In the spirit of Halloween. Post your city/towns urban legends...

Originally Posted by Ritch1088

^ Yeah everybody I've asked has said they have seen the handprints and felt the car being pushed. In my two years in SA I have yet to try this.

On another note anybody from Houston ever heard of the West Oaks Ghost or something like that?

Never heard of that, please explain
Originally Posted by DeNs415

Originally Posted by dropKicks

Theres this spot over here in Pasadena CA they call Gravity hill .. You go on this slope and put your car in neutral and it pushes your car up the road .. it stops at a certain point but its nuts .. the story bout that was a school bus full of kids crashed down the hill .. it was in unsolved mysteries .. if you put powder on the back of your whip your suppose to see hand prints but i never tried it myself ..
they got the same exact story up here @ Antioch, CA
and in Moreno Valley and Rubidoux
Originally Posted by LoLzTrunkz

The Statue

Amy, a 15 year old teenager, was in need for some quick cash. Her prom dance was only 2 weeks away and her dress was very expensive. Thus, she agreed to babysit her neighbour's kid. The Harrington's often went out for fine-dining, visiting the casino, etc, and what relief they felt when Amy accepted their offer.

"Here's the keys and my cell number. There's money on the table for you to order something, oh and Bobby's asleep upstairs. Alright, be safe, and take care. Thanks."

"Yup, no problem Mr. Harrington."

When the Mr. and Mrs. Harrington left, Amy went straight to the money. She didn't bother ordering, she kept the money instead. Then, she helped herself to the fridge.

After her meal, she plopped herself on the couch and popped on the TV. The Harrington's were odd folks, they collected many antiques and unique artifacts. Hanging on the walls were beautiful paintings of houses, people, and animals. Next to the paintings, in a glass case, were egyptian artifacts and oddities. Throughout the home was very much the same. But what really stood out was a life-sized statue of a clown in the corner. She couldn't help but notice the statue as it was facing straight at her. It's soft, colourful make-up, outrageous costume, and it's eccentrically happy, almost evil smile frightened her a bit. In the end, she decided to call Mr. Harrington for permission to move the clown because she'd be sleeping in the living room that night.

Upon hearing the complaint, Mr. Harrington was a bit startled. Then he immediately yelled, "AMY, TAKE BOBBY AND GET OUT NOW!"



But before he finished, he heard a scream, then the line went dead. Bobby Harrington also died that night.

Gave me the chills no lie

Damn clowns...
EDIT^ i think it's goatman....

Some of my friends who attend Maryland U were coming home and while they were on the road they claimed that they saw a half goat/man wondering theroad
They said they stopped and was going to take a pic but he wascoming towards them w/ a club or something like that so they bolted

they weren't high, so they say...
My city, Louisville, Kentucky.. hmm what do we have thats haunted? Not much foreal.. except for ONE OF THE MOST HAUNTED PLACES IN THE WORLD. Thats right, inthe world. Waverly Hills Sanitarium, ever heard of it? If not check it out. Used to be a TB hospital, people were dying like crazy in there. How many you ask?About 60,000. YES, 60,000 people died from TB in a building that I can see from my house!!

People not only died from TB there, a nurse hung herself, some died from electric shock trying to help patients, other suicides happened as well.

I have snuck up there a few times when I was younger, but didnt stay long because if your caught its a 5000$ fine. lol They have tours there, which I plan ontaking right after Halloween so I will let yall know about that when I go. Here are some pics I found on google.






There have been many ghost hunters there, most recently last Halloween a team from the Sci-Fi channel did an all night Halloween special from there. If youwant to know more ask me, or google it yourself. Look about the little girl in the window, the shadow people, the little boy and his ball, the death tunnel.Some pretty cool stuff, just think.. one of the most haunted places in the WORLD is within walking distance from where I am now
I found something on a road not even 5 miles from my house, I always get a weird feeling when I drive down this road, and for some reason I always make sure mydoors are locked down this road. This is a VERY long read, but it is entertaining and creepy...

This is in Houston,TX by the way

Patterson Road...

Directions: Located off of I-10 in Houston, Exit Eldridge, And turn left on a little road called Patterson Road.

Patterson Road is a small drive with Trees and Nature surrounding you at all sides. Its quite beautiful during the day time. On this particular road twobridges are I believe to be no more than maybe 200-300 feet from eachother. One is known as Bear Creek Bridge, and the other Langham Creek Bridge. During theday time you will also notice that near this road is The Bear Creek Pioneer Park. Featuring nature trails, equestrian trails, war memorials, a zoo no less,soccer feilds, and a plethera of other park activities.

