Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

I doubt we'll see any back story to any of the suits. Most, if not all of them will already be made. Maybe Tony is in the finishing stages of a suit in IM3. They probably take a long time to make, but by now the audience should know he builds suits. :lol: A new one shouldn't throw viewers off guard or anything.
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I doubt we'll see any back story to any of the suits. Most, if not all of them will already be made. Maybe Tony is in the finishing stages of a suit in IM3. They probably take a long time to make, but by now the audience should know he builds suits. :lol: A new one shouldn't throw viewers off guard or anything.

Im going to put the reply on a spoiler in case people might get mad that the movie is ruined. Read at your own risk.

One of the suit in the spoiler is the H.A.P.P.Y. armor, made due to the death of his friend Happy. It has Happy's AI. This has to be explained, show that he dies and Tony grieving and builds the suit. This could be from the attack by Mandarin to Tony's home.

Another is the Stealth armor, they describe him using it to infiltrate Ten Rings hideout, short clip of him getting the idea and building. That is fine. Next up.

Layered Plating Armor, it fold for practicality and then another is the S.K.I.N. armor, which supposedly fails. Again, there has to be a bit of story there too.

Then the Particle Radiation Cannon, suppsoedly built becasue Firepower was too strong for the old suit, then he modifies it to the R.E.S.C.U.E. armor to help Pepper Potts. Again, this isn't going to need a 30 minute backstory but it still needs to make sense and can't just come out of the blue.

Then the Heart Breaker, consists of part of the other armors that has been wrecked. But somehow, he develops a modified version, Heart Breaker V2.0, aptly names Ultimate Iron Man.

Then they mention the Extremis suit where Tony finally becomes one with the suit. The mention "perfecting" it so we should see a montage of him trying to work on it and figuring things out.

Then the suits that can easily be explained as something he developed over the years (though I don't think IM3 is years and years apart from the Avengers film);, Space Suit, Brute (Hulkbuster), Aquatic and Asgardian (looks like the Destroyer from Thor film). Will this get more screen time than just background props? We'll see but it would be a waste to not see any of these in action.

So there, that is all the suits. And honestly, not all needs an hour of build up but some still need some deeper work and development, it can't just be "oh I need this suit! and then bam! It is made on the enxt scene. Are they going to do that 7-9 times in the film? How are you going to make them all fit in there? It seems like his suits keeps getting destroyed and dude just keeps upgrading or developing new ones as one is destroyed or beaten. Unless that whole film is simply all about that, suit being destroyed and getting rebuilt modified, then this movie going to be worse than IM2. I just don't see all that suit fitting in a 2 hour film.
Like...I get why people were going crazy for TDKR. It had been 4 years and Nolan is a super secretive **** and all these interesting actors kept getting added on and all that.

But why would people want to know what happens in IM3?

I mean IM2 wasn't so great, Avengers came out last year, there was a full trailer, and it comes out in a couple months.

I's Iron Man. :lol: At least give the movie a chance to surprise you and work it's magic.

Iono...that's just me.
Eh, I'm the type of person who enjoys the movie either way. When I watch a movie, I don't really wait for what I read to happen, it always leaves my mind and and in the end if I have read it in the spoilers, I just go "oh yeah, I was suppose to know that was going to happen." The movie is just much better too if it has engulfed me and made me forget anything that was suppose to happen.

Plus most of the time, these rumors/spoilers are wrong especially since I haven't even read any screenings for the movie yet. Like in TDKR, so many rumors of Superman appearing or JGL being Robin, Talia being in the film, etc... and nothing was ruined at all. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Was still surprised JGL was "Robin" in the end though Talia, not so much but still didn't ruin the film since it was obvious from all the pics they have shown.
I don't know if anyone else saw the bootleg Spanish trailer before it was removed from youtube, but yea, anyone that didn't buy that article regarding all those armors...'ll see soon enough 8)
I don't know if anyone else saw the bootleg Spanish trailer before it was removed from youtube, but yea, anyone that didn't buy that article regarding all those armors...'ll see soon enough
I wish I spoke english spanish.... it is still up for anyone wanting to see it before it comes out tomorrow...
[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Hulkbuster (or at least large armor that kinda looks like it) in the new trailer[/font]
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spanish, low quality, view at your own risk

Its a trailer, why view at your own risk? it'll be all over TV and theaters starting tomorrow.
I know how some people get about spoilers and non-hd videos. :lol:
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Its a trailer, why view at your own risk? it'll be all over TV and theaters starting tomorrow. :lol:

Asgardian Armor?
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