people said "kobe is playing with dwight, nash, artest, pau, and antoine jamison."

the response is "all of those people are hurt and/or old."

the rebuttal to that was "dwight's not hurt" which of course raises the reply, "he complained early in the season that on back to backs he couldn't feel his legs, and last night he shot 33%.  How is that Kobe's fault?"

Now all of a sudden we're gonna argue Dwight, Nash, and Pau are balling at their usual all star levels like it means...

You know what? forget it. I'm tired.

You're right.  No one who thinks Kobe is a top 15 player in history knows anything about basketball.

Based on the arguments in this thread, Kobe may be overrated. 

But if that's so, then according to the same flimsy arguments, then so is Jordan.

Lebron >>> Jordan.

Jordan and Lebron have nothing to do with this topic unless you believe Kobe should be rated higher than both those players on the all-time list. The topic is Kobe Bryant. The same arguments made on one player, dont automatically apply to another player because their games are not the same, they dont bring the same skills to the game or do the same things for their team.

It doesnt matter if Dwight is hurt, hes still putting up 16 and 12 on 55% FG shooting. Thats your second option. You got the best center in basketball, even at 75%, as your second option.

And if you don't think Pippen is one of the 1-5 greatest small forwards ever and a top 5 player in the league for the entirety of the 90s you're an imbecile.

You said he was the "BEST small foward ever". Dont go changing your tune to 1-5 now because you got called out on that ridiculous statement. Pippen was one of my favorite players, top 5 SF definitely, but "BEST small foward ever" is comical. Even Scottie would laugh.
[quote name="Nako XL"]And if you don't think Pippen is one of the 1-5 greatest small forwards ever and a top 5 player in the league for the entirety of the 90s you're an imbecile.[/quote]Fact.
people said "kobe is playing with dwight, nash, artest, pau, and antoine jamison."

the response is "all of those people are hurt and/or old."

the rebuttal to that was "dwight's not hurt" which of course raises the reply, "he complained early in the season that on back to backs he couldn't feel his legs, and last night he shot 33%.  How is that Kobe's fault?"

Now all of a sudden we're gonna argue Dwight, Nash, and Pau are balling at their usual all star levels like it means...

You know what? forget it. I'm tired.

You're right.  No one who thinks Kobe is a top 15 player in history knows anything about basketball.

Based on the arguments in this thread, Kobe may be overrated. 

But if that's so, then according to the same flimsy arguments, then so is Jordan.

Lebron >>> Jordan.
Jordan and Lebron have nothing to do with this topic unless you believe Kobe should be rated higher than both those players on the all-time list. The topic is Kobe Bryant. The same arguments made on one player, dont automatically apply to another player because their games are not the same, they dont bring the same skills to the game or do the same things for their team.

It doesnt matter if Dwight is hurt, hes still putting up 16 and 12 on 55% FG shooting. Thats your second option. You got the best center in basketball, even at 75%, as your second option.
And if you don't think Pippen is one of the 1-5 greatest small forwards ever and a top 5 player in the league for the entirety of the 90s you're an imbecile.
You said he was the "BEST small foward ever". Dont go changing your tune to 1-5 now because you got called out on that ridiculous statement. Pippen was one of my favorite players, top 5 SF definitely, but "BEST small foward ever" is comical. Even Scottie would laugh.

shut up.
Someone says 'Shaq', someone else says 'Kareem'. Bring up 'Worthy', counter w/ 'Pau,' and so on. So they both experienced a supporting cast full of talent
thats not fair. both worthy and kareem played with magic

Pro, this was the start. Top of page 127 was when Dwight, Nash, Jamison, Artest were brought up, as the same as having Worthy and Kareem for 7-8 years.
Is this poster really in here trying to say MJ is overrated? Smh my goodness stop it! No way you are serious.
Quote someone because I can't find it in the last two and I can't find where people are comparing Dwight and Nash to kareem and Worthy either.
it's there. the threads moved a little (i have it set to 30 posts per page), i didn't realize how many thereve been today alone, but within the past few days it was stated that kobe wasn't in the top 25, and some agreed, and some were like "well he's def a top 20-25 player i think" and i got exasperated and stayed away from the thread for a couple of days.

which i might need to do again.

the same people who bring up kobe playing with injured players/old *** players past their prime are in here wondering what MJ being unable to get to the playoffs with a team of washed up all stars has to do with the discussion.

same people who argue that kobe played with shaq and pau 5 years apart from each other, won't acknowledge that Magic played with worthy and kareem at the SAME TIME.

their arguments work one way but not the other.

i'm tired.  i'm over this thread.  there's like three reasonable people in here. the rest are just trolls.

