That's the team that Kobe wanted.  So at the end of the day Kobe got the team and the team captain position that he wanted, and he wasn't able to handle it.  For a guy who is "suppose" to be one of the Top 5 greatest of all-time (
), he certainly didn't get the job done
honestly as overrated and worthless as kobe is, i will say that he has been one of the most unlucky players in NBA history. i mean all he wanted in life was to play with the likes of kwame brown and smush parker but the lakers organization FORCED him to play alongside top 5 nba players and future hall of famers lamar odom and andrew bynum. I really feel bad for kobe, all he wanted was to play with scrubs like him but he was forced to win 5 championships (not that he actually had any part in those championship runs, but he was on the team)

Honestly, How far do you think he shoulda went with Lamar, Smush, Kwame, Chris Mihm, Bryan Cook?


That's the team that Kobe wanted.  So at the end of the day Kobe got the team and the team captain position that he wanted, and he wasn't able to handle it.  For a guy who is "suppose" to be one of the Top 5 greatest of all-time :smile:rolleyes ), he certainly didn't get the job done.  

See, this is the typical ******** that haters post.

Yeah, Kobe WANTED Smush, Cook, Kwame and Mihm. Yeah, right, that's what KOBE wanted. :smh:

BE ******G REAL. Stop being a troll for once in your life and be honest.

Now, if you want to say Kobe wanted Shaq out of town, THAT, we can get down with. You have a point, and it is viable. Stay there, stay with that lane, stay with that thinking.

You saying he wanted those bums is absolute garbage. GARBAGE. The team was tearing everything down, to rebuild it completely. The Lakers were smart and did it the right way, they didn't want to be mid level lambs every year, they tore it to shreds and built around their last remaining star. Know what that's called? The interim. That period was the interim team.

In the background, they develop a 17 year old 7 footer. They let Odom play his weird ways. They add youth at guard. (Farmar, Critt) They bring back an old friend in Fish. They swing a key deal for an athletic swingman, Ariza, and THEN, they strike and nab Pau. Boom, Kobe, Pau, Bynum, LO, Fish, Ariza, Farmar, team. Rebuilt.


Stop with your incessant ******** about "That's the team Kobe wanted, he wanted to play with Smush, Mihm, Kwame, Cook, etc etc" That is NOT the ******g case AND YOU KNOW IT.

Get a clue champ. You can troll better than that.
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Can't believe y'all give Kobe props for running one of the greatest centers of all time out of town disgusting
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Can't believe y'all give Kobe credit for running one of the greatest centers of all time out of town disgusting
yeah it was disgusting when he got bynum traded after he carried kobe to another two championships. i wonder how long it will take before dwight leaves because of this selfish ballhog scrub sorry excuse for a human being.
Shaq was done 2 years later.

Shaq was done, 2 years later.

Shaquille O'Neal, was done, 2 years later.

The all time C, was done 2 years later.

Shaq wanted a ton of money, he was done, 2 years later.

Shaq was no longer good, 3 years later.

He would have been pointless on the team, in 3 years

We would have only gotten 2 good years from Shaq

He was 300+ lbs, and getting old, and getting more expensive

You guys are ******g braindead if you can't get your heads around the fact that 26 year old Shaq was no longer there.

Why is this hard to grasp for you people?
"Thanks for 3 rings b! Now get the hell out! :smile:"

He was able to win another ring with Wade. If Kobe was so great could he not have won at least 2 more with "useless" Shaq?
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"Thanks for 3 rings b! Now get the hell out!

He was able to win another ring with Wade. If Kobe was so great could he not have won at least 2 more with him?
yeah i agree 100%, kobe driving shaq out robed us laker fans of two post shaq championships. i will never forgive kobe for that
Why should I reply quik? You're going to dodge every word I say, you don't want to hear it, why even ask a question? Why?
Why should I reply quik? You're going to dodge every word I say, you don't want to hear it, why even ask a question? Why?

I thought you put me on ignore, if you don't want to answer any of my questions stop addressing me.

I have no personal beef with you.

I personally think i bring valid questions to Kobe's "greatness" to the table, not blatantly trolling like some Kobe supporters in this thread.
I thought you put me on ignore, if you don't want to answer any of my questions stop addressing me.

I have no personal beef with you.

I personally think i bring valid questions to Kobe's "greatness" to the table, not blatantly trolling like some Kobe supporters in this thread.
yeah kobe supporters are the worst, always trolling in this thread
See, this is the typical ******** that haters post.

Yeah, Kobe WANTED Smush, Cook, Kwame and Mihm. Yeah, right, that's what KOBE wanted.

BE ******G REAL. Stop being a troll for once in your life and be honest.

