I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.


I kinda miss livin' in the hood..
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i dont think that's the same dude you're talking about. because if he is..damn, dude did a 180 on us. but i think you have the hippie mistaken with this guy
Nah its him.

Joseph Camel Jr...Team Economics.

He was e-slumming it for a minute.

Hes perfect politician material.

Switched up so much y'all forget it was him

well i'll be damned.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i dont think that's the same dude you're talking about. because if he is..damn, dude did a 180 on us. but i think you have the hippie mistaken with this guy
Nah its him.

Joseph Camel Jr...Team Economics.

He was e-slumming it for a minute.

Hes perfect politician material.

Switched up so much y'all forget it was him
alright buddy
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Huey P, you got him confused, I'm almost 100% sure.. JCJ has been consistentwith his demeanor
, I too remember when he first came to NT.. The dudeyou're talking about, I remember him vividly, he would make threads about saving the forest etc (and in one thread he even took pics of some even that wentdown)[/color]
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

King LouisXIV I think it was...
Yeah thats the dude, Haze went on that rant for nothing

This thread is jokes on the low, but for all the wrong reasons.
Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the whip brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
You don't flaunt it like that if you have it.
Itjust is. You know you are privileged but you don't have to say that to somebody talking down to them. How do you know they aren't okay with that milkcrate? You just don't have say that to somebody.
That's just sodamn unnecessary. This is the stereotype the upper/middle class have to fight against when they don't do that +%++...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i dont think that's the same dude you're talking about. because if he is..damn, dude did a 180 on us. but i think you have the hippie mistaken with this guy
Nah its him.

Joseph Camel Jr...Team Economics.

He was e-slumming it for a minute.

Hes perfect politician material.

Switched up so much y'all forget it was him
No the guy you're thinking about was named King Louis XIV or something like that...
nah this thread is stupid

i didnt grow up in the ghetto but my fam kept it real. not to mention i got family in the hood/country/grew up in a diverse town/wasnt spoil like that but wasfortunate for what i got.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the whip brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
You don't flaunt it like that if you have it.
It just is. You know you are privileged but you don't have to say that to somebody talking down to them. How do you know they aren't okay with that milk crate? You just don't have say that to somebody.
That's just so damn unnecessary. This is the stereotype the upper/middle class have to fight against when they don't do that +%++...

Lol chill, i'm just givin homie what he wants. He wants us to be arrogant. He obviously doesn't think we can be any other way.
Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
Does all that stuff make you better then anyone though?
What's funny is these "hoods" in America are heaven compared to some of the third world hoods I've been in. Places where the police areliterally too shook to enter because they get shot at for sport. Dudes would literally kill to even sleep on the streets of Brownsville or East New York, soironically you are still raising your kids opulently compared to a large percentage of the rest of the world.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
Does all that stuff make you better then anyone though?

Did i ever say it did? Nah, but i'm sure it beats the hell out of living in the hood. That is for damn sure. If you tell me otherwise you a liar.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol @ not only stereotyping a diverse group of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions depending on how exactly you define "upper class") but actually "abhoring" the "culture"......

all while choosing to be a part of it.


enjoy the money though.

How am I choosing to be part of it?

Did you read my post?

And you're pompous posts are a perfect example of the attitude that i'm talking about....Remember 2/3 years ago, when this guy had the Joe Camel avy? He was NT's Mr. Humanitarian....posting petitions to save the redwood trees in California, posting about the income disparity in America...using the biggest words in his vocabulary to show his disgust at American's social dichotomy, every post displayed his kumbaya spirit and dedication to equality and righteous living....I said to myself, damn this is a cool kid really passionate about change and issues...Fast forward to 2009.

Now this dude posts about burning tires in his neighbors super exotics and poopoos on Mercedes Benz handling compared to his friends Porshce GT. His every post is about materialism, elitism and arrogance. What a drastic change...Don't you think NT?

I don't know him personally to judge his heart but his posts tell a lot.
No son that's LouisXVI or whatever his SN is....he had an avy similar to mine, I had it before + I only just changed my avy after MJ'sdeath. I've always been me, and you've always been on my jock so it's strange you get me confused with someone else.

Funny how yo avoid my point in order to come at me with some weak personal attacks. Sorry I correctly critique Mercedes for not handling well (the Porsche GTcomment is fiction of your creation, as was the "burning tires in exotics" one so I won't address them), should I pretend I've never drivenone? Should I say "
dope car?" How is that "elitist?" Elitist would be saying "Mercedes are for middle-class trash, get aBentley." Stop reaching.

