people in this thread being UP IN ARMS about being UP IN ARMS 
easy sidestep of the question. 

they are not crying about the miami series in any of the 111 pages of this thread

its okay to admit that you're wrong, but question dodging is just cowardly 

Basically, I was playing stupid just like you.

Go back two pages and see how they were "crying" about it being fixed. Knowing you, you probably really want me to find a picture of them actually "crying." You Kobe fans take things waaaaay too literal. :smh:
easy sidestep of the question. 

they are not crying about the miami series in any of the 111 pages of this thread

its okay to admit that you're wrong, but question dodging is just cowardly 
Basically, I was playing stupid just like you.

Go back two pages and see how they were "crying" about it being fixed. Knowing you, you probably really want me to find a picture of them actually "crying." You Kobe fans take things waaaaay too literal.
well a simple quote would be easy to find if its only a few pages back, but seeing that you still have not found one... please try harder next time
well a simple quote would be easy to find if its only a few pages back, but seeing that you still have not found one... please try harder next time

Basically, I already told you where to go but keep playing dumb with yourself. Again, you're probably the type that went back those two pages and is REALLY looking for CP or NAKO to cry in their post. Stop taking things soooo literal.
well a simple quote would be easy to find if its only a few pages back, but seeing that you still have not found one... please try harder next time
Basically, I already told you where to go but keep playing dumb with yourself. Again, you're probably the type that went back those two pages and is REALLY looking for CP or NAKO to cry in their post. Stop taking things soooo literal.
you still have not told me which posts you are talking about. it just sounds like you're making it up. part of having a proper argument is having the evidence to back up your point, you learn this in 5th grade
What a ******g joke.

Here we are talking about the 2004 seasons, the 2005 seasons, the 2006 season, rehashing all the Shaq/Kobe stuff, guys crying and whining that Shaq and Kobe don't still play together, talking about how many titles they SHOULD have won, etc.

While examining the timeframes and the years, how each season played out, me saying how the Heat were swept in round 1 in 2007, etc. I post this....
And I'm up in arms about it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I must be up in arms about the 2003 series too, I mentioned it.
I must be up in arms about the 2004 season, I mentioned it.
I must be up in arms about 2005, I spoke on it.
Etc etc etc

What a joke. :lol:

Here's the best part

So you, and all you;re little friends must still be UP IN ARMS about Kobe and Shaq not playin together no more. You all brought it up.
CLEARLY it still bothers you guys.
You mentioned THAT timeframe.
So yeah, you're all trippin.

:rofl: :rofl:

I promise, next time I talk about 2006, I won't mention 2006. Don't know how we'll talk about that NBA season, but I'll find a way, that way Laker fans won't be labeled UP IN ARMS. :lol: :lol:

:smh: You get WAAAAY too emotional CP...that's probably why you got banned before. Real talk. You LOVE to over exaggerate figure of speech so MY BAD. I guess I should've wrote I find it ironic Laker fans love to discuss that series being rigged but have no qualms about the kings series. Also, i noticed you got so wrapped up in words that you started taking MY words and making your own **** up. I NEVER called laker fans "CRAZY" as you kept mentioning in your previous response to me. I said i FIND it "crazy" but oh man, don't want you taking it out of context again.

I've been banned before? When?

I got suspended for a week when Vet and Doo were chasing me around.

But hey, you backpedaled nicely out of your ******** comment. And I made damn sure to point it out. One, lonely comment where I mention the cloud that hangs over 06, and by the way, you will notice that I do not ever go in on Heat fans, or Mavs fans or anyone else talkin about that series. I don't put little asterick's next to Shaq or Wade, I don't even care about that series. I truly could care less. The way I figure, 2011 makes them even. So I got no qualms with that series in the least. But when we talk about hose years, and I point out there was a weird set of circumstances, and some people do complain about it, I mention easily, you guys may have heard about it. Simple as that.

YOU take that, and label "Laker fans" being up in arms, and you find it CRAZY blah blah blah. Hey, **** that. You the one taking ****, twisting it and spinning it on "Laker fans" That's garbage. You dudes get away with that way too damn much. Ain't no damn Laker fans in here say anything about it, I barely brought the subject up, and right away, "Laker fans" :smh:

But hey, it's ok for you guys to say things like that. It's ok for "Laker fans" to be accepted. That's why I counter with "you guys" Has to be a balancing out. Anything I say is on ME, not "Laker fans" I damn sure don't want to be labeled about something ACB says, and I don't want anything I say in my own opinion to be stuck on them. So if you and your peeps keep doin it, then I'm going to call it out, over and over.

So yeah, backpedal some more. Put it on me. Cuz I brought it up. Sure. :rolleyes
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Serious question for all the Kobe fans.

