As a pure volume shooter, no, he isn't overrated.

He is the greatest we've ever seen. I know that he is the best I've ever seen, and is the best of his generation. He is better than Wilt, MJ, Oscar, even Pistol Pete, George Gervin, nobody misses as many shots as one Kobe Bean Bryant.

In fact, after this season, he may even be underrated.

I don't think that anyone here could ever deny this, or suggest that anyone is even remotely over exaggerating here.

Kobe, numero uno.
Kobe only gets overrated when people try to make it seem like it's a no-brainer that he's better than Magic, Bird, Akeem, Shaq, Duncan etc etc
Not sure where you're going w/ this, but Phil + Pip + shooters = 6 Finals w/ 6 FMVPs, and no Finals losses.
so according to you a pretty good formula for success is for a great player to play with "Phil + a dominant complimentary teammate + shooters". i think most people would agree on that

you said that take any of the guys you listed, plug them in the formula and they would get at least 5 championships in 7 tries

would it not follow that if you took any of the guys you listed, plugged them into the same formula (i think we can all agree that pip was a "dominant complimentary teammate" and the bulls had shooters) they would get at least 4 championships out of 6 tries

if you are going to simplify a players career into something like "anyone with X Y and Z could have done what he did" i expect you to be consistent in that logic when looking at other players careers

so do you think that replacing MJ with paul pierce in the 90s would have resulted in at least 4 bulls championships? 

unrelated to all that above but you say "no finals losses" like its a great accomplishment. all else being equal, what's a better career: a player going to the finals 6 times and winning 4 times or a player going 4 times and winning 4 times? 
I'm not a Jordan stan/loyalist, so this is easy.

To answer your questions: yes.

Your second question, like you said, it depends on the individual. For me PERSONALLY, I'd rather be able to say I went to 6 Finals and went 4-2 than to say I went to ONLY 4 Finals. But that's me, and because I'm objective, I do recognize that the opinion opposite mine is still an opinion that recognizes something PHENOMENAL. You say "You say 'no Finals losses' like its a great accomplishment" like it's NOT a great accomplishment. Just because I'd rather say I went 6-2 doesn't mean I think 6-0 is chopped liver.
The Raptors & Knicks offered Nash more.

"The Toronto Raptors have offered free agent point guard Steve Nash a three-year, $36 million"

All about the money huh? :lol:

Nash wanted to help the Suns. Theirs a reason he pick the lakers. Draft picks. :wink:

He was actually leaving the Suns straight up.

Until the Lakers made a call.

Only way they could get him is by using the Trade Player Exception of Lamar Odom.

And because Nash could just leave, no way the Suns trade him to the Lakers for free. So Lakers had to pony up the picks.

"I never would have thought that the Lakers would have come into the picture," Nash says now, explaining why, without much prompting, he had described himself as too "old-school" to even consider Lakerland as a possible destination when he spoke with Smith and Ruocco on the radio just days prior.

"But when [the Lakers] did and I started to think about it, about how I could be close to the kids and at the same time be on a contender, it was a perfect fit."

Duffy, too, initially struggled to imagine the Suns ever agreeing to help Nash get to Hollywood, so he proceeded carefully. He let Kupchak broach the idea with Suns president of basketball operations Lon Babby and focused instead on urging the Lakers GM to loop in Kobe Bryant and arrange for Kobe and Nash to speak.

The same Bryant who had his own flammable interview to live down, having left the distinct impression in January that he would (A) always hate the Suns and (B) never be Nash's biggest fan.

But their talk couldn't have gone much better. Kupchak reached Bryant at his annual basketball camp in Santa Barbara. Kobe broke away from the campers to make his pitch. And not unlike the summer of 2010, when he lobbied Raja Bell hard to join him in L.A. only a few years removed from the unforgettable clothesline that Bell laid on Bryant during the 2006 playoffs, Kobe made it clear that the guys who have the gumption to tangle with him directly are just the sort he wants as teammates.

Nash says they both came away from the chat feeling that "we could really help each other," sold on Bryant's contention that Nash's perpetually sunny leadership style would lead to an effective and welcome good cop/bad cop dynamic in the Lakers' locker room to offset Kobe's whip-cracking.

"We thought that we could help each other get there," Nash said, referring to the quest for his first championship and Bryant's oozing hunger for ring No. 6.
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Pau Gasol:

“It was difficult,” Gasol told reporters when asked about informing Bryant of his decision to sign with the Bulls. “We have a close friendship. We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m sure I will miss him. But we talked to each other and our relationship goes beyond basketball and we’ll always have a friendship.

