:lol: ......:rofl: :rofl:rollin

The Wade stuff is funny but shooting them out of games is even more hilarious. Hes shooting them out of games but leads all shooting guards in assists.

Another weak perspective that's rather funny.

Of course other 2-guards don't average as many assists... did you ever think that maybe it's because they let the point guard run the offense?

Wanna bring up the "usage rating" stats for all the shooting guards?

Also, I'm sick of people trying to put emphasis on "shooting guards" in the present day NBA.

There is no longer "shooting guards."

There are point guards, wings, and big men.

And yes, he shoots the Lakers out of games.

Can you find me another player in the NBA that misses 11 shots per game?

Just name one player besides Carmelo Anthony.

Assists have NOTHING to do with shooting your team out of games, but go ahead and keep looking for some statistical excuse to satisfy emotions. "Kobe doesn't shoot the Lakers out of games, he leads all shooting guards in assists!!!!"

Carmelo averages half as many assists as Kobe, yet he doesn't shoot his team out of games because their system allows him to miss 11+ shots per game and still have a pretty good record.


To your answer your question....Kevin Love misses 111 shots a game. Westbrook, Monta, Curry, Gay, Kyrie and Jennings are all missing about 10 shots a game but not getting near as many points as Kobe is giving you.

Also Its ok for Melo to shoot more than Kobe ,shoot for a worse pct and have half as many assists? :rofl: because his system allows for this? :rofl:

What kind of gibberish is that?

Now I know you really dont watch many games. You may catch a quarter here or there but you dont really watch. This year, Kobe has consistently penerated the defense and either shot the ball or passed to open wing player. Its not his fault....Jodie Meeks, Blake and Earl Clark cant hit 3s consistently. Hes not settling for contested jumpers like he did the past 2 years.

Melo this year for the most part has still been an isolation ball stopper, he doesn't get anybody else involved and he shoots the Knicks out of more games than Kobe does but nobody cares because hes not great.


So you're gonna amnesty your most productive player that only has one year left on contract. that pays him 30 million not 40 or 50 million btw( I don't know where you even got that ignorant figure from) to go pick up Kevin Martin or Manu?????? Because those are the only UFA shooting guards available this summer. And I guess you'd amnesty him because no team would want him? :lol: Nobody would give you draft picks or players for him? :lol: Do you realize like the best players to be amnested in the new CBA are Chauncey Billups and Luis Scola. Wouldnt it make more sense to amnesty Nash since he has 2 years left on his contract and has been far less productive?

At least if youre going to write make outrageous statements at least have them make sense

Also come on dude you have 62 posts and all but 10 are hating on Kobe or the Lakers. And 5 of those non-Kobe hating posts are Lebron Stan posts.

Its ok to have a passing dislike of something but you're really obsessed with hating on Kobe. a person you've never met and probably never will meet in real life.

Why don't you read up on the luxury tax penalties before you call me ignorant for saying that Bean is costing the Lakers an extra $40-50 million?

Nash is less productive... but let's ignore the fact that his salary is one-third of Kobe's.

I know about the luxury tax and I stand by my statement ......your claims are very ignorant

So Kobes salary is pushing them into the luxury tax? :lol:

The Kobe who brings the Lakers tons of revenue in? The Kobe whos leading your team in points and assists. The Kobe who plays the most minutes for your team. Yeah he's not earning his money? :lol:

But I guess Pau Gasol's 19 million is cool? :lol:

Thats like saying Lebron is pushing the Heat into the luxury tax because he makes the most money.:lol: Its just stupid to say
I'm trying to figure how a guy who is "suppose" to be so great, and played for now 17 years in the league so far has only been able to muster up 1 NBA Most Valuable Player award. Top 5.........not a chance in hell.
right? shaq nor hakeem deserve to be top 5. overrated
still waiting for a response, champ.
I have never seen or heard someone make an argument for either Shaq or Hakeem as a Top 5 GOAT, or neither of them mentioned as THE GOAT.  I and others unfortunately have heard and painfully witnessed folks make the attempt to have Kobe as Top 5 or even worse yet GOAT.  Anything else champ??
where has ANYONE ever said that he is the GOAT?