Do you guys think Kobe is still a top 5 player today?
In the league currently?  No.  Top 10?  Maybe.  Dude is old.  He just cant stay in front of people like he could. Then again some players I put ahead of him don't play a lick of defense themselves.
I've been banned before? When?

I got suspended for a week when Vet and Doo were chasing me around.

But hey, you backpedaled nicely out of your ******** comment. And I made damn sure to point it out. One, lonely comment where I mention the cloud that hangs over 06, and by the way, you will notice that I do not ever go in on Heat fans, or Mavs fans or anyone else talkin about that series. I don't put little asterick's next to Shaq or Wade, I don't even care about that series. I truly could care less. The way I figure, 2011 makes them even. So I got no qualms with that series in the least. But when we talk about hose years, and I point out there was a weird set of circumstances, and some people do complain about it, I mention easily, you guys may have heard about it. Simple as that.

YOU take that, and label "Laker fans" being up in arms, and you find it CRAZY blah blah blah. Hey, **** that. You the one taking ****, twisting it and spinning it on "Laker fans" That's garbage. You dudes get away with that way too damn much. Ain't no damn Laker fans in here say anything about it, I barely brought the subject up, and right away, "Laker fans" :smh:

But hey, it's ok for you guys to say things like that. It's ok for "Laker fans" to be accepted. That's why I counter with "you guys" Has to be a balancing out. Anything I say is on ME, not "Laker fans" I damn sure don't want to be labeled about something ACB says, and I don't want anything I say in my own opinion to be stuck on them. So if you and your peeps keep doin it, then I'm going to call it out, over and over.

So yeah, backpedal some more. Put it on me. Cuz I brought it up. Sure. :rolleyes

I backpedalled??? The hell you talking about? I'm sorry YOU like to take things soooooo literal. I'ma try not to use any kind of slang cause you seem to take things somewhere else. MY WHOLE POINT was we have you guys in hear mentioning the rigged game but yet y'all never have an issue with all the breaks the Lakers used to get. THAT WAS MY ONLY POINT! Then y'all wanna go and run around the topic and start talking about stuff that has nothing to do anything like how YOU think i'm grouping "laker fans,' and taking the whole "up in arms" thing hella literal and blah blah blah.

Hell, go back and look at my VERY first post from which this convo started. I didn't even type "laker fans" but your very next reply YOU put it in your head and grouped that all up on your own.

Here's what YOU wrote:

But you jumped up and down about "Laker fans" right away.

When did I jump on you guys from THAT post? Where did you get me "jumping" on you guys since you like taking things so literal? So YOU take that and want to act like I'm "jumping" on "laker fans." Something in my first post must've touched your nerve. All I wrote in my first post was how can y'all say the Heat/Mavs series was rigged but try to legitimize the Kings/Laker series which your fellow Laker fan Ska did?
Funny how Lakers fans ignore the kings series fixing

But when bringing up the heat they have no problem

the lakers shot 40 free throws to the kings 25 in game 6. the kings intentionally fouled the lakers 3 times at the end of game 6 because they were losing. that means 6 free throws were shot by the lakers because the kings had to put them on the line in order to get the ball back. the real free throw total was 25 to 34 which is +9 for the lakers.

the free throw totals for game 5 was 23 for the lakers and 33 for the kings. that is +10 for the kings. shaq shot 1 free throw the whole game.

i dont recall seeing articles stating that game 5 was fixed in favor of the kings? yet the kings shot 1 more free throw in game 5 than the lakers in game 6. the reason game 6 got all the hype was because tim donaghy put the spotlight in that game. yet a similar situation happened in game 5 in favor of the kings that people with selective memories forget. tim did admit to fixing games but i think he was trying to bring everyone down. the facts show that game 5 went the same way as game 6.
Because the only person to say 06 and rigged in the same sentence so far, is you.

Then you as you say, bring up the 02 series, and act like Laker fans were in here saying anything about the Heat, which was not the case. So why bring up 2002? Which is exactly what Nako asked you.

NO Laker fans were crying about 06, I barely mentioned it when discussing Shaq's post Laker legacy as a what if, Nako asked a similar question later, the end. You come in BUT BUT BUT 2002!!!!!!

So yeah, you got questioned as to what your motives were right there. Next time, dont say Laker fans, either say who you are referring to by name, or say nothing at all. When that starts happening, I'll stop saying "you guys" and refer to each person.

I'll switch to "you dudes". :lol:
Serious question for all the Kobe fans.

Do you guys think Kobe is still a top 5 player today?

Hell yeah!

Thats why the haters are still talking about him



I know yall are gonna say Durant is better than Kobe but Durant is too passive for my liking sometimes
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Merton, do you think he's top 5? top 10?

Top 5, No. I wouldnt even have put him top 10 last season. But this season, I could put him in the top 10.

I put Bron, KD, CP3, Harden, Melo all ahead of him, even Westbrook. A healthy Wade and Dwight as well.

