Our OP was gracious enough to open an Elgin Baylor thread a lil bit ago.

I wonder........

Will anyone bring up Baylor's .431 shooting percentage, or the fact that he AVERAGED 23.8 shots per game, for his 14 year career?

Or that at age 27, he averaged 33.1 shots per game, making 14.2, for a total of .428%.

Or that he won rookie of the year, shooting .408 on 8.6/21.2 per game.

Or that he had 2 seasons (out of 14) in which he shot at least 45%

Wonder if our boys on NT will fight as hard to knock those shooting percentages like they do for other players. :nerd:


Is Elgin's name even mentioned in here as being better than Kobe?

And he played in a totally different era. No blood, no foul.

Y'all dudes are comedy :lol:

Let's see how your boy handles himself tonight in a winnable game against Atlanta.
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You do realize no one is trying to win vs Atlanta, from a Lakers perspective, yes? Kind of goes against the idea of tanking. :lol: :nerd:

( certainly the players don't want to lose on purpose, but there are no "winnable" games for us this season.)
Our OP was gracious enough to open an Elgin Baylor thread a lil bit ago.

I wonder........

Will anyone bring up Baylor's .431 shooting percentage, or the fact that he AVERAGED 23.8 shots per game, for his 14 year career?

Or that at age 27, he averaged 33.1 shots per game, making 14.2, for a total of .428%.

Or that he won rookie of the year, shooting .408 on 8.6/21.2 per game.

Or that he had 2 seasons (out of 14) in which he shot at least 45%

Wonder if our boys on NT will fight as hard to knock those shooting percentages like they do for other players. :nerd:


Is Elgin's name even mentioned in here as being better than Kobe?

Was the point of that post even suggesting one was better than the other?

Comedy :lol:
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You do realize no one is trying to win vs Atlanta, from a Lakers perspective, yes? Kind of goes against the idea of tanking. :lol: :nerd:

( certainly the players don't want to lose on purpose, but there are no "winnable" games for us this season.)


CP pls.
Our OP was gracious enough to open an Elgin Baylor thread a lil bit ago.

I wonder........

Will anyone bring up Baylor's .431 shooting percentage, or the fact that he AVERAGED 23.8 shots per game, for his 14 year career?

Or that at age 27, he averaged 33.1 shots per game, making 14.2, for a total of .428%.

Or that he won rookie of the year, shooting .408 on 8.6/21.2 per game.

Or that he had 2 seasons (out of 14) in which he shot at least 45%

Wonder if our boys on NT will fight as hard to knock those shooting percentages like they do for other players. :nerd:


Is Elgin's name even mentioned in here as being better than Kobe?

Was the point of that post even suggesting one was better than the other?

Comedy :lol:

No one is holding Elgin to the same standard as Kobe.

He's not even mentioned in the 100+ pages of this thread, why drag him in here?

You can randomly pick any player in history and point out their shooting percentage if that's the case.

Has nothing to do with nothing.

Y'all cats are desperate. :rofl:
He's universally regarded as a top 20 to 25 player ever though right? So what's 8 or 9 spots on the totem poll right?
Stop making up reasons why "us cats" are posting about stuff, then laughing at your reasons you made up as being desperate.

The point was that Elgin shot similar percentages on similar amounts of attempts. That seems like a fair similarity to point out for two great players.

If you wanna say Elgin was in a different era with different rules and that makes it completely different, fine. Maybe that's valid. You can just leave it at that without acting like you're the only one who knows what you're talking about.
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Look at the Lakers fans :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No one's talking about Elgin.

Even if we were and he was placed around 15, his low FG% and lack of rings could be a justification for that ranking.

But no one is talking about Elgin or said that he was better than Kobe.
Exactly the point.

No one is talking about him being better or worse.

We ARE talking about, you guys love to mention Kobe's shooting numbers/percentages, will you do the same for Baylor? (or any other player of the ilk?)

THAT is the point.

You mentioned Iverson vs Kobe, Melo, TMac, etc all damn day long, Elgin doesn't fit the profile? He isn't within a few slots of Kobe, give or take?

Kobe's shooting percentages held against him,

But don't we dare bring up Elgin's? :lol: :lol: :lol:

What's the problem with bringing up a player that shares a similarity with Kobe?

Bringing up his name doesn't mean anyone is trying to say that Kobe is better. THEY SHARE A SIMILARITY.
Stop making up reasons why "us cats" are posting about stuff, then laughing at your reasons you made up as being desperate.