Now to be honest with you we read about this place on the internet and in a book, and both didn't speak too fondly of the place. But rather painted a moresinister picture. A book called "Weird Texas" that my companions and I were reading one day mentioned a place called Patterson Road . A place thatwas supposedly haunted by the spirits of the soldiers from the past. The only catch was to see, feel, or hear the spirits you had to park your car on LanghamBridge, turn the car off and listen. Might I beg and protest that there is safety in numbers and if you decide to do this for your self please travel in alarge group and lock your car doors!!

What is supposed to happen is you will start to hear tapping on the car. Supposedly these tappings are the souls of the soldiers of days ago. Either warningyou to stay away or trying to get in. No one really knows.

Upon our first venture out there we took a slew of people with us. I believe it was 8 people total and two cars. We drove out to the supposedly haunted spotand parked the cars and awaited the unexepected. However nothing really was beginning to discourage the group in my friends car so theysaid they wanted to leave. However, we decided to make one more pass of it. With one car at one bridge and the other car at the other, we thought maybe thestory had gotten messed up. And it was really Bear creek that was haunted and not Langham. Within the next five minutes the opposite group from us pulled upexcited telling us that Bear Creek was the bridge tapping and all. So we rearranged positions and parked. And yes indeed there were slight but distinctunexplainable taps all over the car at bear creek bridge. And no it was not the car settling. Other than that the first night I guess you could say was somewhat a success.

Well we decided to go again, and again. To see if anything else was present. As of right now I am still doing homework on the place itself. But for yourviewing pleasure if you look in the pictures area of our myspace you will see what we got the second time we went out there. The people pictured in the pictureare my co-workers and friends, Tricia and Brian. We went back to patterson and asked permission to take a few photos and actually, yes, asked the ghosties ifthey would like to be in the picture as well. And to our surprise...We had a single yet perfectly unique orb. And yes we this time we got out of the car. Thiswas very exciting and not to mention the only picture in the whole roll that had an orb present. Upon further inspection we found that there was no doubleexposure, it was not pollen, and nor was it dust. It was simply and unexpected and unexplainable orb.

This then made us want to continue our investigation. HA HA...I talk as though we are really serious ghost hunters when infact we are just a bunch of reallybored kids looking for a thrill. WELL WE ARE GETTING ONE. With our cheap equipment, (manned with disposable cameras, and cell phone recorders, and a smallwal-mart digital recorder), we have managed to have and are still having quite the paranormal experience with this place.

I am still not sure as to whether we are dredging into something we shouldn't be or whether we are all supposed to be here. But...needless to say...itsbeen and still is quite exciting.

Upon our further visits, we took some really interesting voice records or EVPS (Electronic Voice Phenomena). For those who don't know its where you ask theentities questions or talk to them and see if you can get a recorded response. Your ears physically do not pick up on the sounds themselves, you have to goback and listen for yourself. What we have recorded in just a short amount of time is astounding and almost chilling. We will be posting the evps soon butuntil then I will tell you what we have so far.

On our first visitation where we did the recordings we got there between the hours of 12am and 3 am. We were in the car and I remembered that my phone actuallyrecords, so I decided hey why not try. I seriously doubted that we would get anything. But for some reason tonight felt like no other night we had gone. Theair was heavy, and thick, and it almost felt like an extreme ora of sadness of anger was all around us. We also experienced the feeling of being watched bywhat felt like hundreds of eyes watching you only we were all alone. To be honest it felt like it was right outside the car. We heard footsteps walking aroundthe sides and back of the car and although no one was there, it startled us and we took off. When we got to the edge of the road we stopped and I played backthe recording only to hear within the first 3 seconds a distinct mans voice saying..."HELP" (This was recorded on Langham Bridge). We hadn't evenasked a question yet...infact if you listen further you will hear me ask "So what should we do" and my partner Tricia say "Lets ask aquestion" and so forth. It gave us incentive to go back and get more.

While we were driving back down the road I noticed what I had been noticing all night. My phone was acting strangely. I have one of those slightly annoying butneat batteries with the bright lights on the back of it. These lights go off only every 30 minutes or so on their own, or when I am recieving a text messageand or phone call. What I found odd and what happens while we are on patterson is my phone goes CRAZY! It lights up every 5 seconds or so. At one point Irecall having just parked the car and turning the lights off and my eyes had yet to adjust when the phone starts going off again. Well the blinking of thephone usually lasts for about oh...15 to 30 seconds and then stops. Well the phone had just begun blinking when I yelled..."God D*** it! STOP IT! ICAN'T SEE!" upon that it just up and stops not even 3 seconds into blinking. With that I quickly apoligized for yelling. We recorded some more thatnight and got another unexpected response. Mind you this whole time there were no males in the car with us at all! When we played it back later we found whatsounds to be a different voice saying "What are you Doing" or "I'm Stewie (and or Stewart)". (This was recorded on Bear Creek Bridge.

