Better yet, Kobe Bryant should have never been born.
Horrible player.
Imagine how awesome the league would have been post-Jordan w/o this POS trash Bryant.

Are we twins? Horrible player. Terrible person. We ALL would be better without Kobe Bryant in the world.

This stopped being funny two posts ago.

If this is allowed here I should be allowed to troll the Lakers thread again.
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What they are saying isn't much different than someone arguing he's the 57th best player all time, next to Tony Parker and Clyde Drexler. :lol:

Or tyin to argue that he's no better than Jason Kidd.

Ray Allen

JR Smith


That's what this thread has in it SneakerPro. What they are doing is an exact match to all that ridiculous ********.

And I know those claims weren't you, I know you've been trying to actually speak on the subject in realistic terms, the majority of this thread was not that way.
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There's obviously no way for me to prove it... and likewise, no way for you to disprove it... but I would still contend that if you gave Kidd Kobe's supporting cast throughout Kobe's career, Kidd would be hailed much more than he already is. People want to argue that Kobe is the second best PG ever? I firmly believe that if Kidd were given Kobe's cast, we would be arguing Kidd as the second best PG ever.

you think that's outlandish? I think it's outlandish to suggest that Kobe would still have 5 rings if he never had the supporting cast he has had. because the harsh reality is that 2 of the worst seasons we've had in the last 20 years have been when we really had to rely on Kobe... and just Kobe. Forced to be The Man and lead us wherever, we missed the playoffs one year, and now we're scratching our way into the playoffs this year.

That's not my opinion; that's factual. for the accolades that you guys want him to be credited for, the fact that the only 2 times we really have had to rely on him and just him for different reasons, lead to us being a cellar dweller... I mean... *shrug*
I can already hear the rebuttals.

"What team doesn't have help?"
Yes, teams have help... but the help they get doesn't catapult them from being cellar dwellers to champions. It catapults them from being perennial conference contenders to perennial championship contenders to champions. How do you guys not see that the 2 times we have had to rely on Kobe, we have sucked? The teams of all time greats don't flat out suck when the teams have to rely on just that guy.

"Well, the 2 times that we have had to rely on just him where when there were wholesale roster changes. The team didn't have time to gel. Injuries. New coaches."
Exuses. it's simple: if the supporting cast that is brought in helps an all time great take the team from terrible to championship, then the reason for the team's success is not the 'all time great'. That's such an obvious concept.

If I'm working on a project and getting nowhere with it, then someone assigned you to work with me, and we have the greatest project in the history of projects, how the hell could somebody credit me for that success? Because of you, the project went from terrible to magnificent... and that's because of me? :nerd:
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This stopped being funny two posts ago.

If this is allowed here I should be allowed to troll the Lakers thread again.
they're not trying to be funny, just telling the truth

its really just shameful how he blackmails his teammates into telling the media that he is a great teammate

Jordan won without 5 time champion pg Derick fisher, jordan never had the help that kobe had
This thread is full of butt hurt Kobe fans, give me my access to the Lakers thread back if they're allowed to troll in here.

Can we at least agree that Kobe is neither top 5 or greatest Laker of all-time?

Is it at least debatable that Kobe ISN'T top 10?

Bill Russell
Oscar robertson

and soon

This thread is full of butt hurt Kobe fans, give me my access to the Lakers thread back if they're allowed to troll in here.

Can we at least agree that Kobe is neither top 5 or greatest Laker of all-time?

Is it at least debatable that Kobe ISN'T top 10?

Bill Russell
Oscar robertson

and soon

never knew you were a kobe fan, kobe MIGHT be top 10?? thats like the nicest thing anyone has ever said about that scrub

hes not even a top 10 laker of all time
So you're all just resorting to sarcasm now? :lol:

Objectivity and openmindedness at it's finest right there.

CP, give your folks some more stats to quote and piggyback off of. They got nothing. :\
This isn't a team thread quik. You all are trolling in here, its being trolled right back. This thread was ******** from jump but was allowed to live. We offered to open up other players are overrated threads and were told we couldn't, just this one. :lol:

So be happy you have this to troll in. You've ignored every honest stance made your way with blind hate filled rebuttals, so you really don't have a leg to stand on.
How so, I believe I've presented pretty good arguments or questions everytime backed up with comparisons or info.

Not just

It's not that don't acknowledge Kobe as a great shooting guard or player, he's just honestly overrated.
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1 the statement was incredibly stupid so I responded with equally stupid reasoning.

2 it can be proven. There aren't 20 people with better resumes

3 thread should have been locked a looooong time ago. Instead we have people like yourself spewing absolute nonsense such as Kobe tried to go for 81 against the warriors

A player takes 42 shots in a basketball and isn't going for 80 points.
So you're all just resorting to sarcasm now? :lol:

Objectivity and openmindedness at it's finest right there.

CP, give your folks some more stats to quote and piggyback off of. They got nothing. :\

I have nothin to do with what they are saying. I've tried the whole time to have honest back and forths with folks who clearly differed from my opinion, some went back and forth with me, such as yourself, some had nothing and trolled themselves.
I can already hear the rebuttals.
How do you guys not see that the 2 times we have had to rely on Kobe, we have sucked? The teams of all time greats don't flat out suck when the teams have to rely on just that guy.

