments. Would he actually have had big enough games and moments all those times Kobe actually did, helping the Lakers win those titles?

WHO KNOWS? Maybe? That ain't really proof Kobe's just some "talented" guy whose job any other "talented guy" could do and accomplishments any other "talented guy" could get.

Believe it if you want, but don't try to pass it off as the truth. Comma :lol: emoticon.

You act like I'm sitting here calling dude a scrub, :lol:

He's just overrated by some people, that's all.

I think a lot of players are overrated, tho, not just Kobe.

I don't think the avg fan understands how much luck factors into a players so called legacy.

It's really all a bunch of crap when you think about it.

Not everyone has the luxury of going to an A1 organization like Magic and Kobe, etc, and not everyone has the luxury of being coached by an all time great for the entirety of their career like a Duncan.

Tony Parker has 4 rings and a Finals MVP, he's had a better career than most PG 's who've played the game.

Is he a better player than a Kidd, Stockton or Payton? Of course not.

I'm pretty sure everyone has Kobe in their top 20, which is fine, he belongs there.

But when people say things like top 3 undisputed, that's when things get a little out of hand.
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Kobe Bryant is overrated.. COPYCAT-WANNABE MJ..

Worst fields goals missed..  MEANS A LOT..



^you get all that hate out of your system now buddy

Not sure if High blood pressure or michael jordans son?

A player cant be overrated if he has just as much detractors as fans
Do not understand why people wanna feed trolls. Let it be. Not just trolls, but legitimate POVs. Kobe with out a doubt has gotten the nod by many. That trumps everything. It is not an argument until KD, LBJ, shows up. This thread has gone tired. The same crap that shows up.

If you folks are not sure, Tweet Jordan amd Magic. If anything, those legends hold more water than anyone else.
i wish i could neg you

dumbest post in this thread

easily.... you can just plug in anyone and get results..............

dude just hates kobe ...

I cant be objective when talking about LeBron for instance.
I'd rather watch Kobe go out gunning than try to play the game by overthinking it. At his age, he's still the best player on the Lakers.

He knows his days are numbered, so he's going out swinging. Might be a disgrace to some, but I've only known Kobe to play like Kobe. It's just silly to think his style will change at this point, but I admit he's turning the volume up a few notches which is somewhat suprising...:lol:
You don't know anything about basketball if you don't think Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, Iverson, etc. would have won at least 3 or more if they had Shaq and Phil for nearly a decade.

What is it about Kobe Stans that prevent them from seeing how dominant Shaq was in his prime?
Shaq was dominant but Kobe was doing huge things too. They didn't win solely on the power of either one, but both.

You don't know anything about basketball if you don't think Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, Iverson, etc. would have won at least 3 or more if they had Shaq and Phil for nearly a decade.

I know that it's pretty dumb to just generalize all these great players as "talented wing scorers" or whatever, like they're interchangeable. They all did different things.

00s Kobe was great at a lot of things Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, and Iverson weren't as great at. And those things helped the Lakers win huge games.

Would they still have won with Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, and Iverson doing the things that each of them were great at? Again, who knows? But it would have been different.
You don't know anything about basketball if you don't think Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, Iverson, etc. would have won at least 3 or more if they had Shaq and Phil for nearly a decade.

What is it about Kobe Stans that prevent them from seeing how dominant Shaq was in his prime?
This right here is in the top 5 dumbest posts I have read on Niketalk in 2014.  Maybe even top 3.  Just wow.  SMFH.
This right here is in the top 5 dumbest posts I have read on Niketalk in 2014.  Maybe even top 3.  Just wow.  SMFH.


Cmon, man...I know the hate is strong...but least say Tmac in his me..he's the only one u can really compare and still kobe still takes the throne.
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You don't know anything about basketball if you don't think Ray Allen, Sprewell, Vince, Iverson, etc. would have won at least 3 or more if they had Shaq and Phil for nearly a decade.

What is it about Kobe Stans that prevent them from seeing how dominant Shaq was in his prime?
This right here is in the top 5 dumbest posts I have read on Niketalk in 2014.  Maybe even top 3.  Just wow.  SMFH.

Seriously special post right there. :lol:

Could be in play for #1.
Shaq plus another wing star would have success. I wouldn't promise a 3peat or more rings. There's possibility of titles, finals, wcf appearance. Thats not a reach. Kobe stans act like they would be a first round team at best smh.

That post is epically bad

It's like saying you could swap out Carmelo for Lebron on the Heat or that you could swap out JR Smith for Wade during Heat run

It's just straight intellectually lazy

It hard to rationalize this G2HPV guy

100 posts and 90 posts hating on Kobe Bryant
Shaq plus another wing star would have success. I wouldn't promise a 3peat or more rings. There's possibility of titles, finals, wcf appearance. Thats not a reach.

Right. It's a hypothetical.

Kobe stans act like they would be a first round team at best smh.

1.) Didn't see anyone acting like that. Shaq was dominant, obviously any talented player has a good chance of success with him.

2.) It's just outrageously stupid to take it a step further, and like it's guaranteed any other talented player would definitely have the same success in Kobe's place, and therefore Kobe ain't really special.

That's jumping through hoops to talk down Kobe. I don't think that makes anyone a "Kobe stan" to point out.

By the way Kobe did win two other titles without Shaq, so...
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Granted. Those finals vs indy/phi/nj were somewhat anti climactic. But...we're talking ELITE. Elite players Makin elite plays vs elite tms in critical those tough western tms during that 2000-10 era...and we're talking about sprewell..A good, not elite player, being swapped for a prime kobe Bryant and not only getting 3...but more.

Think about that and let it materialize in your head for a sec..

Vs port gm 7.....*Bob costas* shaq!!
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Kobe did win 2 other titles without shaq. But he did have a great big man player in Pau so... shaq did win 1 with wade so.....

Lol kobe stans gotta throw in that extra to make him look GREAT
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Shaq plus another wing star would have success. I wouldn't promise a 3peat or more rings. There's possibility of titles, finals, wcf appearance. Thats not a reach. Kobe stans act like they would be a first round team at best smh.

Shaq couldn't w/ ANFRAIL SOFTWAY though.  Wade earned his stripes though.
What exactly are the "stans" throwing in? Saying he wasn't just some dude who could be swapped out?

He won titles with Shaq, he won them with Pau. Those are great accomplishments, period. Nothing extra really needs to be thrown in on that front. They're NBA titles.
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