Excited we truely didn't think anyone would believe us at all. I think I should everyone that day at work. This also prompted Tricia and I to buy an actualrecorder. We went out there again with our friend Sarah, this time it was between the hours of 2:30 am and 4 am and again this was only girls in the car. Dueto the previous sad ora of the last trip we decided to take flowers to show respect for them. We placed a bouqet at each bridge of yellow roses. Then wequickly got in the car and started to record. We had a bounty of questions and things to say. We took a total of 3 recordings that night. What was weird is thefeeling of sadness, and danger wasn't there this time. Nothing was tapping on the car and or walking around the car. I noted the time difference too andmade a joke about how it must be past there bed time.

However we didn't come out as empty handed as we thought. When we got back to fox and hound we listened only to find 2 distinct recordings. The first onewas in a man's voice in a slightly agitated tone stating..."WE'RE DEAD!" And the second and clear as day was a surprisingly a womans voice(that or a very soft man's voice) saying "PLEASE HELP".

This was the second time they have asked for help. HELP FROM WHAT THOUGH!! I am so lost. I want to know more about what happened there. But I can't seem tofind anything on the place. However our experiences haven't stopped with this place.

My boyfriend recently came into town from College Station and we decided to take a trip there during the day. We drove around some and then took a littlehiking trip and explored the woods that had been so dark and sinister to me during the day were now just trees.

As we were walking the nature trail we found a bridge, and eventually came upon a cottonmouth snake! Always a great thing... But mostly I was looking for agraveyard that is said to be hidden away back somewhere in the reservoir and I wanted to find it. I was trying to figure out why are these spirits sorestless??? What war are the soldiers from??? WHY DO THEY NEED HELP??? How old is this place??? Evidently the graveyard that is there was once part of a churchthat was moved to another location, however they chose to leave the bodies behind. I wanna know why?? I mean personally I would be a little pissed off too!! Wenever found the graveyard but like I said I have not forgotten it either. I plan on getting in touch with the local park rangers and seeking out! I want toknow who what when where why and how about this place!

I have heard rumors of it being a place where indians once lived and that troops during the civil war era were marching through and there was a large masacre.However was it the soldiers that killed them, or vice versa? I have heard that much of the town was wiped out by the same hurricane that kills thousands ingalveston in the early 1900's. Could that be why? I have heard that there used to be lots of flooding there and people died from that and diseases. Allrelatively plausable, but all rumors none the same. Its quite the puzzle.

So on the same day that I took my boyfriend during the day I told him I wanted to show him the place at night. So we went and like many times before they letme know they were there, as my phone was going nuts. I decided I should start recording. We sat there for about oh 15 minutes before Brad said that he couldfeel a real sadness here and that he wanted to leave. So we did. We got back to where I had dropped off my car and we were listening to the recording when wehear in a very raspy angry voice..."DAMN HIM"....Okay did I mention that everytime we go out there that it gets more and more and more sinister. Ihave asked many times if it wants us to leave than tell us, or show us a sign, light up the phone, something. But nothing happens. Upon further thought, I amthinking that maybe this is a combination of ghosts. I mean when you are out there and you get that feeling of being watched its not just like a little creepy.ITS REALLY CREEPY! Its extreme! And its all around you! So like I was saying I get the feeling that there is more than one type of spirit there, sad spirits,angry spirits, lost souls, etc. Its all a blurr of feelings and emotions that have sometimes brought us to tears not because you are scared but because the oraof the place is so intense and forcefull on you.

Days after being there my boyfriend randomly calls me one day, pleading with me never to go back with out a lot of people in the car. I mean I never go bymyself but he said even just one or two other people with me was not enough! He then explained that he had been having a repetitive nightmare. One in which meand him were in the car and we got mugged another I believe was me and tricia and we get mugged. And the other was really odd. And makes me wonder if this isour sign. Either to stay away, and my boyfriend is psychic, or what they need help with. The last one he said it was like he was up in a tree looking down atwhat was happening. A Car was parked on the bridge and from either side of the road two men run at the car. They pulled the people out of it, and he can'tremember whether it was 2 -3 people in the car. But needless to say they pulled the people from the car and stole their money and murdered them. He said hedidn't recognize the people, or the car itself. Not even the make of the car. Needless to say I stocked up on mase and will only go out there with lots ofpeople. The dream was repetitive, he remembers the details...and maybe thats why they are asking for help. WHO KNOWS....

