I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

lol @ not only stereotyping a diverse group of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions depending on how exactly you define "upper class") butactually "abhoring" the "culture"......

all while choosing to be a part of it.


enjoy the money though.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I'm spoiling my kids, I don't give a &&&&, their my kids.

My kids going to eat good. Unlike you starving animals.

and one of those starving animals will beat out your kids in ...school....career....and LIFE you know why because that starving animal will be hungry and your kid will be lazy thinking he or she will go through life with things handed to them
My kids won't be around your poor animals. I'm moving them to a nice neighborhood where the ketchup comes by the gallons and the milfs comeby w/ bake goods.

Keith you a lame. I swear. Don't even reply to my post or threads. Your broke ### won't even have the chance to be rich.

Talking about my kids will be beaten out my the hungry kids.... come on. that doesn't even make sense. I'mma give them my riches so they'll be rich forever. While your bum kids ask other kids for 1 dollar @ lunch time.


oh man so many sonnings today
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now we're gonna start defending crackheads?
...i def. don't need them to make me a better person...my parents did a fine job at that...

you guys are really taking this to far...
Its not about defending crackheads but if you experienced growing up in the hood firsthand you would automatically understand as it would be part of your reality.

"Crackheads" are people's grandmothers, store owners, former models, college educated people etc.

Yes they are flawed but are they less than human to the point that you question how they could "roam the streets freely". The don't need defending.

Y'all proving all my points for me. How can you help fix or analyze the drug problem in America...if you don't even know what a "crackhead" is?

I don't need to see a crackhead to acknowledge there is a drug problem. I don't need to be hungry to know there are kids in America who only eat whenthey go to school. Why does this have to be a part of my reality for me to understand and want to help? You've never answered that question. Please showme where I questioned if they should roam freely. Like I said i'm normally down with you on the stuff you post but I can't agree this time.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I'm spoiling my kids, I don't give a &&&&, their my kids.

My kids going to eat good. Unlike you starving animals.

and one of those starving animals will beat out your kids in ...school....career....and LIFE you know why because that starving animal will be hungry and your kid will be lazy thinking he or she will go through life with things handed to them
My kids won't be around your poor animals. I'm moving them to a nice neighborhood where the ketchup comes by the gallons and the milfs comeby w/ bake goods.

Keith you a lame. I swear. Don't even reply to my post or threads. Your broke ### won't even have the chance to be rich.

Talking about my kids will be beaten out my the hungry kids.... come on. that doesn't even make sense. I'mma give them my riches so they'll be rich forever. While your bum kids ask other kids for 1 dollar @ lunch time.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now we're gonna start defending crackheads?
...i def. don't need them to make me a better person...my parents did a fine job at that...

you guys are really taking this to far...
Its not about defending crackheads but if you experienced growing up in the hood firsthand you would automatically understand as it would be part of your reality.

"Crackheads" are people's grandmothers, store owners, former models, college educated [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]people[/color] etc.

Yes they are flawed but are they less than human to the point that you question how they could "roam the streets freely". The don't need defending.

Y'all proving all my points for me. How can you help fix or analyze the drug problem in America...if you don't even know what a "crackhead" is?
Truth but please believe the drug problem isn't only in the hood.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I'm spoiling my kids, I don't give a &&&&, their my kids.

My kids going to eat good. Unlike you starving animals.

and one of those starving animals will beat out your kids in ...school....career....and LIFE you know why because that starving animal will be hungry and your kid will be lazy thinking he or she will go through life with things handed to them

ok you guys are acting like middle class people don't know how to live...they can be just as lazy/driven as people from anywhere else...
what you said makes no sense...kids whose parents have big money...not just reg. middle class but upper middle and on are some of the most driven people i've seen...you really think they want less than what their parents gave them? they strive to have even more than their parents just like the rest of us...

so you saying that some of these poor hungry animals (what he called them) don't go through school, their careers, Life with more determination then the a spoil brat who expects everything to be handed to them??? You don't think they have a chip on their shoulders??? Don't act like all them spoiled kids sit up and work hard for what they get because thats a LIE

its also a lie to think that all those hungry animals are so much more driven than anyone else...and you guys are also assuming they are all spoiled...what makes you think their parents havent done what some of you are saying and made them get good grades and work and help earn the things they have...

alot of you are coming off salty for whatever reason...

