
Only way to top it would be to hand pick two other free agent all stars and form a super team. Thank god that never happened.

Yeah that never happened because Kobe has ALWAYS been blessed to play with great talent. But then again, i forgot I'm talking to this lame cult fan base that thinks the majority of Kobe's career has been playing with the likes of Kwame Brown, Smush Parker, and Luke Walton. Stop frontin like dude wasn't ready to leave when he FINALLY didn't have another ALL STAR player with him.

Only way to top it would be to hand pick two other free agent all stars and form a super team. Thank god that never happened.
shaq must be the luckiest player in NBA history, the only player to have played with two of the best 2guards of his era
Yeah that never happened because Kobe has ALWAYS been blessed to play with great talent. But then again, i forgot I'm talking to this lame cult fan base that thinks the majority of Kobe's career has been playing with the likes of Kwame Brown, Smush Parker, and Luke Walton. Stop frontin like dude wasn't ready to leave when he FINALLY didn't have another ALL STAR player with him.
the lakers have always had solid teams but shaq is the only GREAT talent that kobe has played with (great as in top 25 all time)
Yeah that never happened because Kobe has ALWAYS been blessed to play with great talent. But then again, i forgot I'm talking to this lame cult fan base that thinks the majority of Kobe's career has been playing with the likes of Kwame Brown, Smush Parker, and Luke Walton. Stop frontin like dude wasn't ready to leave when he FINALLY didn't have another ALL STAR player with him.
Shaq played with Penny, Kobe, Wade, Nash/Stat, LeBron, KG/Ray/Rondo/Pierce

And I left out Horace Grant, Glen Rice, Karl Malone, Gary Payton, Alonzo Mourning.

Lemme guess, ya'll was gettin ready to bring that up right before I did, huh?
shaq must be the luckiest player in NBA history, the only player to have played with two of the best 2guards of his era

When was Wade EVER considered the best two guard in this era at ANY point of his career? Nice try though. We all know Shaq and Dwight were both considered the best centers though. Also, at least Shaq goes on to win rings with these "top" players whereas your boy strugging to make the playoffs:lol: Thank god y'all have the NBA rigging it for you guys though huh?
i dont think anyone has denied that kobe wanted to get traded before we got pau... whos saying these things?

Only way to top it would be to hand pick two other free agent all stars and form a super team. Thank god that never happened.

Yeah that never happened because Kobe has ALWAYS been blessed to play with great talent. But then again, i forgot I'm talking to this lame cult fan base that thinks the majority of Kobe's career has been playing with the likes of Kwame Brown, Smush Parker, and Luke Walton. Stop frontin like dude wasn't ready to leave when he FINALLY didn't have another ALL STAR player with him.

You don't even understand the game of basketball.
shaq must be the luckiest player in NBA history, the only player to have played with two of the best 2guards of his era

When was Wade EVER considered the best two guard in this era at ANY point of his career? Nice try though. We all know Shaq and Dwight were both considered the best centers though. Also, at least Shaq goes on to win rings with these "top" players whereas your boy strugging to make the playoffs:lol: Thank god y'all have the NBA rigging it for you guys though huh?


Those championships he won in Cleveland with Lebron. :wow: :x :smokin

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When was Wade EVER considered the best two guard in this era at ANY point of his career? Nice try though. We all know Shaq and Dwight were both considered the best centers though. Also, at least Shaq goes on to win rings with these "top" players whereas your boy strugging to make the playoffs:lol: Thank god y'all have the NBA rigging it for you guys though huh?
first off i said top two 2guards of the era, so after kobe its wade, 1 and 2 best shooting guards. secondly how is kobe lucky to play with dwight? what has he done this season? bynum was better last year than dwight has been this year, wade in 06 was leaps and bounds better than dwight has been this year. you say that like kobe has not won more championships that shaq after he left the lakers
shaq must be the luckiest player in NBA history, the only player to have played with two of the best 2guards of his era

When was Wade EVER considered the best two guard in this era at ANY point of his career? Nice try though. We all know Shaq and Dwight were both considered the best centers though. Also, at least Shaq goes on to win rings with these "top" players whereas your boy strugging to make the playoffs:lol: Thank god y'all have the NBA rigging it for you guys though huh?