The most recent but not the last time we were out there it was me tricia and brian. This is where it got really intense for one of us. Brian parks the car onthe bridge and gets out and says LaLo come drive. Confused I asked why, and he simply replied I want to try something. So I got behind the wheel and did whathe asked, and then he said..."Now leave me" "YOUR FREAKING CRAZY!!" But crazy or not he was serious and sent us away. So I left him...Idecided I would loop around the road and come back the opposite way.Within 2 minutes or so Brian called us VERY VERY UPSET telling us to come get him now! Wedrove back and he rushed to get in the car. Whats wrong...I asked but he told me just go just go...please. So I drove a little further up the road and parked.When I turned on the light...I saw tears going down his face. He was shaking and he was cold. He described everything that had happened. We sat there talkingamounst our selves for a while until he calmed down. He said that it was just so intense, and sad. But so angry too. He said it was like he could move at all,like something was preventing him from moving away from the bridge. He said that as soon as we left a big gust of wind came out of no where, and it just keptgetting colder and colder. He told us that even though he is not a professional at this stuff he swears there is more than one spirit here to create such arestless feeling. 30 minutes later he wanted to do it again. CRAZY #*+!!! This time I handed him my phone to record stuff. And once again we left. This timewas a whole lot scarier and this will also be posted on here asap. Until then here is the gist. We had barely left the road when he called. Telling us to getthe f*** back there. I sped this time tricia said he was crying again and said that he was walking towards us away from the bridge and to get there NOW! Hethis time jumped in the car and we sped off. What he got on the recording was nothing short of REALLY F***ING WEIRD! While he was out there he asked questions,and described every feeling. The wind was blowing pretty heavy and you can hear that on the recording. When amist it you hear the sound of a woman SCREAMING!He said the trees were shaking violently and the screaming and shortly after he was walking away from the bridge and calling us. He again was in tears, andseriously this is not the type of guy to cry. I would not have expected that. I mean seriously I thought he was getting out of the car and was going to hideand try to scare us. He is just that type of guy. But I was wrong, and the look on his face told me everything. Again when all this happened it was between12:30am and 3 am...We actually got out of the car with him after 3am and it seemed so peaceful he said, even the darkness of the road had seemed to lighten. Itwas like the time between 12 am and 3 am had something to do with it.

That was the last time we have been there...Not to say we won't go again. However you won't find me on the side of the road being left behind...HELLNO! But I warn anyone who tries this that I agree with people who say these spirits are restless!! I can't tell if it wants help or wants to hurt anyonewho is out there! I just don't know anymore. And until I can find out what happened out there I can't really say who or what is there. However I cansay this...I heed my boyfriends dreams and will never go alone, and just FYI there are a lot of wild life out there so becareful. This is one of those...AtYour Own Risk things....I really can't say much more. Other than I will be keeping everyone posted.
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

My city, Louisville, Kentucky.. hmm what do we have thats haunted? Not much foreal.. except for ONE OF THE MOST HAUNTED PLACES IN THE WORLD. Thats right, in the world. Waverly Hills Sanitarium, ever heard of it? If not check it out. Used to be a TB hospital, people were dying like crazy in there. How many you ask? About 60,000. YES, 60,000 people died from TB in a building that I can see from my house!!
People not only died from TB there, a nurse hung herself, some died from electric shock trying to help patients, other suicides happened as well.
I have snuck up there a few times when I was younger, but didnt stay long because if your caught its a 5000$ fine. lol They have tours there, which I plan on taking right after Halloween so I will let yall know about that when I go. Here are some pics I found on google.

There have been many ghost hunters there, most recently last Halloween a team from the Sci-Fi channel did an all night Halloween special from there. If you want to know more ask me, or google it yourself. Look about the little girl in the window, the shadow people, the little boy and his ball, the death tunnel. Some pretty cool stuff, just think.. one of the most haunted places in the WORLD is within walking distance from where I am now
yeah they made a fictional movie off of this pretty scary it gives me chills
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

yeah they made a fictional movie off of this pretty scary it gives me chills

death tunnel was the name right? that was a decent movie, the real tunnel is the scariest thing ive ever been in. def creepy as hell
anyone here from NoVA heard about the bunnyman? its kinda funny actually, supposedly there was some insane guy that would dress up in a bunny costume and huntand kill people on the bike trails late at night and leave carrot crumbs behind to mark his victims. Dont know if it was true or not...
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

yeah they made a fictional movie off of this pretty scary it gives me chills

death tunnel was the name right? that was a decent movie, the real tunnel is the scariest thing ive ever been in. def creepy as hell
yeah the movie doesn't scare me just the actual building
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

Alligators Ninja Turtles in the sewer for NYC?