Kids from a middle class home can be infinitely more motivated and prepared than kids from the hood. Everyone is different.

All i'm saying is that there are experiences only found in the hood that can help you to be more well rounded growing up. And spoiling your children iscounterproductive.

From the posts in this thread its seems like those of y'all who haven't experienced what i'm referring to, are getting offended and lashing out forno reason.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I'm spoiling my kids, I don't give a &&&&, their my kids.

My kids going to eat good. Unlike you starving animals.

and one of those starving animals will beat out your kids in ...school....career....and LIFE you know why because that starving animal will be hungry and your kid will be lazy thinking he or she will go through life with things handed to them

ok you guys are acting like middle class people don't know how to live...they can be just as lazy/driven as people from anywhere else...
what you said makes no sense...kids whose parents have big money...not just reg. middle class but upper middle and on are some of the most driven people i've seen...you really think they want less than what their parents gave them? they strive to have even more than their parents just like the rest of us...

so you saying that some of these poor hungry animals (what he called them) don't go through school, their careers, Life with more determination then the a spoil brat who expects everything to be handed to them??? You don't think they have a chip on their shoulders??? Don't act like all them spoiled kids sit up and work hard for what they get because thats a LIE

its also a lie to think that all those hungry animals are so much more driven than anyone else...and you guys are also assuming they are all spoiled...what makes you think their parents havent done what some of you are saying and made them get good grades and work and help earn the things they have...

alot of you are coming off salty for whatever reason...

Maybe not all but the strongest and smartest and the most determined "hungry animal" will beat out the ones expecting a hand out because thats howdaddy and mommy raised them when did you see me post saying "all middle class and upper class kids want a hand out and are not hard working" I willside on haze that they can't grasp what those "animals" go through even if these well off kids are humble...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now we're gonna start defending crackheads?
...i def. don't need them to make me a better person...my parents did a fine job at that...

you guys are really taking this to far...
Its not about defending crackheads but if you experienced growing up in the hood firsthand you would automatically understand as it would be part of your reality.

"Crackheads" are people's grandmothers, store owners, former models, college educated people etc.

Yes they are flawed but are they less than human to the point that you question how they could "roam the streets freely". The don't need defending.

Y'all proving all my points for me. How can you help fix or analyze the drug problem in America...if you don't even know what a "crackhead" is?

Rich people have drug problems too...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now we're gonna start defending crackheads?
...i def. don't need them to make me a better person...my parents did a fine job at that...

you guys are really taking this to far...
Its not about defending crackheads but if you experienced growing up in the hood firsthand you would automatically understand as it would be part of your reality.

"Crackheads" are people's grandmothers, store owners, former models, college educated people etc.

Yes they are flawed but are they less than human to the point that you question how they could "roam the streets freely". The don't need defending.

Y'all proving all my points for me. How can you help fix or analyze the drug problem in America...if you don't even know what a "crackhead" is?

I don't need to see a crackhead to acknowledge there is a drug problem. I don't need to be hungry to know there are kids in America who only eat when they go to school. Why does this have to be a part of my reality for me to understand and want to help? You've never answered that question. Please show me where I questioned if they should roam freely. Like I said i'm normally down with you on the stuff you post but I can't agree this time.

Yeah, i don't have to be surrounded by ppl with hiv to know that its a huge problem in this world. I don't need to go to the hood to see a crackheadneither.
I just want my kids to appreciate things....They can have nice things but they have to work for them (like having good grades and etc...)....i want my kids tobe able to get along w/ the rich kids and get along w/ the poor kids...
I get what your saying but you are idealizing "hood" life way too much.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

now we're gonna start defending crackheads?
...i def. don't need them to make me a better person...my parents did a fine job at that...

you guys are really taking this to far...
Its not about defending crackheads but if you experienced growing up in the hood firsthand you would automatically understand as it would be part of your reality.

