Nick Young came back, and for the first time he played with Jeremy Lin, Carlos Boozer, Ed Davis, Ronnie Price.

First time he ever played with those players, Tuesday night.

Last year he played 6 games with Kobe.

The only players he has ever played with was Wes, Jordan Hill, and Robert Sacre. Sacre played 7 minutes last night.

But yes, those players played with unity, because a guy they've never played basketball with joined them, and made it fun. :lol: :lol: :lol:

nick young playing 56 minutes of basketball without an assist 
Do you people listen to yourselves?
As if you are the only person who can convey a coherent thought, due to your pro Kobe stance?

Let me ask you this, so that I am not mistaken. You think Kobe is top five all time, correct?

We can agree that lists like this are subjective, but for arguments sake, If any list consists of Oscar, Jordan, Wilt, Russ, and I am going to place Kareem in there, who does Kobe beat out, and then why?
^Are you seriously using the fact that Kobe couldnt stop a 3 on 1 fast break as evidence that Kobe is overrated?  LOL
What it proves is that fundamentally, he does not know how defend a three on one break. There is a technique to it that is drilled into your head from grade school, if you were taught properly.

If he knows how to do it, then it proves that he is simply lazy, not wanting to defend right there, which is even worse than not knowing how to do it at all.

If you are one of the best, you do not do take a play like that off.  
Yeah I'm done.
Do you people listen to yourselves? :lol:
As if you are the only person who can convey a coherent thought, due to your pro Kobe stance?

Let me ask you this, so that I am not mistaken. You think Kobe is top five all time, correct?

We can agree that lists like this are subjective, but for arguments sake, If any list consists of Oscar, Jordan, Wilt, Russ, and I am going to place Kareem in there, who does Kobe beat out, and then why?

You think Kobe is top five all time, correct?

No, I do not.

Next question.
K, so we have established he is not top 5.

OP has him at 12.

Where do you place him, all time?
It all depends how he ends up at the end of his career. Right now I say that he is the second best of his class, with Duncan being number 1.

Also, allow me to say this, I do not say that Jordan was the GOAT either. I feel that he was the best of HIS time. I do not feel that it is honest to dismiss the achievements of those who played when they played. I mean, if it weren't for Dr. J and David Thompson, Jordan would not have had the template to achieve from. 
See, that's fair enough, that's how you view things.

Me? I can't judge his first 17 years, off his final 2 when the Lakers are stealthily tanking to protect their lottery pick. I can rip/blame him about his contract, and have done so, but he also did take almost 10 million less this year, and the Lakers (wisely) didn't spend on second-third tier players to be "better" and finish as the 8-9-10 seed. They offered to the elites, they declined, so they kept their money. Which is how it should be done. Adding 1-2 extra mid level players doesn't do anything for them long term except keep them in mediocrity. A place we don't belong.

So I am angry about his deal as a whole, but the Lakers org played it right once Melo and Bron said no. They set up a tank, to keep their top 5 pick, and rebuild with that piece + Randle.

That doesn't take away from the fact that Kobe went to the Finals 7 times in 11 years, or that Kobe's team beat Duncan's team 4 out of 5 times from 2000-08 in the playoffs.

Sure, Duncan won last year, and did so with the same coach, and the same 2 other HOFers around him for over a decade, but Duncan has also stopped being a full time player back in like 2009-10 when Pop started giving him games off, playing him 29 minutes a night, etc. Kobe was going 44-47 minutes a night all the way up til the game he blew his achilles. And even now, in year 19, he played 40 minutes last night, in the second of a back to back, in November.

Duncan has already sat out 1 game (11 games into the season) and had a 25 and 16 minute night. Duncan's "high" the last few years is 33.6 in 2008-09.

Kobe this year is at 35.4
6 game year last year
36.1 2008-09


And that doesn't even count the games that Duncan has sat out, just because.

So to me, add all that up, beating Duncan 4 times in 5 playoffs, 7 finals in 11 years, and playing a ridiculous amount of games/minutes, every night, for 18 seasons, while the other guy plays half the game, rests multiple games a year, and because he has a great coach and strong team around him, gets to shine again 7 years after his last Finals, I don't put much stock in that compared to when both were in their primes workin. That's just the way I view it tho. Both are HOFers, both are Top 10, I just have one in front of the other, but I don't have a problem with those who have it the other way.
See, that's fair enough, that's how you view things.

Me? I can't judge his first 17 years, off his final 2 when the Lakers are stealthily tanking to protect their lottery pick. I can rip/blame him about his contract, and have done so, but he also did take almost 10 million less this year, and the Lakers (wisely) didn't spend on second-third tier players to be "better" and finish as the 8-9-10 seed. They offered to the elites, they declined, so they kept their money. Which is how it should be done. Adding 1-2 extra mid level players doesn't do anything for them long term except keep them in mediocrity. A place we don't belong.

So I am angry about his deal as a whole, but the Lakers org played it right once Melo and Bron said no. They set up a tank, to keep their top 5 pick, and rebuild with that piece + Randle.