MJ's overrated.
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it's there. the threads moved a little (i have it set to 30 posts per page), i didn't realize how many thereve been today alone, but within the past few days it was stated that kobe wasn't in the top 25, and some agreed, and some were like "well he's def a top 20-25 player i think" and i got exasperated and stayed away from the thread for a couple of days.

which i might need to do again.

the same people who bring up kobe playing with injured players/old *** players past their prime are in here wondering what MJ being unable to get to the playoffs with a team of washed up all stars has to do with the discussion.

same people who argue that kobe played with shaq and pau 5 years apart from each other, won't acknowledge that Magic played with worthy and kareem at the SAME TIME.

their arguments work one way but not the other.

i'm tired.  i'm over this thread.  there's like three reasonable people in here. the rest are just trolls.

MJ's overrated.

You continue to make the stupidest arguments. LMAO at comparing what KOBE had/has to MJ's Wizards. Rip? Stack? Laettner? Oakley???? :rofl:

Wow...i forgot how GREAT those players were....:lol: Let me know when ANY of those guys EVER came CLOSE to winning an MVP, and I ain't talking about no damn COLLEGE either! :lol: Acting like they were EVER in the same level as a Nash, Dwight, Pau....SMH! Were they even EVER the # 1 options for their respective teams and winning??!?! Pretty sure you're the same type of dude that thinks Bron should've won a title with "all star" Mo Williams as his second option too huh? Now I know to never take you serious.
Originally Posted by Nako XL  

for several years (or at the very least 2002-2003) kobe was hands down the best player in the nba.

hands down.
There is no logical argument for Kobe being better than Duncan in '02-'03. Let alone hands down.
There is no logical argument for Kobe being better than Duncan in '02-'03. Let alone hands down.
:lol: at people thinking Kobe has had a better career than duncan...

my homeboys be like "kobe is waaaay better than duncan"

i give them a :stoneface: and walk away...
All they see are kobes flashy dunks and flexing muscles ,fade away with style smh at these fools bunch of kids keep watching sportscenter..
Kobe once scored 56 points in 30 minutes 
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All they see are kobes flashy dunks and flexing muscles ,fade away with style smh at these fools bunch of kids keep watching sportscenter..

I disagree with this statement. Because I'm old enough that I watched all 6 of Jordan's championships. And I just see a lot if BS in this thread on both sides.

Like I've said before in this thread the argument is stupid anyway.

Because I think when your talking about basketball you have to go by position it's the only argument that makes since.

IMO it's a little easier for a big man to dominate the game than it is for a guard to dominate.

Comparing a PF to a SG is not a fair argument. They are two different positions that needs two different skill sets.

You can sit here all day and say Shaq or Duncan were more dominate than Kobe. But no way you can say they were more skilled.

And you damn sure cant name 5 guards better than Kobe.
If its so easy for a big man to dominate....


Why don't big men dominate today?

And don't give me that "big men aren't taught to be big men" rule cuz that's not eem true...

Starting a tram with players drafted from 90-2000...

1. Shaq... 2. Duncan.... 3. Kobe...
there's nothing to answer. what ska said was opinion and doesn't mean much beyond that.

kobe came in much younger than magic, less developed and didnt even get burn for two years. so all that he accomplished was really done in 15 years of play.  magic came in on a STACKED team and had the benefit of playing on one his entire career. Kobe had bad teams at the start and bad teams in the middle.

magic also won a finals mvp just because kareem got hurt at the end. look at the numbers that series and that playoffs. kareem would have won that fmvp.

that league leader in individual skill thing is kinda dumb.

and we already established that giving magic props for leading the nba in steals means nothing defensively when you can say allen iverson WHO CAN'T GUARD ANYONE led the nba in steals 3x.  it just means he gambled in passing lanes his entire career.

and say what you want about tim duncan being better than kobe (i dont even understand where that comes from or the point youre trying to make comparing the two) or about kobe riding shaq, but for several years (or at the very least 2002-2003) kobe was hands down the best player in the nba.

hands down.

Please stop.
Did you watch the game where he had to come out because he couldn't feel his legs?

Then missed the next game?

Oh, but he's the same Dwight.  Ignore that he's playing poorly too, going 6 for 18 against the suns last night to get that 16 and 11.

But that's Kobe's fault.

Gotta love how you point out the "6 for 18" shooting in a thread defending your hero who probably has the most sub-40% shooting games shooting 20 shots/game in NBA history.
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