In the spirit of Halloween. Post your city/towns urban legends...

"The Dancing Woman"

A man lived on the 7th floor of an apartment building and was lonely. One day he noticed the figure of a woman dancing in a swaying motion in an apartmentacross from his building. The curtain was drawn, so he could only see the shadow. Everyday he looked out his window, he would see her dancing. Finally, thelonely man fell in love with the dancing woman and decided to pay her a visit. He bought a bouquet of fresh flowers and went to her building, climbing thesteps to her floor.

He knocked on the door but no one answered. He knocked again but no one answered. He could have sworn he had just seen her dancing in the window. Worried thatsomething had happened to her, he kicked the door open. He was heart broken by what he saw.

The woman was hanging from the ceiling in front of the window, her body swaying from side to side as if she was dancing.
son i had a story but my pc crashed i aint about to rewrite it sorry but this is a good thread
There is a true story that surrounds Eastern Michigan University about the "Michigan Murderer" John Collins.

He killed a bunch of girls back in the day around campus. At first I didn't think much of it besides "ok some psycho killed girls back in the day,whatever", until i found out that one of the girls killed was my sorority advisor's friend/roomate back when she was at EMU, and she also happened tobe good friends with Collins, as no one suspected him of being a killer. Then we get on to the good part. The last house me and some of my sisters rented backat EMU was the house that he lived in when he was doing the murders. We got a little freaked out after that and only ended up staying 5 months. We never didhave anything too weird happen while we lived there, but we did live in an addition to the house that was built only a few years ago. When we toured the houseto pick out an apartment and seen the original part of the house, the basement in the old house freaked us out and left us feeling really weird which is why wechose to live in the new addition. Only a month later were we told that is the house he lived in.

I know its Wiki, but if you google it, there is a lot more info about him

EDIT: here is something from one of the many articles about the story saying where he lived.
A block from Eastern Michigan University is the former residence of serial killer John Collins. Starting in the late 1960�s, JohnCollins became the prime suspect in the murders of several Eastern Michigan University and University of Michigan female co-eds, in addition to several otherwomen. John Collins was an education major at EMU and lived a block from campus at 619 Emmet Street, commonly referred to as the �Michigan Murder House.� Hisfirst victim lived a block away at 423 Washtenaw Avenue and his second victim lived a block in the other direction at 703 Emmet Street. Edward Keyes chroniclesthese events in his excellent book The Michigan Murders. The book describes how most of the murders would probably have been prevented had it not been forbungled police work. After the second murder, for example, witnesses informed police that John Collins was with the victim on campus shortly before shedisappeared, but police dismissed the lead because John Collins was related to a sergeant in the police department who vouched for him.

The relative he had in the police department was his uncle who owned a farmhouse where some of the murders took place. Collins was finally caughtafter one weekend when his uncle was out of town, he killed one of the girls in the basement and then repainted to cover the blood on the walls. His unclethought it was strange that he painted and when he was trying to find out why it was painted over, he found blood.
no stories about dmv please!
Originally Posted by kixofrinic

Around me in SF there is the White Witch of Stow Lake,
Legend is that a ladys infant child turned up missing, an investigation was opened and the child ( not sure if it was a boy or girl) was found in Stow Lake. On Halloween, supposedly she comes back and asks people where her child is. When my Uncle was in High School he went (with his jumpoff
) only to be scared outta his mind when this lady appeared standing next to a tree as he looked in his rear view. He then turns to look back n shes gone, so he thinks his mind is playin tricks on him. Couple seconds later he looks in his side mirror and shes standing next to the trunk of his car
pointing and mumbling. Scared outta his mind he dips off. I plan on heading there this Halloween, any NTers interested in gettin a group. PM me!

In Brentwood, CA
Same Urban Legend about gravity hill, baby powder n all. Although legend is if u head down a trail just off the road theres an abandoned psych ward. Tried to go one time with a group of friends only to find about 15 KKK at a slaughterhouse next to the trail.
( How do we know theyre actually KKK u ask? When u enter the road the graf on some highway dividers has nothin but KKK and Swastikas tagged on em. Kept quite a distance between us and them bein that we were all brown as hell. LOL

For son who posted about Waverly.. I remember they went there on that haunted show on ABC Family a year or so ago, place looks beyond creepy

at the Stow Lake one. Yep, that is a old one.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the Cop of Golden Gate Park.

Golden Gate Park ~ There's a police officer ghost that roams Golden Gate Park. People will get pulled over and getspeeding tickets by this guy, but when they go to file it through the courts they'll find out that the officer listed doesn't exist. He's been deadfor 10 years. Anyway, the story goes that if a cop in the park is trailing you, you need to go outside of the park first before you pull over. And once you do,the ghost cop will disappear.
There's an abandon haunted asylum in Maryland.....not sure where( I think Rockville). I guess other people from the DMV might know about this. But I'veheard of phones going off, voices and shadows.
Originally Posted by knightngale

where did you get that long $#$ story from shaunjon?


I was searching for patterson road and came across that story on a search result from some other message board
bump, we should keep this going. interesting thread. btw im going to patterson road this weekend w/ some friends to check it out. and I wanna check out the1960 overpass, supposedly that whole area is haunted
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