Now, if you want to say Kobe wanted Shaq out of town, THAT, we can get down with. You have a point, and it is viable. Stay there, stay with that lane, stay with that thinking.

CP1708, for the most part your a descent guy from what I can gather from your posts, and you are a dedicated sports fan and contributor to this forum.  That being said...............calm your *** down champ, take your feelings out of this situation and try to look at this situation and Kobe as objectively as possible.  Just try. 

When I say that's the team Kobe wanted, meaning Kobe DID single-handedly get Shaq, the captain and star of the team shipped out of town so he can thus become the captain and leader of the team, pretty much by way of default.  When I say that's the team he wanted, I'm not referring to the production or lack there of that he got out of Smush, Kwame, and the rest of the crew.  That's how I know your too emotionally wrapped into this argument to attempt to look at it objectively.  When I say that's the team he wanted, meaning he got his wish granted to him to get certain players or even a certain coach gone from the Lakers organization, and he thought he could takeover and not miss a beat.  He was dead wrong.

It was Kobe that was running the show thus years after Shaq was gone as Jerry Buss and company gave the keys to the Lakers organization to Kobe.  Making the transition from Robin to Batman.  Kobe thought he could shoulder/carry the burden of truly being the man for a team, the ups and and downs and he couldn't do so, or at least he could do it Kobe's way.  I really don't want to hear about how bad those players were before Gasol arrived or Jackson returned because I think we can all agree that Kobe has been truly blessed and fortunate to be surrounded with the talent and organizational help that he has had for the large majority of his career.  CP1708, if you and others want to HYPE Kobe up to be this great player, one of the Top 5 GOAT or even as the GOAT you better damn sure expect the scrutiny and close examination that comes along with that, be it good or bad. 

If your looking for Kobe Bryant to get a pass CP1708 for his missteps or misdoings, you have entered into the wrong thread and message board champ. 
This thread is still open? The amount of trolling, player A vs. B discussion, and unnecessary personal attacks in this damn thread is exemplary of what is AGAINST the rules of conduct in this forum? Yet, a few months later.... it is still open. With the forum's main moderator in the heart of much of the discussion. If this thread was about any other player it would have been locked a long time ago. Now I know why I stopped reading this at page 20... The last few pages are an absolute joke, which basically the whole thread has been. Very little basketball discussion, as many other members in here have mentioned. But hey what do I know :rolleyes
I have you on ignore, but sea keeps quoting you. I'm giving you a chance. :lol:

Don't make me regret this.

You want the answer? Fine. I'll do it, for the 900th time.

You mention thanks for the 3 rings b, be gone. Remind me, how did the 98 Bulls end? Mike, Phil, Scottie all COULD have come back, but didn't the front office want to move on from them? :nerd: Bet you don't remember that do you?

It's business. When it's over, it's over.

Shaq was GREAT for us. GREAT. But the signs were showing. He took MONTHS off when he wanted. He was getting older, slower, and costing more. Does that sound wise to spend a ton of money on?

Now, perfect world, I mean PERFECT WORLD, yes, Kobe and Shaq should have sit down, said let's get this right, shook hands, Shaq you take 05, you still got some in the tank, in 06, I'm takin over. That would have been splendid. But that's not how it was gonna happen. Shaq wanted his money. Kobe wanted his team.

What did Shaq do when he went to the Heat? He worked HIS *** OFF. He wanted to show Kobe, LA, and everyone else he was the man.

And he did. He, Wade, and 3 refs shot 6 million free throws and earned a title. *insert Mav fan next to the word earned*

What happened the next year? They got SWEPT, round 1. Gone. ONE year, they got ONE title run, and he was swept the next season. And the Heat traded him the next year. He played 3 seasons with the Heat. 2 of them he was really good, but not the 01 Shaq.

So I ask you, you wanted US to pay that contract, and deal with that, so we could go on maybe ONE last run? When we tore it down, started over, and went to back to back to back Finals within 4 years of trading this supreme, HOW COULD YOU TRADE HIM, type player?

Cleveland died when Bron left. DEAD.
Hornets have been dead without CP3
We'll see on the Magic without Dwight.

LA was in the Finals 3 years straight within 4 years of moving Shaq.

Stop acting like he should have gotten a lifetime contract, his age was up, it was time to move on, they did. And they won damn near as many times without him, as they did with him.

There's your answer. Spin job coming soon I'm sure of it.
Anything that doesnt felate Kobe or the Lakers on this message board is considered trolling.

I'll say this if someone started a Dirk Nowitzki is overrated thread and typed something I thought was stupid my Jimmies would not be Westbrooked one bit.