“It was difficult to talk to him, but he was very supportive and he understood. He just said I had to do what was best for me and what felt right for me and he was going to support me no matter what. That’s what friends and brothers do, and that’s what we are.”
Not sure where you're going w/ this, but Phil + Pip + shooters = 6 Finals w/ 6 FMVPs, and no Finals losses.
so according to you a pretty good formula for success is for a great player to play with "Phil + a dominant complimentary teammate + shooters". i think most people would agree on that

you said that take any of the guys you listed, plug them in the formula and they would get at least 5 championships in 7 tries

would it not follow that if you took any of the guys you listed, plugged them into the same formula (i think we can all agree that pip was a "dominant complimentary teammate" and the bulls had shooters) they would get at least 4 championships out of 6 tries

if you are going to simplify a players career into something like "anyone with X Y and Z could have done what he did" i expect you to be consistent in that logic when looking at other players careers

so do you think that replacing MJ with paul pierce in the 90s would have resulted in at least 4 bulls championships? 

unrelated to all that above but you say "no finals losses" like its a great accomplishment. all else being equal, what's a better career: a player going to the finals 6 times and winning 4 times or a player going 4 times and winning 4 times? 
I'm not a Jordan stan/loyalist, so this is easy.

To answer your questions: yes.

Your second question, like you said, it depends on the individual. For me PERSONALLY, I'd rather be able to say I went to 6 Finals and went 4-2 than to say I went to ONLY 4 Finals. But that's me, and because I'm objective, I do recognize that the opinion opposite mine is still an opinion that recognizes something PHENOMENAL. You say "You say 'no Finals losses' like its a great accomplishment" like it's NOT a great accomplishment. Just because I'd rather say I went 6-2 doesn't mean I think 6-0 is chopped liver.
okay, i disagree but at least you're being consistent in your criteria and im not going to change your opinion or anything

yeah, just for me personally i have kareem as the GOAT because his 6/10 (amoung other things of course) is way more impressive than jordan's 6/6. if duncan never won last year his career is better off going 4/5 than 4/4. i dont get why people would hate on lebron for losing to the spurs on that trash cavs team just because he wont be 100% in the finals like jordan anymore. 
Iverson went 27/6/4/2

42% FG
31% 3s
78% FT

Including his down years at the end of his career perpetually surrounded by pure bred scrubs.

Is he top 10 too?
i respectfully disagree, kobe is clearly the better nba player because he knows more languages 
Don't get upset. I didn't set the categories the other poster did, I wasn't wrong in that post. Or was I?
i just think being multilingual is more important than having a college degree these days

especially when you're in the business of professional basketball
Iverson went 27/6/4/2

42% FG
31% 3s
78% FT

Including his down years at the end of his career perpetually surrounded by pure bred scrubs.

Is he top 10 too?

So, lower numbers stat for stat, in shorter time, and lesser defense. You struggle with comprehension?
i just think being multilingual is more important than having a college degree these days

especially when you're in the business of professional basketball
Don't worry. I'm sure Duncan will have help with understanding diffrent languages/cultures with the help of his teammates.


Oh and Italy. Marco.
if duncan learns to speak canadian i will put him ahead of kobe 
Melo on pace for similar 10?
Dirk 23/ 10?
Barkley 22/11/ 10?
Wade 25/ 10?

There are a slew of players with similar numbers. 3 ppg less but more rebounds/assists.
Iverson went 27/6/4/2

42% FG
31% 3s
78% FT

Including his down years at the end of his career perpetually surrounded by pure bred scrubs.

Is he top 10 too?

So, lower numbers stat for stat, in shorter time, and lesser defense. You struggle with comprehension?

He also had a much lesser team. And didn't have one of the most imposing figures in sports history commanding triple teams for most of his career.

You can't be that dense to compare player's numbers head to head and think its a fair comparison.

And Ivo averaged more points and assists. What are you talking about?
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Iverson went 27/6/4/2

42% FG
31% 3s
78% FT

Including his down years at the end of his career perpetually surrounded by pure bred scrubs.

Is he top 10 too?

So, lower numbers stat for stat, in shorter time, and lesser defense. You struggle with comprehension?

He also had a much lesser team. And didn't have one of the most imposing figures in sports history commanding triple teams for most of his career.