.......and by "new HERE", here meaning S&T on NT champ.
i mean all it would take to prove me wrong is to find one serious statement about how someone thinks hes the goat.. that shouldnt be hard right?
just as i insinuated that some others have shaq/hakeem in their top 5.

and deuce, you've NEVER heard ANYONE make an argument that either of those are arguably top 5 players ever?

the fact that you use ONE statistic to discredit a person's legacy is the type of logic im trying to point out. by that barometer steve nash > hakeem and shaq? right?
Again, I have never heard or seen someone mention Shaq or Hakeem in their Top 5. let alone as the best of the best as far as centers in the NBA go.  As far as centers, generally speaking I have heard and agree with Wilt, Russell, or Kareem being rated higher or over Shaq or Hakeem, not to say Shaq or Hakeem aren't great, but those 3 centers from what I have heard and would argue for are rated over them.

No, Nash>Hakeem or Shaq, simply put because both players have better resumes than Nash overall.  While Kobe has a impressive resume, to me it's just very strange/odd that a guy who gets mentioned as a Top 5 player or GOAT for now only has 1 MVP, particularly for playing in the league for 17 years now.  Very strange. 
just as i insinuated that some others have shaq/hakeem in their top 5.

and deuce, you've NEVER heard ANYONE make an argument that either of those are arguably top 5 players ever?

the fact that you use ONE statistic to discredit a person's legacy is the type of logic im trying to point out. by that barometer steve nash > hakeem and shaq? right?
Again, I have never heard or seen someone mention Shaq or Hakeem in their Top 5. let alone as the best of the best as far as centers in the NBA go.  As far as centers, generally speaking I have heard and agree with Wilt, Russell, or Kareem being rated higher or over Shaq or Hakeem, not to say Shaq or Hakeem aren't great, but those 3 centers from what I have heard and would argue for are rated over them.

No, Nash>Hakeem or Shaq, simply put because both players have better resumes than Nash overall.  While Kobe has a impressive resume, to me it's just very strange/odd that a guy who gets mentioned as a Top 5 player or GOAT for now only has 1 MVP, particularly for playing in the league for 17 years now.  Very strange.

just pointing out that people do say these things. not that i agree with the article
I only remember Zyzz saying he wasn't a top 50 pg in the league. But hey, this is not the thread for that. Back to the subject please.

I have definitely seen people say Kobe is > MJ and GOAT. I'm on my phone, but go back a few pages i'm almost positive someone said it.
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Those r the type of opinions that don't even deserve responses. But then again if y'all understood that in the first place this thread wouldn't exist
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Those r the type of opinions that don't even deserve responses. But then again if y'all understood that in the first place this thread wouldn't exist
thats what im saying... but when one person says kobe is the GOAT even jokingly its "OMG ALL LAKERS FANS THINK THAT WAY LAKERS FANS ARE SO ANNOYING"
I been here since 2001, but yup, troll account
he is saying that XX is a troll account. is english your first language? 
They are saying it's MY troll account.

so what does you being here since 2001 have anything to do with being able to make a troll account? this isnt even basketball anymore we are talking about basic logic here
Why would I make another troll account to state my opinion about Lakers/Kobe?

Wouldn't that be redundant?

In the past mods HAVE had the ability to check IP and ban both accounts.I'm not sure about Huddler.

Anyway, stop harassing me cause I don't like your team/favourite player. If what I say about them hurts your feelings stay in the Lakers season thread, I'm not allowed to post in there.
Those r the type of opinions that don't even deserve responses. But then again if y'all understood that in the first place this thread wouldn't exist
thats what im saying... but when one person says kobe is the GOAT even jokingly its "OMG ALL LAKERS FANS THINK THAT WAY LAKERS FANS ARE SO ANNOYING"

And one person says Jason Kidd>Kobe and CP writes 45 pages of replies. Goes both ways man.
Those r the type of opinions that don't even deserve responses. But then again if y'all understood that in the first place this thread wouldn't exist
thats what im saying... but when one person says kobe is the GOAT even jokingly its "OMG ALL LAKERS FANS THINK THAT WAY LAKERS FANS ARE SO ANNOYING"
And one person says Jason Kidd>Kobe and CP writes 45 pages of replies. Goes both ways man.
and he is replying and addressing those 2-3 people who were talking about jason kidd>kobe, not losing sleep over how ALL KOBE HATERS THINK KIDD IS BETTER THAN KOBE. its not the peoples opinions that are the problem its generalizing them to the greater population
Those r the type of opinions that don't even deserve responses. But then again if y'all understood that in the first place this thread wouldn't exist
thats what im saying... but when one person says kobe is the GOAT even jokingly its "OMG ALL LAKERS FANS THINK THAT WAY LAKERS FANS ARE SO ANNOYING"

And one person says Jason Kidd>Kobe and CP writes 45 pages of replies. Goes both ways man.
and he is replying and addressing those 2-3 people who were talking about jason kidd>kobe, not losing sleep over how ALL KOBE HATERS THINK KIDD IS BETTER THAN KOBE. its not the peoples opinions that are the problem its generalizing them to the greater population

No he's never addressing the initial person. I don't even know which troll said it. I think he came forward in the Shaq thread. But CP puts in every reply :lol:
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Yeah, learn what you're talkin about first. That's me talkin to Ska, a fellow Laker fan, and he's the one that named Kidd.