The point was that Elgin shot similar percentages on similar amounts of attempts. That seems like a fair similarity to point out for two great players.

If you wanna say Elgin was in a different era with different rules and that makes it completely different, fine. Maybe that's valid. You can just leave it at that without acting like you're the only one who knows what you're talking about.

But I don't have him ranked higher than Kobe. No one in here does.

So what is the point?

Yes he shot a worse percentage than Kobe and no, no one is rating him higher than Kobe.


It's like picking out Kevin McHale's FT% and saying well it's lower than Kobe's and he's a top 25 player, so....

Only no one is talking about Kevin McHale or claiming that he's better than why the comparison?

For the last time....yes, Elgin shot a worse percentage than Kobe and it's one of the reasons that I don't rank him higher than Mr. Bryant.

Makes no sense to randmly bring up his name and stats unless someone actually compares the 2.
Why don't y'all try bringing up the players in here that are actually mentioned as being better than Kobe and compare their outputs?

Wouldn't that make more sense?

It's like people are comparing and discussing the Lamborghini and Ferrari lineups and you come out of nowhere trying to prove that BMW's are slower?

No one is claiming otherwise or ever talking about BMWs/Elgin Baylor.

Stick to the script.
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Ahhh, ok, I follow now.

You respect Phil?

Because Phil allowed those "ill advised" shots.

Phil even mentioned how difficult it is in the NBA to get a shot off.

Phil also called plays for a lot of those shots.

You find that interesting, your views on "good" shots, vs Phil Jackson's?
I don't believe for 2 seconds Phil called for a triple team corner 3.

Or anything even remotely similar.

I think one would have to be incredibly naive to think that anything similar to this took place:

"Alright, Kwame, inbound to Smush, Smush dribbles in to the FT line extended, Cook should be set up next to Kobe, and once the ball swings to Kobe, this should have attracted every Maverick over to Kobe's side, which is exactly what we want. From there, Kobe, you shoot, and Kwame, Smush, you crash. IF HE MISSES... which he won't... you give it right back to him, and this time, he'll fadeaway. Bucket."

Well, surely he hopes there aren't 3 defenders on him when he calls the shot, but again, he can't dictate what the defense will or won't do.

He calls for Kobe to be __ here, and shoot. The defense, set by the other coach, decides whether they want to send 1-2-3 or 4 guys at Kobe.

I'll ask another way.

Would YOU prefer Kobe to shoot a 3 from 25 feet out, over 2 defenders, but with space, squared up, not anything twisting or anything, just a straight up shot over 2 guys, 25 feet

Or pass it to Kwame who is 6 feet away?

Who would YOU prefer to shoot in that situation?
"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"
Why don't y'all try bringing up the players in here that are actually mentioned as being better than Kobe and compare their outputs?

Wouldn't that make more sense?

Stick to the script.


Aren't you the guy that was bringin up Iverson, Melo, Wade and Dirk earlier??????
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Look at this guy.

Bringing the ball up court and just jacking up shots without even 1 pass.

Wow. :lol:
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Dude is going 1 on 5 the whole 4th quarter.

Never seen anyone do that ever.

How do you bring up the ball and look to score as soon as you cross the half marker, not even pretending to pass?


Win lose or draw, that's bad basketball.
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Dude is going 1 on 5 the whole 4th quarter.

Never seen anyone do that ever.

How do you bring up the ball and look to score as soon as you cross the half marker, not even pretending to pass?


Win lose or draw, that's bad basketball.
because it works?
Dude is going 1 on 5 the whole 4th quarter.

Never seen anyone do that ever.

How do you bring up the ball and look to score as soon as you cross the half marker, not even pretending to pass?


Win lose or draw, that's bad basketball.
because it works?
Does it?

Y'all were up by 10 before he came in the game jacking up bad shots.
what happened every time a non kobe player tried to make a play?

these people are garbage, other than nick young i would rather kobe shoot over 5 people than pass to one of these scrubs 
Dude is going 1 on 5 the whole 4th quarter.

Never seen anyone do that ever.

How do you bring up the ball and look to score as soon as you cross the half marker, not even pretending to pass?


Win lose or draw, that's bad basketball.
because it works?

Does it?

Y'all were up by 10 before he came in the game jacking up bad shots.
what happened every time a non kobe player tried to make a play?

these people are garbage, other than nick young i would rather kobe shoot over 5 people than pass to one of these scrubs 


The team is bad but they're not that bad. Lin, Boozer, Hill and now Swaggy P are all serviceable.

Kobe just has to build up their confidence, cohesion and chemistry.
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