I suprised no DMV folk spoke on the "Bunny Man"....

From wiki:
The Bunny Man is an urban legend that probably originated from two incidents in Fairfax County, Virginia in 1970, but has been spread throughout the Washington D.C. area. There are many variations to the legend, but most involve a man wearing a rabbit costume ("bunny suit") who attacks people with an axe. Many variations occur around "Bunny Man Bridge", the concrete tunnel of a Southern Railway overpass on Colchester Road in Clifton.[sup][1][/sup] Story variations include the origin of the Bunny Man, names, motives, weapons, victims, description of the bunny suit, and the possible death of the Bunny Man. In some accounts the Bunny Man's ghost or aging spectre is said to come out his place of death each year on Halloween to commemorate his untimely demise. In some accounts, victims' bodies are mutilated.
Orlando, FL -

Sunland (or Sunnyland) Mental Institution. The short version of the story is that it was a mental hospital where the patients were severely mis-treated andabused by the staff, some abuse resulting in death. They used unconvential methods of medicine such as shock therapy on the patients. A lot of the abuse anddeaths went unreported. Well they shut down the hospital in 1985 and the building just stood there, abandoned, with broken windows, graffiti and some of theold beds still inside for years. Then the rumors started about people hearing things, seeing lights go on and off, doors open and shut, etc.

Then in 1997 some teens went exploring inside it and one of them went through a door thinking it was going to lead to another room but it was actually anelevator shaft and he fell 3 stories to his death. After that, they finally decided to tear it down in 1999.

Personal experience - I went with my brother and his friends one day and we drove pass it back before they tore it down yeaaaars ago. The building was prettydamned straight from a horror movie. Then last week I drove pass the site where the building used to be and they put up a park/playground. There is still part of the old building they didn't tear down that they use as a juvenile probation office. There was no one at the playground and it wasquiet and eerie as hell. I turned the music up in my car and bounced

If you want to read up more on it...
In Chicago I remember being scared of some dude that used to drive around kidnapping kids and either rapping them or killing them dont quite remember but hisname was Homie the clown.
Moorpark, CA

Gravity Hill is our main haunted area/urban legend.

In the my town, located where the LA metro area gives way to orange orchards and oak forest, there were a couple of kids who died years ago in a fatal carcrash off of one of the farm roads on the edge of town. They died in shallow ditch right next to a small hill. On the night of a full moon, you can take yourcar there, put it in neutral and roll up the hill. According to the legend, you are being pushed by the ghost of those dead kids.

A more accurate explanation might be the fact that the hill actually is not a hill and the slight downward grade is actually an upward grade that appears toslope downward because the surrounding geography create an optical illusion. It may not be haunted but it is pretty cool to show to people who don't knowbecause it really does look like evil magic is at work.
Around me in SF there is the White Witch of Stow Lake,
Legend is that a ladys infant child turned up missing, an investigation was opened and the child ( not sure if it was a boy or girl) was found in Stow Lake.On Halloween, supposedly she comes back and asks people where her child is. When my Uncle was in High School he went (with his jumpoff
) only to be scared outta his mind when this lady appeared standing next to atree as he looked in his rear view. He then turns to look back n shes gone, so he thinks his mind is playin tricks on him. Couple seconds later he looks in hisside mirror and shes standing next to the trunk of his car
pointing and mumbling. Scared outta his mind he dips off. I plan on heading there this Halloween, any NTers interested in gettin a group. PM me!

In Brentwood, CA
Same Urban Legend about gravity hill, baby powder n all. Although legend is if u head down a trail just off the road theres an abandoned psych ward. Tried togo one time with a group of friends only to find about 15 KKK at a slaughterhouse next to the trail.
( How do we know theyre actually KKK u ask? When u enter the road the graf on some highway dividers has nothin but KKK and Swastikas taggedon em. Kept quite a distance between us and them bein that we were all brown as hell. LOL

For son who posted about Waverly.. I remember they went there on that haunted show on ABC Family a year or so ago, place looks beyond creepy
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