Dude, what? :lol:

Kobe won more titles after Shaq left than Shaq did with Wade. Are you drunk?

And why do you keep saying Dwight? They been teammates for SIX MONTHS. And Dwight is coming off back surgery, you really think 34 year old Kobe, and back surgery Dwight is even remotely the same as what Shaq/Kobe were? Not even the same stratosphere.

Are they good? Absolutely. Dangerous? Hell yeah. But top form? Not even close. If Dwight came to LA in 2006 after Shaq left in 04, then you'd have an argument, but at this point, 6 whole months in, you DO NOT HAVE A POINT bringing up Dwight, let it go.
How many scoring titles, mvps, and finals mvp did kobe win when he was carrying shaq on his back?
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Someone hacked Trust, had to of. He's better than this. :lol:

He said this

Also, at least Shaq goes on to win rings with these "top" players whereas your boy strugging to make the playoffs

Dude said ringS. :wow: :rofl:

Shaq got ONE after Kobe homie. Kobe, won ringS after Shaq. Or maybe you flashy rayed your memory or somethin to forget all that. (whoever you are usin Trust's account)
You acting like Kobe hasn't been one of the most blessed players EVER when it comes to talent he's played with. Only player probably in NBA history to play with the two best centers in different eras.

I'm not going to lie, the only reason I even pay attention to this thread is because I posted something in it. So now I'm subscribed to it and don't know how to unsubscribe :lol:

But post like this piss me off.

Kobe played with Shaq and Gasol ok I get that.

But NOBODY has won an title by themselves.

Maybe dudes have won a few times without "elite" players by their side. But everybody played with players that were elite at something...

Example: since everyone is talking about MJ lets use him. Forget Scottie for a second on them teams you had a guy like Steve Kerr was he an elite player? No. But what he was elite at was shooting three's and he played his role perfect.

I use Kerr because I don't if you kids are old enough to remember Longley, kukoc, B.J , Horace and all them.

Lets fast forward to the 2007 spurs.

Was Bruce Bowen elite? No. But his defense sure was. He was elite at what he did.

And I can go on and on. Fact is a team full of Role players that do their job will beat a team of superstars that dont play team ball.

So ******g what Kobe played with Shaq. Shaq played with a top 10 SG his whole career.

It's a reason why like what 9 or 10 teams have titles in the last 23 years.

Bums don't win titles and EVERYBODY needs help.

If you critize Kobe do it for his dumb shot selection. But playing with Shaq is and will always be a BS point.
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[quote name="Iamjusayn"][quote name="Nako XL"]truth be told, if you'd put T-Mac or Vince on thos 90s Bulls teams with Pippen, Phil, and that roster I'm not sure they don't win at least 6.  Maybe they lose in 98, but that's it.

I know for a fact Kidd with the type of numbers he put up on a team of nobodies would have won at least 6 if you swapped him out for Jordan.

It's not like their scoring would take a dip, and with how bad Jordan's shooting and turnover numbers were, the Bulls might even have been BETTER with T-Mac or Paul Pierce there.

Imagine if Lebron had been lucky enough to play with those teams early in his career :x
[/quote]This is either enormous sarcasm or enormous trolling. If its the latter, there is no way you can troll any harder than this.

Real talk[/quote]He's trolling. :lol: I've mentioned every one of those players over the years when talking about Kobe, so instead of actually posting something... anything... intelligent as a rebuttal, he went w/ that crap. :lol:
unrelated to the topic but how to i quote multiple quotes? when i hit the quote button it only quotes the OP
Jayfiend, click on Subscriptions at the top right, once there, look at the headers above the threads on the further right one, towards the middle of the screen will be Edit my Subscriptions. You can delete old threads and such from there, including this one if you want out.
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