In the spirit of Halloween. Post your city/towns urban legends...

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]We have another one in Saint Louis about the Lemp Mansion which had a lot of murders and suicides andties into the Excorcist which happened at Saint Louis University (my school/ true story).I'll never ever ever go to that house.[/color]
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I've been to a lot of places, so I know a few, but here's a couple:

1. The "Brown Van" - Basically, it's a van that drives around the neighborhood that all the kids are scared of. Basically, the legend is that it used to be a van for kids that skipped school. It's supposed to take the kids to the police station. Then the legend transformed into something else. Apparently, the van snatches kids and NEVER brings them back. When we were little, we used to play bball in the street. Somebody would be like "
there go the Brown Van!!!
" and everyone would scatter like roaches.

2. The "Bumpa Booty Buster" - Don't ask me how this one got started
. It's a hobo that catches kids off guard, pulls them into dark alleyways, then pumps them in the booty until they die.
I'm dead serious though. We used to be shook walkin past dark streets and alleys.
theres this "haunted" church where i live. story is years ago the priest would put kids in a hole in the stage and beat/rape them. some friends and iwent there one night and i saw the hole. we shone a flashlight down it and there were like chains on the wall. i'm not really into the whole"haunted" stuff, but i do believe if you let it happen your mind can definitely play tricks on you. but yeah just being there it was pretty creepy.
The ghost of Williams Wayne and Ted Bundy walk the streets at night in College Park
I think 60 mins or something went to those train tracks in TX years ago, I remember being a kid and they did the powder test and there were really fingerprintsI was like
Theres this spot over here in Pasadena CA they call Gravity hill .. You go on this slope and put your car in neutral and it pushes your car up the road .. itstops at a certain point but its nuts .. the story bout that was a school bus full of kids crashed down the hill .. it was in unsolved mysteries .. if you putpowder on the back of your whip your suppose to see hand prints but i never tried it myself ..
Originally Posted by dropKicks

Theres this spot over here in Pasadena CA they call Gravity hill .. You go on this slope and put your car in neutral and it pushes your car up the road .. it stops at a certain point but its nuts .. the story bout that was a school bus full of kids crashed down the hill .. it was in unsolved mysteries .. if you put powder on the back of your whip your suppose to see hand prints but i never tried it myself ..
they got the same exact story up here @ Antioch, CA
Originally Posted by daprescription

Fremont, Ca
Niles Canyon Road
A "White Witch" is said to appear trying to hitch a ride home. She supposedly died in a car crash on her Prom night back in the 1920's. When she is pick up, she gives the address where she would like to go. When the driver gets there, she is gone. The driver asks the people who reside if they know anything about it and is told that she is related to them, and has been dead for many years.

That's in a Hawaiian ghost book called the "Obaka Files"
New York, Queens/Long Island:

^^Never been there but some of my friends who have said its some serious scary %@@!
supposedly based on what they say you could still find syringes, scratches on walls, old hospital beds.
^^Now I've been there and OMG was that place scary as %@@!! To top it off we just baked out the car .. I never plan on going back there again.

edit: here another link to the Sweet Hollow Road place
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

New York, Queens/Long Island:

^^Never been there but some of my friends who have said its some serious scary %@@!
supposedly based on what they say you could still find syringes, scratches on walls, old hospital beds.
^^Now I've been there and OMG was that place scary as %@@!! To top it off we just baked out the car .. I never plan on going back there again.

edit: here another link to the Sweet Hollow Road place
interesting... i just might check those out with a bunch of friends for halloween
Originally Posted by Ritch1088

In San Antonio there are haunted tracks. [font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]

[font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Just south of San Antonio, Texas, in an unremarkable neighborhood not far from the San Juan Mission is an intersection of roadway and railroad track that has become somewhat famous in the catalog of American ghost lore. The intersection, so the story goes, was the site of a tragic accident in which several school-aged children were killed - but their ghosts linger at the spot. And the curious from all over the country come to this section of railroad track to witness firsthand the paranormal phenomena they've heard takes place there.[/font]
[font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]The story - at least 20 years old - is the stuff of urban legend and its details vary from telling to telling, but this is essentially it:[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Back in the 1930s or 1940s, a school bus full of children was making its way down the road and toward the intersection when it stalled on the railroad tracks. A speeding train smashed into the bus, killing 10 of the children and the bus driver. Since that dreadful accident many years ago, any car stopped near the railroad tracks will be pushed by unseen hands across the tracks to safety. It is the spirits of the children, they say, who push the cars across the tracks to prevent a tragedy and fate like their own.[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Even today, cars line up at the haunted intersection to see if the legend is true. The driver stops the cars some 20 to 30 yards from the tracks and puts the car in neutral gear. Some even turn off their engines. And sure enough, even though it appears that the road is on an upward grade, the car begins to roll. It rolls slowly first, then steadily gaining speed - seemingly of its own accord and against gravity - up and over the tracks. This has been tested time and time again, and cars really do roll up and over the tracks - every time.[/font]
[font=verdana, geneva, helvetica]But that's not all. The second half of this legend is that if a light powder - like talcum or baby powder - is sprinkled over the car's trunk and rear bumper, tiny fingerprints and handprints will appear - the prints of the ghost children pushing the car. Many who have tried it swear that indeed they can see the evidence of small children's handprints in the powder.


Actually saw this on TV many many years ago and dude did put the powder on the glass and bumper ... and there were fingerprints
^ Yeah everybody I've asked has said they have seen the handprints and felt the car being pushed. In my two years in SA I have yet to try this.

On another note anybody from Houston ever heard of the West Oaks Ghost or something like that?
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by daprescription

Fremont, Ca
Niles Canyon Road
A "White Witch" is said to appear trying to hitch a ride home. She supposedly died in a car crash on her Prom night back in the 1920's. When she is pick up, she gives the address where she would like to go. When the driver gets there, she is gone. The driver asks the people who reside if they know anything about it and is told that she is related to them, and has been dead for many years.
I came in here looking for this story.
I'm from UnionCity.
The Statue

Amy, a 15 year old teenager, was in need for some quick cash. Her prom dance was only 2 weeks away and her dress was very expensive. Thus, she agreed tobabysit her neighbour's kid. The Harrington's often went out for fine-dining, visiting the casino, etc, and what relief they felt when Amy acceptedtheir offer.

"Here's the keys and my cell number. There's money on the table for you to order something, oh and Bobby's asleep upstairs. Alright, be safe,and take care. Thanks."

"Yup, no problem Mr. Harrington."

When the Mr. and Mrs. Harrington left, Amy went straight to the money. She didn't bother ordering, she kept the money instead. Then, she helped herself tothe fridge.

After her meal, she plopped herself on the couch and popped on the TV. The Harrington's were odd folks, they collected many antiques and unique artifacts.Hanging on the walls were beautiful paintings of houses, people, and animals. Next to the paintings, in a glass case, were egyptian artifacts and oddities.Throughout the home was very much the same. But what really stood out was a life-sized statue of a clown in the corner. She couldn't help but notice thestatue as it was facing straight at her. It's soft, colourful make-up, outrageous costume, and it's eccentrically happy, almost evil smile frightenedher a bit. In the end, she decided to call Mr. Harrington for permission to move the clown because she'd be sleeping in the living room that night.

Upon hearing the complaint, Mr. Harrington was a bit startled. Then he immediately yelled, "AMY, TAKE BOBBY AND GET OUT NOW!"



But before he finished, he heard a scream, then the line went dead. Bobby Harrington also died that night.
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