I asked because whether someone is overrated is based on where they are rated.

For the record, I Dont think Kobe is overrated on the all time list.

However, I think hes been overrated the past couple seasons seeing as how so many still think hes still a top 5 player in the league.
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Because the only person to say 06 and rigged in the same sentence so far, is you.

Then you as you say, bring up the 02 series, and act like Laker fans were in here saying anything about the Heat, which was not the case. So why bring up 2002? Which is exactly what Nako asked you.

NO Laker fans were crying about 06, I barely mentioned it when discussing Shaq's post Laker legacy as a what if, Nako asked a similar question later, the end. You come in BUT BUT BUT 2002!!!!!!

So yeah, you got questioned as to what your motives were right there. Next time, dont say Laker fans, either say who you are referring to by name, or say nothing at all. When that starts happening, I'll stop saying "you guys" and refer to each person.

I'll switch to "you dudes". :lol:

Oh lord, CP, you're making me have to go back just to show you cause I feel like I'm taking crazy pills right now :lol:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned that without game fixing Shaq may never have even seen that 4th championship

That's from Nako. My bad, he didn't say "rigged." He said "fixed." SO NO, i'm not the ONLY person to say it's fixed/rigged, whatever you want to call it. Also, you and Ska both didn't outright say it but don't play dumb CP, you KNOW what you were getting at, as well as Ska.

Anyway, so the reason I bring up 2002 is because Quik and Ska did so i piggybacked on what they said and added my two cents. That's ALL i did. It wasn't in response to what YOU OR NAKO was saying but somehow NAKO got it in his head that I had to follow some post tree or something when Quik didn't even QUOTE him so how the hell do i know who he's responding to? It was a post on it's own.

Anyway, then YOU started thinking I was talking about you:
Cuz you saw that. You saw me say that all is wrong with the NBA. You saw me or Nako make a "big" deal about the 06 series.

When I NEVER in my thread mentioned you or anyone in this thread for that matter. I was speaking in general because we see it ALL the time in the NBA threads from YOUR fellow uh oh, bout to say it, "Laker fans" about how the NBA is rigged now since the Heat are on top, etc. So basically, I feel as if you were playing dumb because ALL this time you KNOW what I was getting at and that is AGAIN:

The Lakers got a ton of breaks too during their championship run so to hear "people" mention how the Miami/Mavs series was "fixed" is ironic, imo.
Merton, do you think he's top 5? top 10?

Top 5, No. I wouldnt even have put him top 10 last season. But this season, I could put him in the top 10.

I put Bron, KD, CP3, Harden, Melo all ahead of him, even Westbrook. A healthy Wade and Dwight as well.

I asked because whether someone is overrated is based on where they are rated.

For the record, I Dont think Kobe is overrated on the all time list.

However, I think hes been overrated the past couple seasons seeing as how so many still think hes still a top 5 player in the league.

agreed. i think he's def a top 5 offensive player right now. but his defense is just way too suspect to have him in the top 10 overall.

he has been playing ridiculous minutes for his age and showing up defensively and in clutch situations at times this season so i think he still deserves to be top 10.

i'd take all of those guys you listed before him, though. except Wade and MAYBE Russy who I love.
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Merton, do you think he's top 5? top 10?

Top 5, No. I wouldnt even have put him top 10 last season. But this season, I could put him in the top 10.

I put Bron, KD, CP3, Harden, Melo all ahead of him, even Westbrook. A healthy Wade and Dwight as well.

I asked because whether someone is overrated is based on where they are rated.

For the record, I Dont think Kobe is overrated on the all time list.

However, I think hes been overrated the past couple seasons seeing as how so many still think hes still a top 5 player in the league.

agreed. i think he's def a top 5 offensive player right now. but his defense is just way too suspect to have him in the top 10 overall.

he has been playing ridiculous minutes for his age and showing up defensively and in clutch situations at times this season so i think he still deserves to be top 10.

i'd take all of those guys you listed before him, though. except Wade and MAYBE Russy who I love.
But Harden doesn't play D either.. neither does Melo. So can you really put those guys above Kobe?

Lol! Exactly

Why don't people get this? It's not about passing someone. The question should always be "oh yeah? Well how long did it take you to pass that record?"

When you pass someone's record in less time is a real feat! Stop the nonsense please!

Its a super lame meme

Kobe came out of high school and didn't start much his 1st 2 seasons....

Kobe has started 1086 games. MJ started 1039 games.

MJ shot around 23 times a game......Kobe has shot 19.6 attempts a game

Lets say Kobe doesnt play with Shaq and can be complete volume shooter like early Jordan was he gets 3 more shots a game. Thats more 3258 shots and lets say he shoots his career average of those shoots thats. 1466 more made shots. Im not good at the math after this but I bet if you calcuated the gap would alot closer
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