On the decline? Yes. Overrated? Kill yourself. Top 2 offensive players to ever walk the planet. He and mj are interchangeable due to mikes credentials.
MJ was more athletic and more fundamentally sound but I will say Kobe is more exciting.
Physically at their peaks, I don't know that that's necessarily true.

Kobe's a little taller, just as athletic, just as good a ball handler (and over the course of his career turned the ball over just as often as MJ did), as good a passer, as good a defender, during that stretch where he bulked up and changed his game was just as strong if not stronger than Jordan was, and just as hard a worker.

I disagree with the Kobe being more exciting.  Maybe if you consider the number of game winning shots he's hit, but aside from that I don't get that statement.

What sets the two apart is the 6th championship and sheer number of individual awards Michael has.

Oh, and FG%.  .497 to .454.  (did you know, michael only shot .327% from three? .238, .189, and .291 his last three seasons.  i just learned that. i knew he was bad but i had no idea.)
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yeah i agree, kobe would have done just as well as jordan if he played in the 80s/90s
truth be told, if you'd put T-Mac or Vince on thos 90s Bulls teams with Pippen, Phil, and that roster I'm not sure they don't win at least 6.  Maybe they lose in 98, but that's it.

I know for a fact Kidd with the type of numbers he put up on a team of nobodies would have won at least 6 if you swapped him out for Jordan.

It's not like their scoring would take a dip, and with how bad Jordan's shooting and turnover numbers were, the Bulls might even have been BETTER with T-Mac or Paul Pierce there.

Imagine if Lebron had been lucky enough to play with those teams early in his career
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yeah i agree, kobe would have done just as well as jordan if he played in the 80s/90s
truth be told, if you'd put T-Mac or Vince on thos 90s Bulls teams with Pippen, Phil, and that roster I'm not sure they don't win at least 6.  Maybe they lose in 98, but that's it.

I know for a fact Kidd with the type of numbers he put up on a team of nobodies would have won at least 6 if you swapped him out for Jordan.

It's not like their scoring would take a dip, and with how bad Jordan's shooting and turnover numbers were, the Bulls might even have been BETTER with T-Mac or Paul Pierce there.

Imagine if Lebron had been lucky enough to play with those teams early in his career
Lebron would have won 10 imaginary rings with the Bulls roster from 89-98

Wade could have won 6 with that roster too
:rofl: at Kobe fans and this MJ comparison. Straight up comedy central. I'm pretty sure they're trollin but it's still hilarious just thinking about it.
Micheal Jordan isnt a god in my eyes as it seems he is to some of you who appear to protect his name as if he's your father. In my opinion, Michael is the greatest player of all time in terms of all around game and he is part of the reason I began watching basketball, but when we speak of offensive arsenal, kobe edges him out barely. Ball handling, body contortion, footwork, post moves, craftiness, moving without the ball etc all come into play.

Now an argument that I am open to is the advancement of the offensive arsenal from the 80s to the 90s and how much more skilled mj and kobe were in comparison to their opponents in their era. It's kinda hard to compare players of different generations.
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truth be told, if you'd put T-Mac or Vince on thos 90s Bulls teams with Pippen, Phil, and that roster I'm not sure they don't win at least 6.  Maybe they lose in 98, but that's it.

I know for a fact Kidd with the type of numbers he put up on a team of nobodies would have won at least 6 if you swapped him out for Jordan.

It's not like their scoring would take a dip, and with how bad Jordan's shooting and turnover numbers were, the Bulls might even have been BETTER with T-Mac or Paul Pierce there.

Imagine if Lebron had been lucky enough to play with those teams early in his career :x

Lebron would have won 10 imaginary rings with the Bulls roster from 89-98

Wade could have won 6 with that roster too

If Kobe would've been on those 90s bulls teams instead of Jordan, he would've swept the decade.

This thread was improving for a second to... :smh:
by this logic Dirk would have won 11 championships in the 90s if he had the support jordan had

You acting like Kobe hasn't been one of the most blessed players EVER when it comes to talent he's played with. Only player probably in NBA history to play with the two best centers in different eras.
You acting like Kobe hasn't been one of the most blessed players EVER when it comes to talent he's played with. Only player probably in NBA history to play with the two best centers in different eras.
i wouldnt consider bynum as the best center of this era
by this logic Dirk would have won 11 championships in the 90s if he had the support jordan had

You acting like Kobe hasn't been one of the most blessed players EVER when it comes to talent he's played with. Only player probably in NBA history to play with the two best centers in different eras.


Only way to top it would be to hand pick two other free agent all stars and form a super team. Thank god that never happened.
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truth be told, if you'd put T-Mac or Vince on thos 90s Bulls teams with Pippen, Phil, and that roster I'm not sure they don't win at least 6.  Maybe they lose in 98, but that's it.

I know for a fact Kidd with the type of numbers he put up on a team of nobodies would have won at least 6 if you swapped him out for Jordan.

It's not like their scoring would take a dip, and with how bad Jordan's shooting and turnover numbers were, the Bulls might even have been BETTER with T-Mac or Paul Pierce there.

Imagine if Lebron had been lucky enough to play with those teams early in his career :x

This is either enormous sarcasm or enormous trolling. If its the latter, there is no way you can troll any harder than this.

Real talk
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