Back on topic:

How are you choosing to be upper-class? By "coming into money" or however you put it. You quickly stereotype a group of millions with only one commonattribute, yet you yourself are going to be one of them shortly. What makes you different? What makes you fit to stereotype such a large group AND exemptyourself from your judgment? Ridiculous.

Go back to geting sonned in your own thread about "black enlightenment" and then telling everyone to "ignore user" rather than coming upwith a halfway decent argument to back up your views.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the whip brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
You don't flaunt it like that if you have it.
It just is. You know you are privileged but you don't have to say that to somebody talking down to them. How do you know they aren't okay with that milk crate? You just don't have say that to somebody.
That's just so damn unnecessary. This is the stereotype the upper/middle class have to fight against when they don't do that +%++...

Lol chill, i'm just givin homie what he wants. He wants us to be arrogant. He obviously doesn't think we can be any other way.

This thread is full of generalizations and stereotypes. OP I think your methods are a bit too extreme, you can find a middle ground and raise your kids to behumble and grateful for their blessings without sending them off into the hood.
Originally Posted by lu cash

This thread is full of generalizations and stereotypes. OP I think your methods are a bit too extreme, you can find a middle ground and raise your kids to be humble and grateful for their blessings without sending them off into the hood.
That is the middleground.

A middle class existence with controlled exposure to the hood.

I'm not sending them off into anything.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Back on topic:

How are you choosing to be upper-class? By "coming into money" or however you put it. You quickly stereotype a group of millions with only one comon attribute, yet you yourself are going to be one of them shortly. What makes you different? What makes you fit to stereotype such a large group AND exempt yourself from your judgement? Ridiculous.
Class is not defined purely by the amount of cash you have amassed.

I am voluntarily foregoing the pursuit of that status to pursue a life more fitting to my moral base.

I could care less about being rich. I would rather live off the land than in a Mansion but to help make some tangible change on certain fronts you need money.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Back on topic:

How are you choosing to be upper-class? By "coming into money" or however you put it. You quickly stereotype a group of millions with only one comon attribute, yet you yourself are going to be one of them shortly. What makes you different? What makes you fit to stereotype such a large group AND exempt yourself from your judgement? Ridiculous.
Class is not defined purely by the amount of cash you have amassed.

I am voluntarily foregoing the pursuit of that status to pursue a life more fitting to my moral base.

I could care less about being rich. I would rather live off the land than in a Mansion but to help make some tangible change on certain fronts you need money.
Always trying to play with definitions and weasel your way out of what you said earlier.

So by "upper-class" you were not trying to describe people of a certain economic status?

...you are too much. Please.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Prez T

oh and before i go hueyP in LouieV i got a question for you , and i want you to answer this honestly :

you say that you feel like you have the best parents in the world and they did a great job raising you . do you feel like if your parents raised u the SAME way and taught you the same values and morals , but you lived in the burbs and went to a private school you would have ended up worse ?
Oh...without a doubt.

I know I wouldv'e ended up being more arrogant, spoiled judgmental and individual.

Like I said parenting does so much...your environment does the rest.

I see the way these kids on NT and ISS freak out over material items. Everything is a "must cop"..word? Where you copping all these $150 sneakers at 15/16?

My first pair of name brand sneakers were Ewings and I only got those after they went on clearance...but I treated them like they were the rarest Mikes and couldn't be happier with them. As I got older, my parents bought me $100 Pippens and Air Maxes...but I had to work for it by remaining on the national honor roll. Me seeing how ahrd my pops had to work to make that sacrifice gave me perspective...but to keep it real as I got older and my parents financial situation got better...I became more jaded and more spoiled as far as materialism and it peaked during High School.

My younger siblings got the same parenting but growing up with more financially stable parents has made them different from me in certain ways.

So even the hood and good parenting couldn't save me from certain moral downfalls but i'm going to make sure to give my children the best grounding and the most access to life experiences.
When I was younger, I used to live in a pretty bad neighborhood. Then after years of hard work, my parents moved us of the hood into 6 bedroomhome in a gated community literally 5 minutes of where I used to stay. I still kept in touch with my friends in my old hood and used to go back every now andthen, but over the years, we just started to drift away from each other and lose contact (going to different schools was the main factor), and now the dudes Iused to kick it with now are either doin 3-5, sellin drugs, have multiple children and are stuck in dead end jobs. So I can't possibly begin to fathom whyyou would want to put your children through these types of situations.

I see the way these kids on NT and ISS freak out over material items. Everything is a "must cop"..word? Where you copping all these $150 sneakers at 15/16?

Yeah, I had a job...
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