Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits


i wonder what suits the 2nd and 3rd ones are from the right.. also the bulky one that you can barely see in the left corner
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Last trailer was good...this one really got me though.

I got full faith in Shane Black.
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I'm not even gonna keep my hopes high for this one after the disappointing Iron Man 2. There was really no need for Rhodey/War Machine to be in that film. Let Stark/IM fight his own battles and personal demons like the Dark Knight.

Looks like they're really trying to milk the franchise and toy business with the million and one suits.
[h1]Interview: Shane Black and Kevin Feige on Iron Man 3[/h1]Really good interview.

Q: The sequence with Air Force One, which we saw today and is going to be in the full trailers, can you talk about where that came from and filming that sequence?

Black: Well the filming of it was interesting. We decided early on, Drew and I, that I wanted to -- I like hijack stuff and I wanted to have people in the sky, just falling, and Iron Man is confronted with that image and he’s got to get them out of it somehow. The challenge was on the days we said, “Well we’d really love to do this, but we don’t want to do just green screen, can we just toss people out of a plane?” and they said, “Well that would probably be unethical.” But we found the Redbull skydiving team that was willing to jump out of a plane and have their backpacks erased digitally. It’s kind of compelling, the first images you see of people falling in clothes, because people are always in jumpsuits, orange or yellow jumpsuits, and when you just see some girl in a skirt and a guy in a business suit falling it’s pretty scary.

Feige: Over the course of almost a week, we did eight to ten jumps a day, for a week. It was amazing, amazing footage.

Q: Can you talk about Drew Pearce’s involvement? Is he your writing partner or did you bring him on specifically for this?

Feige: We hired Drew before we hired Shane. We didn’t have a director yet. Drew Pearce had done an amazing draft of a script called "Runaways" for us, which is a movie we ended up not making.

Black: It sounds amazing.

Q: After cell phones came out, horror directors had to come up with elaborate ways to explain why people wouldn’t call someone on a cell phone for help. Now that all the Avengers know each other, do you have to come up with excuses for why Tony Stark wouldn’t reach out when he needs a hand?

Feige: I don’t think Shane knew the difference between a PG-13 and an R, frankly. We would say, “Shane, you can’t really do that.” “You can’t?” “No.”

Q: Well, in the footage, Tony Stark does call a little kid a p***y.

Feige: Well, it’s not like we’re completely backing off that tone. And, by the way, in maybe I think the first assembly I was like “Shane, we’re not going to be able to say that.” There was another insult that he has later in the movie and I said, “You keep that one, we’re not going to be able to say *****.” Shane, to his credit, said “Let’s leave it in the test screening.” It was the first test screening we did, the audience, as you guys did today, went crazy for the curse word, crazy for it, and nearly burned down the theater on the second one, which I had not predicted. So we took out the second one and left that one in.
trailer has that dark knight vibe all over which is a good thing.

hopefully it wont end up sucking like IM2.

also disappointed that Iron Patriot armor is only a painted War Machine.
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RDJ is the greatest superhero to be casted ever. It's truely amazing how much of a perfect fit he is for Iron Man.
This is gonna be sick.

My favorites are always gonna be bats and supes. But man Iron man is dope in his own right.

This movie is going to be :wow: :wow: :pimp: :pimp:
It would be bugged out if Tony could just jump into any suit he wants (the ones shown at the end of the trailer) at any given time to use the different weapons they have (even though they're basically operating by themselves)...

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