What I've mentioned is the collection of names from various people like Pierce, TMac, Kidd etc and spoke about those mentions.
And you speak on them as if there's a legion of Kobe haters who agreed on Pierce, VC or whoever is equal to Kobe when the number in this thread is under 10. Just like that's the same number of people in this thread who think Kobe is >>>MJ no question.

Same thing. So learn what you're responding to before you speak.
That was the primary argument at the start of this thread. It's been said on NT for years. Replace Kobe with _____ and LA still dominates the NBA. Lot more than 10 people have claimed that on NT, don't be foolish.
Which one is it?

1st I was only talking to Ska
2nd I was talking to everyone because more than 10 people believe it.

And whatever the exact number it is I promise it isn't more than the people who think Kobe>MJ

Again I'm addressing sea man up because he's mad he can't have a valid discussion with people because people assume since he's a kobe fan he has him above MJ because of what A FEW people have said.

I'm saying people can't have a valid discussion because the main one on the other side of the argument is saying all of NT is saying Kobe could be replaced by VC, Kidd because of what a FEW people have said.
Which one is it?

1st I was only talking to Ska
2nd I was talking to everyone because more than 10 people believe it.

And whatever the exact number it is I promise it isn't more than the people who think Kobe>MJ

Again I'm addressing sea man up because he's mad he can't have a valid discussion with people because people assume since he's a kobe fan he has him above MJ because of what A FEW people have said.

I'm saying people can't have a valid discussion because the main one on the other side of the argument is saying all of NT is saying Kobe could be replaced by VC, Kidd because of what a FEW people have said.
i said that its hard to have a valid convo with people that do this in general, in response to someone who said all lakers fans are annoying because ________. that is just one example, if a lakers fan says that ALL kobe haters think _________ then thats also a problem, so yeah it does go both ways and it would be better if both parties would refrain from this kind of thinking

as for this CP stuff, i cant speak on his behalf so you guys go ahead and figure it out
SHWAP, in my objective opinion, the difference between those two arguments is that a few pro-kobe super trolls have come in said kobe>>>mj and run.

Ska, the forum moderator, hpv the forum troll, and several other of the regular contributors to this thread have argued kobe is replaceable with any number of guards (these arguments are all within the last 2 weeks of this thread) and genuinely believe it. they've repeated as such. it's one of their main arguments.

neither cp, seamanup, or any of the other regular pro-kobe posters have said kobe >>> mj. it's what the regular contributors in THIS particular thread are arguing about. you're talking about in the wide world.

speaking of:

i mean all it would take to prove me wrong is to find one serious statement about how someone thinks hes the goat.. that shouldnt be hard right?

Page 9 of this thread reply #250.

Kidd = Ska The names you mentioned, I addressed.

When I mention the rest, Pierce, VC, AI, etc, those are different folks. So when I speak about them as a whole, you can see me speaking to various people each one assigned to whoever they claimed.

For example, Seasoned Vet once said JR Smith was the same player as Kobe. Not in this thread, but rather in the Lakers season thread a year or two ago. Hence, when I mention NT, I use Smith as an example, Vet is the one I am referring too.

Ska, Kidd.
TMac can be all the TMac guys that claimed for years on here that he would be just as successful as Kobe. Trust would know about those guys, he's seen those arguments before.
Pierce might have been quik, although I am not positive. Quik can answer that if he sees this, but a while back Pierce was the hot name to insert.
Ray Allen has been mentioned as well.
This thread has seen Drexler and Tony Parker brought up, etc.

So when I speak on those players, the ones that made those claims are being spoken about.

When someone says Kobe > MJ, everyone goes "Laker fans" and lumps the whole lot of us in there. When I list player names, I'm not casting a net over the entirety of a fanbase, just the names that have mentioned those players. So what you and sea man are saying is similar to what I just said. You bein mad that I bring up Kidd or whoever is understood, but it's part of my point when talking to whomever it is at that point in the discussion. I've spoke with several people in here now, as has sea man, and many others. I'm not talkin to myself for 166 pages. That's the NL Central thread where I do that. :lol:
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