Honestly, How far do you think he shoulda went with Lamar, Smush, Kwame, Chris Mihm, Bryan Cook?
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This stopped being funny two posts ago.

If this is allowed here I should be allowed to troll the Lakers thread again.

Just because you don't agree with my stance doesn't mean I'm trolling.

"Honestly, How far do you think he shoulda went with Lamar, Smush, Kwame, Chris Mihm, Bryan Cook?"

At least Conference Finals. Kidd's shot to assist ratio would be the inverse of a SG, naturally. So for every shot he DID NOT take, he would have 5 assists. For those games where Jason only had 3-5 attempts, when he could've had 10 attempts...25 assists. Simply put, at least Conference Finals. Phoenix Suns would've been dispatched in 6 games. Each year. Jason Kidd would be the league's greatest Poing Guard if he had Kobe's teams. In fact, he'd be the Point God.
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I feel like im observing the lounge at a mental hospital watching you guys make the same points over and over about the same guy :lol:

Yall are all mad weird.
Honestly, How far do you think he shoulda went with Lamar, Smush, Kwame, Chris Mihm, Bryan Cook?

That's the team that Kobe wanted.  So at the end of the day Kobe got the team and the team captain position that he wanted, and he wasn't able to handle it.  For a guy who is "suppose" to be one of the Top 5 greatest of all-time (
), he certainly didn't get the job done.  
Anyone who has a basic understanding should know that kobe tried to score 81 vs the warriors this year. The only proof needed is that he took 40 shots, this scrub failed so hard... if you disagree with me it's obvious you have never played basketball before
I can already hear the rebuttals.

"What team doesn't have help?"
Yes, teams have help... but the help they get doesn't catapult them from being cellar dwellers to champions. It catapults them from being perennial conference contenders to perennial championship contenders to champions. How do you guys not see that the 2 times we have had to rely on Kobe, we have sucked? The teams of all time greats don't flat out suck when the teams have to rely on just that guy.

"Well, the 2 times that we have had to rely on just him where when there were wholesale roster changes. The team didn't have time to gel. Injuries. New coaches."
Exuses. it's simple: if the supporting cast that is brought in helps an all time great take the team from terrible to championship, then the reason for the team's success is not the 'all time great'. That's such an obvious concept.

If I'm working on a project and getting nowhere with it, then someone assigned you to work with me, and we have the greatest project in the history of projects, how the hell could somebody credit me for that success? Because of you, the project went from terrible to magnificent... and that's because of me? :nerd:

MJ's early Bulls teams with crappy rosters werent that great either; if Im not mistaken they made the playoffs with losing records a few times. I don't care who it is, you give them a supporting cast of Luke Walton, Lamar Odom, Kwame Brown and Smush Parker that's not gonna be a competitive team. I would argue that if Magic was on that team they would have had a worse record and definitely not almost beat the Suns in the playoffs. Kobe carried those teams; not a single dude on those rosters has done anything worth a damn on other teams, if they even stayed in the league at all.

I get what you're saying in that that style of play (Kobe ball or w/e you wanna call it) isn't sustainable for competing for championships. But I think you'd have to look at those seasons as evidence of just how good he was to even keep such a terrible roster afloat in the West. Playing the right way and being unselfish works great when your teammates are NBA caliber players, but that wasn't the case on those teams.
I can already hear the rebuttals.

"What team doesn't have help?"
Yes, teams have help... but the help they get doesn't catapult them from being cellar dwellers to champions. It catapults them from being perennial conference contenders to perennial championship contenders to champions. How do you guys not see that the 2 times we have had to rely on Kobe, we have sucked? The teams of all time greats don't flat out suck when the teams have to rely on just that guy.

"Well, the 2 times that we have had to rely on just him where when there were wholesale roster changes. The team didn't have time to gel. Injuries. New coaches."
Exuses. it's simple: if the supporting cast that is brought in helps an all time great take the team from terrible to championship, then the reason for the team's success is not the 'all time great'. That's such an obvious concept.

If I'm working on a project and getting nowhere with it, then someone assigned you to work with me, and we have the greatest project in the history of projects, how the hell could somebody credit me for that success? Because of you, the project went from terrible to magnificent... and that's because of me? :nerd:

MJ's early Bulls teams with crappy rosters werent that great either; if Im not mistaken they made the playoffs with losing records a few times. I don't care who it is, you give them a supporting cast of Luke Walton, Lamar Odom, Kwame Brown and Smush Parker that's not gonna be a competitive team. I would argue that if Magic was on that team they would have had a worse record and definitely not almost beat the Suns in the playoffs. Kobe carried those teams; not a single dude on those rosters has done anything worth a damn on other teams, if they even stayed in the league at all.

I get what you're saying in that that style of play (Kobe ball or w/e you wanna call it) isn't sustainable for competing for championships. But I think you'd have to look at those seasons as evidence of just how good he was to even keep such a terrible roster afloat in the West. Playing the right way and being unselfish works great when your teammates are NBA caliber players, but that wasn't the case on those teams.
Objectivity and openmindedness at it's finest right there.

there are about 4 people in this thread that are semi objective and not condescending. don't act like this was a quality thread from the start.

90% of the people in this thread wont change their mind or understand where the other side is coming from. they either love or hate kobe that much.

i'm nott butt hurt that this thread is open, but this thread is really just a large player a vs player b thread which i thought was against the rules

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