You can't be that dense to compare player's numbers head to head and think its a fair comparison.

99-04 is half of 15 years? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you even trying anymore?
if duncan learns to speak canadian i will put him ahead of kobe 
They speak French up there. Bag milk. Maple syrup. How's it feel rooting for the lakers now? Four years was long time ago huh?
toronto (where cory is from) isnt in french canada though, if you didnt spend so much time thinking about kobe maybe you would know a little more about your own players

its actually not that bad, teams not that great right now but i'll always enjoy watching lakers games 
Iverson went 27/6/4/2

42% FG
31% 3s
78% FT

Including his down years at the end of his career perpetually surrounded by pure bred scrubs.

Is he top 10 too?

So, lower numbers stat for stat, in shorter time, and lesser defense. You struggle with comprehension?

He also had a much lesser team. And didn't have one of the most imposing figures in sports history commanding triple teams for most of his career.

You can't be that dense to compare player's numbers head to head and think its a fair comparison.

99-04 is half of 15 years? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you even trying anymore?

That's all you got another wordplay technicality?

Like I have shown and proven, there are a slew of players with equally impressive numbers in the history of the game.

Kobe has the benefit of coming out of HS and playing more seasons than most and being insulated and protected as the LA cash cow...but his numbers aren't an anomaly as much as his career length is.
This is stupid.

You can't have a career 26 ppg scoring average, be a 5 time champ, a league MVP, a 2x scoring champ, all star like 18 times, all NBA like 14 times or something, and be OVERRATED.

Just **** :lol: :lol: Think of how silly you sound calling someone with that kind of resume "overrated." Like...overrated relative to what? Guy has a top 3 career ever undisputed. Stop being ignorant
After Wednesday’s 8-for-28 performance, Kobe’s 2014-15 field goal percentage stands at .388. It’s among the 25 worst in the league for players who’ve started at least five games.

When you combine the most attempts per game with one of the lowest percentages, the end result is going to be a whole lot of missed shots.

Kobe missed his 15 shots per game while playing 41 minutes a night back in 2005-06. In that season he missed once every two minutes, 44.5 seconds. This year Bryant is missing 15 shots in just 35 minutes per game on average–once every two minutes, 20 seconds.

The league’s new all-time leader for missed field goals appears headed towards his most prolific season yet in that category.
This is stupid.

You can't have a career 26 ppg scoring average, be a 5 time champ, a league MVP, a 2x scoring champ, all star like 18 times, all NBA like 14 times or something, and be OVERRATED.

Just **** :lol: :lol: Think of how silly you sound calling someone with that kind of resume "overrated." Like...overrated relative to what? Guy has a top 3 career ever undisputed. Stop being ignorant

Funny that you're perfectly proving my point.
This is stupid.

You can't have a career 26 ppg scoring average, be a 5 time champ, a league MVP, a 2x scoring champ, all star like 18 times, all NBA like 14 times or something, and be OVERRATED.

Just ****
Think of how silly you sound calling someone with that kind of resume "overrated." Like...overrated relative to what? Guy has a top 3 career ever undisputed. Stop being ignorant
undisputed though? That's exactly what people mean is he overrated 

50% FG

5X Champ
3X Finals MVP
2X Season MVP
14X All-Star
10X All-NBA 1st Team
8X All-Defensive 1st Team

Top 3 career undisputed? Don't be silly.

This is why Kobe is overrated. Cats are caught up in the cult of Kobe.
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I only need one. Tim Duncan.

You would be wrong. Duncan's individual success is not on the level of a Kobe's and his longevity isn't on Kobe's level either. Kobe was putting up 27 6 and 6 in his 18th year in the league. Sorry. Besides, I said name 5 anyway.
After Wednesday’s 8-for-28 performance, Kobe’s 2014-15 field goal percentage stands at .388. It’s among the 25 worst in the league for players who’ve started at least five games.

When you combine the most attempts per game with one of the lowest percentages, the end result is going to be a whole lot of missed shots.

Kobe missed his 15 shots per game while playing 41 minutes a night back in 2005-06. In that season he missed once every two minutes, 44.5 seconds. This year Bryant is missing 15 shots in just 35 minutes per game on average–once every two minutes, 20 seconds.

The league’s new all-time leader for missed field goals appears headed towards his most prolific season yet in that category.

Why are you posting stuff from year 19? Honest question. Seriously, why?

Do you use MJ's Wizards years to define his career?
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