That doesn't take away from the fact that Kobe went to the Finals 7 times in 11 years, or that Kobe's team beat Duncan's team 4 out of 5 times from 2000-08 in the playoffs.

Sure, Duncan won last year, and did so with the same coach, and the same 2 other HOFers around him for over a decade, but Duncan has also stopped being a full time player back in like 2009-10 when Pop started giving him games off, playing him 29 minutes a night, etc. Kobe was going 44-47 minutes a night all the way up til the game he blew his achilles. And even now, in year 19, he played 40 minutes last night, in the second of a back to back, in November.

Duncan has already sat out 1 game (11 games into the season) and had a 25 and 16 minute night. Duncan's "high" the last few years is 33.6 in 2008-09.

Kobe this year is at 35.4
6 game year last year
36.1 2008-09


And that doesn't even count the games that Duncan has sat out, just because.

So to me, add all that up, beating Duncan 4 times in 5 playoffs, 7 finals in 11 years, and playing a ridiculous amount of games/minutes, every night, for 18 seasons, while the other guy plays half the game, rests multiple games a year, and because he has a great coach and strong team around him, gets to shine again 7 years after his last Finals, I don't put much stock in that compared to when both were in their primes workin. That's just the way I view it tho. Both are HOFers, both are Top 10, I just have one in front of the other, but I don't have a problem with those who have it the other way.
That's fine.

Tim Duncan has been consistent, and he didn't wear on people, unlike Bryant. After being around that energy, people had to leave, even the coaches.

That said, if I am going to start a team from players of each generation, I would not start any team with Kobe Bryant.

Would I start a team with Oscar?







Hell yes.


You know it.


Damned straight.

Kobe Bryant?

I think you can see why that may be impossible. 
See, that's fair enough, that's how you view things.

Me? I can't judge his first 17 years, off his final 2 when the Lakers are stealthily tanking to protect their lottery pick. I can rip/blame him about his contract, and have done so, but he also did take almost 10 million less this year, and the Lakers (wisely) didn't spend on second-third tier players to be "better" and finish as the 8-9-10 seed. They offered to the elites, they declined, so they kept their money. Which is how it should be done. Adding 1-2 extra mid level players doesn't do anything for them long term except keep them in mediocrity. A place we don't belong.

So I am angry about his deal as a whole, but the Lakers org played it right once Melo and Bron said no. They set up a tank, to keep their top 5 pick, and rebuild with that piece + Randle.

That doesn't take away from the fact that Kobe went to the Finals 7 times in 11 years, or that Kobe's team beat Duncan's team 4 out of 5 times from 2000-08 in the playoffs.

Sure, Duncan won last year, and did so with the same coach, and the same 2 other HOFers around him for over a decade, but Duncan has also stopped being a full time player back in like 2009-10 when Pop started giving him games off, playing him 29 minutes a night, etc. Kobe was going 44-47 minutes a night all the way up til the game he blew his achilles. And even now, in year 19, he played 40 minutes last night, in the second of a back to back, in November.

Duncan has already sat out 1 game (11 games into the season) and had a 25 and 16 minute night. Duncan's "high" the last few years is 33.6 in 2008-09.

Kobe this year is at 35.4
6 game year last year
36.1 2008-09


And that doesn't even count the games that Duncan has sat out, just because.

So to me, add all that up, beating Duncan 4 times in 5 playoffs, 7 finals in 11 years, and playing a ridiculous amount of games/minutes, every night, for 18 seasons, while the other guy plays half the game, rests multiple games a year, and because he has a great coach and strong team around him, gets to shine again 7 years after his last Finals, I don't put much stock in that compared to when both were in their primes workin. That's just the way I view it tho. Both are HOFers, both are Top 10, I just have one in front of the other, but I don't have a problem with those who have it the other way.
So you're crediting Bryant for playing more minutes than Duncan because Duncan is willing to buy into a TEAM system and therefore he plays less minutes because his team typically ends games in 3 quarters... whereas Bryant does not by into a team system and cares about nothing more than his point total which has resulted in there being many games where Bryant continues to play big minutes all because the Lakers are playing a close game in the 4th rather than resting their starters, a result of Bryant constantly taking terrible shots and setting back the offense?

SMH at your logic.
you can do this with literally any top tier player

i type "lebron better" first suggestion: "lebron better than jordan stats"

i typed "iverson better" and found an article comparing allen iverson to lebron james

heres an article i found on google talking about if wiggins will be better than lebron or mj

i type "grant hill better" and the first suggestion is "grant hill better than mj"

so by your criteria every nba player ever is overrated 


View media item 1269950

Do you people listen to yourselves? :lol:

The particular one you quoted , NO.

Stuff Im reading in here can only be compared to Lebron Hate these days.

Why dont you both fams make a group together ?

You can throw darts on their posters and s&^t .

The particular one you quoted , NO.

Stuff Im reading in here can only be compared to Lebron Hate these days.

Why dont you both fams make a group together ?

You can throw darts on their posters and s&^t .

Have you compiled those numbers yet?

I see you didn't respond to that.
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