Dirk IMO has proved his greatness in this league.

I believe it because I lve watched all of it. There is nothing someone on a message board can type to make me doubt it or even really bother me on the subject.

Why y'all can't get the sand of your vags on this subject just doesn't make sense.
Anything that doesnt felate Kobe or the Lakers on this message board is considered trolling.

I'll say this if someone started a Dirk Nowitzki is overrated thread and typed something I thought was stupid my Jimmies would not be Westbrooked one bit.

Dirk IMO has proved his greatness in this league.

I believe it because I lve watched all of it. There is nothing someone on a message board can type to make me doubt it or even really bother me on the subject.

Why y'all can't get the sand of your vags on this subject just doesn't make sense.

This thread is on page 120. Like others have said, it's literally the same points being argued over and over again in a cycle with the rest of the posts just straight haters or nut-huggers claiming "OMGZ KOBE ISN"T EVEN TOP 100 LOLSLSZ" or "YOU GUYZ ARE STUPID KoBE IS THE GOAT!!!11". It got old after the first 20 pages. Even the very little basketball discussion that is taking place, has already been argued about over 100 times already. What's the damn point? It's not about jimmies being rustled. It just gets to the point where it;s like alright, we get it. I don't know but I just don't see the point of this thread anymore.
CP1708, for the most part your a descent guy from what I can gather from your posts, and you are a dedicated sports fan and contributor to this forum.  That being said...............calm your *** down champ, take your feelings out of this situation and try to look at this situation and Kobe as objectively as possible.  Just try. 

When I say that's the team Kobe wanted, meaning Kobe DID single-handedly get Shaq, the captain and star of the team shipped out of town so he can thus become the captain and leader of the team, pretty much by way of default.  When I say that's the team he wanted, I'm not referring to the production or lack there of that he got out of Smush, Kwame, and the rest of the crew.  That's how I know your too emotionally wrapped into this argument to attempt to look at it objectively.  When I say that's the team he wanted, meaning he got his wish granted to him to get certain players or even a certain coach gone from the Lakers organization, and he thought he could takeover and not miss a beat.  He was dead wrong.

It was Kobe that was running the show thus years after Shaq was gone as Jerry Buss and company gave the keys to the Lakers organization to Kobe.  Making the transition from Robin to Batman.  Kobe thought he could shoulder/carry the burden of truly being the man for a team, the ups and and downs and he couldn't do so, or at least he could do it Kobe's way.  I really don't want to hear about how bad those players were before Gasol arrived or Jackson returned because I think we can all agree that Kobe has been truly blessed and fortunate to be surrounded with the talent and organizational help that he has had for the large majority of his career.  CP1708, if you and others want to HYPE Kobe up to be this great player, one of the Top 5 GOAT or even as the GOAT you better damn sure expect the scrutiny and close examination that comes along with that, be it good or bad. 

If your looking for Kobe Bryant to get a pass CP1708 for his missteps or misdoings, you have entered into the wrong thread and message board champ. 
yup, shaq won championships the first year he was given control over the lakers. jordan won championships the first year he was given control over the bulls. ONLY kobe has had sub par seasons (talking about wins) when playing with a bunch of scrubs. When the lakers won the last two championships it was not done the way kobe wanted, curse mitch for actually giving him good teammates thats not "kobe's way".
This thread is still open? The amount of trolling, player A vs. B discussion, and unnecessary personal attacks in this damn thread is exemplary of what is AGAINST the rules of conduct in this forum? Yet, a few months later.... it is still open. With the forum's main moderator in the heart of much of the discussion. If this thread was about any other player it would have been locked a long time ago. Now I know why I stopped reading this at page 20... The last few pages are an absolute joke, which basically the whole thread has been. Very little basketball discussion, as many other members in here have mentioned. But hey what do I know :rolleyes

All of this. Why is this terrible thread still open? I'm tired of seeing it on the first page with the same dudes bumping it every hour on the hour.

Stop the madness.
Anything that doesnt felate Kobe or the Lakers on this message board is considered trolling.

I'll say this if someone started a Dirk Nowitzki is overrated thread and typed something I thought was stupid my Jimmies would not be Westbrooked one bit.

Dirk IMO has proved his greatness in this league.

I believe it because I lve watched all of it. There is nothing someone on a message board can type to make me doubt it or even really bother me on the subject.

Why y'all can't get the sand of your vags on this subject just doesn't make sense.

Exactly, Dirk has proven himself. As has Kobe, yet you have people in here going all in about how much "overrated" he is, but we're the ones with sand in our vags's.

Laker fans/Kobe fans are the ones that are at fault. We're why this joint is still open 100 pages deep. :lol:
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