Kobe's ethic + vince carter's talent would make a better player than mj?

Sorry but what talent is outstanding of vince carter? Neither offense, defense, clutch, leadership vince can offer close to mj. The only thing vince was better is to slam the rim in the game in his prime.
but the skill to do awesome dunks does not make a player better.
I prefer magic, bird, pippen over vince any day because they played better basketball overall.

Kobe is one of the greatest and probably the 2nd greatest shooting guard after mj despite his fg% is only average to speak of.
he takes too many fency and difficult shots, trying to hard to copy mjs off balance shorts.
maybe mj really destroyed the game like he mentioned in one jb commercial because many kids tried so hard to do all his fency moves despite not mastering the basics first.
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Dude is going 1 on 5 the whole 4th quarter.

Never seen anyone do that ever.

How do you bring up the ball and look to score as soon as you cross the half marker, not even pretending to pass?


Win lose or draw, that's bad basketball.

If you watched, They ran quite a few iso sets. Second he crossed half court, 4 guys moved to one side. 1 guy on the other.

That's not a Kobe thing. That's a coach thing. Was also the same thing Phil did many times.

Certainly not as often as Byron likes to do it. But Phil would occasionally fall on iso moments for periods of time for Kobe.

Y'all were up by 10 before he came in the game jacking up bad shots.

Again if you watched.

6:07 Kobe Bryant enters the game for Wesley Johnson 97-92
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Kobe is not overrated.
Is that why Swag came back and lifted the teams moral, because Kobe isn't overrated?

One player came back, became the breath of fresh air that everyone in that locker room needed, and now playing ball is fun again for the Lakers.

That player was not Kobe Bryant. 

While Bryant will be an important part of this teams success, team chemistry, unity, will make the Lakers a good team this year. With Bryant as the main motivator, the only focus, this wasn't happening. This is yet another reason why he is overrated, he sucks the life out of the person who has the passion to play, it becomes a chore, a drag. 

He is a horrible team leader, and the recent events, especially over the last two games, prove it.
Is that why Swag came back and lifted the teams moral, because Kobe isn't overrated?

One player came back, became the breath of fresh air that everyone in that locker room needed, and now playing ball is fun again for the Lakers.

That player was not Kobe Bryant. 

While Bryant will be an important part of this teams success, team chemistry, unity, will make the Lakers a good team this year. With Bryant as the main motivator, the only focus, this wasn't happening. This is yet another reason why he is overrated, he sucks the life out of the person who has the passion to play, it becomes a chore, a drag. 

He is a horrible team leader, and the recent events, especially over the last two games, prove it.

some would call that a Cancer to a team

Kobe fans get mad at that though

how can a true fan of that team support that clown?

5 championships?
personal accolaids?

give me team chemistry any day instead of whoring myself out as a fan

He is a horrible team leader, and the recent events, especially over the last two games, prove it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

some would call that a Cancer to a team

Kobe fans get mad at that though

how can a true fan of that team support that clown?

5 championships?
personal accolaids?

give me team chemistry any day instead of whoring myself out as a fan


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Dude even came in the Kobe ix thread hating on kobe, can't even take u serious at this point.
Phuzzy bad feet is coach hubie the infamous guy who hates nike and kobe yet returns from being banned for the millionth time :lol:

I rather him hate kobe in here than spread that garbage in other threads

He has a right to his opinion so long as he dont go overboard but he always does and end up getting banned :lol:
some would call that a Cancer to a team

Kobe fans get mad at that though

how can a true fan of that team support that clown?

5 championships?
personal accolaids?

give me team chemistry any day instead of whoring myself out as a fan

Why don't you twitter MJ or something, or look for direct quotes and praises of Kobe by veterans, peers, legends, etc.

called it

people actually thinking nick young is the missing link 
No matter what people state in order to deflect, there are several things at play which support the notion that Kobe Bryant is indeed overrated, in regard to who he actually is as a player. His off court travails are not going to be brought up by me here, as I am a huge fan of what OJ Simpson did on the gridiron, and his screw ups off the field should not dim his on field accomplishments.

That said, where Kobe isn't overrated, is in the record that he now owns. He misses more shots than anyone else.

He is a career 45% shooter at that. If he had at least made 48% of those shots taken, he would have passed Jordan two years ago, and then perhaps would be knocking on Kareem's door pretty soon, if he stayed and stays healthy.

Check out this defense

Yeah, that's Mr. Top Ten right there, not knowing how to defend against a fast break. 
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^Are you seriously using the fact that Kobe couldnt stop a 3 on 1 fast break as evidence that Kobe is overrated?  LOL
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called it

people actually thinking nick young is the missing link 
I'm not saying that.

I'm saying what I quoted.

It ain't Kobe, and never has been. 

And I'm glad there's a thread where I can say that and not be trolling or feel alone.

We see it. I don't care if it's a small group that sees past the facade that Kobe is the reason for our success over the past 17 years, it's a group I'm proud to be a part of.
^Are you seriously using the fact that Kobe couldnt stop a 3 on 1 fast break as evidence that Kobe is overrated?  LOL
What it proves is that fundamentally, he does not know how defend a three on one break. There is a technique to it that is drilled into your head from grade school, if you were taught properly.

If he knows how to do it, then it proves that he is simply lazy, not wanting to defend right there, which is even worse than not knowing how to do it at all.

If you are one of the best, you do not do take a play like that off.  
Kobe is not overrated.
One player came back, became the breath of fresh air that everyone in that locker room needed, and now playing ball is fun again for the Lakers.

That player was not Kobe Bryant.

Yes, it was fun, that the Lakers were down 10, to the Rockets, without their starting Center, or their starting Power Forward, and in the final seconds, came back to win, because of Wesley Johnson.

But yes, the "fun" came from Nick Young being on the court, that's why they were still losing for 47 minutes, with the Rockets down 2 starters.

Yes. Facts indeed. :lol:
Is that why Swag came back and lifted the teams moral, because Kobe isn't overrated?

One player came back, became the breath of fresh air that everyone in that locker room needed, and now playing ball is fun again for the Lakers.

That player was not Kobe Bryant. 

While Bryant will be an important part of this teams success, team chemistry, unity, will make the Lakers a good team this year. With Bryant as the main motivator, the only focus, this wasn't happening. This is yet another reason why he is overrated, he sucks the life out of the person who has the passion to play, it becomes a chore, a drag. 

He is a horrible team leader, and the recent events, especially over the last two games, prove it.

What did I just read? :rofl:
its more fun to play with nick young because he takes terrible shots and never passes with a smile on his face 
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