"Crackheads" are people's grandmothers, store owners, former models, college educated people etc.

Yes they are flawed but are they less than human to the point that you question how they could "roam the streets freely". The don't need defending.

Y'all proving all my points for me. How can you help fix or analyze the drug problem in America...if you don't even know what a "crackhead" is?

I don't need to see a crackhead to acknowledge there is a drug problem. I don't need to be hungry to know there are kids in America who only eat when they go to school. Why does this have to be a part of my reality for me to understand and want to help? You've never answered that question. Please show me where I questioned if they should roam freely. Like I said i'm normally down with you on the stuff you post but I can't agree this time.
Because you assumed that I was defending crackheads by simply clarifying that they were people and the other dude is asking how they can roamfreely in the streets like they are animals.

It shows a disconnect from the reality that would hamper true progress to the cause.
its funny how you think coming from money = not being driven . go ahead and look at the CEOs and CFOs of the top 100 companiesand see what their background is ; whether or not they came from money

you are 20x more likely to become successful in life coming from the burbs than you are from the hood , because of theacademic and financial benefits living that kind of lifestyle provides . why not combine this with GOOD PARENTING and teaching your children to have goodvalues and morals ? you must admit , there have to be people in the burbs that do not spoil their children and arent arrogant , pompous or snobby . itsimpossible that every single family in the burbs is stuck up , correct ? so why not surround yourself and your children with these people and their kids?
I wasnt even talking to you on the defending crackhead comment.

And what makes you think you're kids won't pulled pulled into the negatives of being around the hood that you want them to experience? You saidyourself as good as your parents were your environment still had its effect on you.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol @ not only stereotyping a diverse group of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions depending on how exactly you define "upper class") but actually "abhoring" the "culture"......

all while choosing to be a part of it.


enjoy the money though.

How am I choosing to be part of it?

Did you read my post?

And you're pompous posts are a perfect example of the attitude that i'm talking about....Remember 2/3 years ago, when this guy had the Joe Camel avy?He was NT's Mr. Humanitarian....posting petitions to save the redwood trees in California, posting about the income disparity in America...using thebiggest words in his vocabulary to show his disgust at American's social dichotomy, every post displayed his kumbaya spirit and dedication to equality andrighteous living....I said to myself, damn this is a cool kid really passionate about change and issues...Fast forward to 2009.

Now this dude posts about burning tires in his neighbors super exotics and poopoos on Mercedes Benz handling compared to his friends Porshce GT. His every postis about materialism, elitism and arrogance. What a drastic change...Don't you think NT?

I don't know him personally to judge his heart but his posts tell a lot.
i dont think that's the same dude you're talking about. because if he is..damn, dude did a 180 on us. but i think you have the hippie mistaken withthis guy
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

lol @ not only stereotyping a diverse group of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions depending on how exactly you define "upper class") but actually "abhoring" the "culture"......

all while choosing to be a part of it.


enjoy the money though.

How am I choosing to be part of it?

Did you read my post?

And you're pompous posts are a perfect example of the attitude that i'm talking about....Remember 2/3 years ago, when this guy had the Joe Camel avy? He was NT's Mr. Humanitarian....posting petitions to save the redwood trees in California, posting about the income disparity in America...using the biggest words in his vocabulary to show his disgust at American's social dichotomy, every post displayed his kumbaya spirit and dedication to equality and righteous living....I said to myself, damn this is a cool kid really passionate about change and issues...Fast forward to 2009.

Now this dude posts about burning tires in his neighbors super exotics and poopoos on Mercedes Benz handling compared to his friends Porshce GT. His every post is about materialism, elitism and arrogance. What a drastic change...Don't you think NT?

I don't know him personally to judge his heart but his posts tell a lot.
i'm 99% sure you're thinking of someone else

the fact of the matter is, if you grew up poor you don't know how it is to grow up in the suburbs and if you grew up with money you dont know how growingup poor is. but schools are much better in the suburbs than in the hood, that is a fact.

go ahead and stunt your kids future by trying to "enrich" them in the hood life
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i dont think that's the same dude you're talking about. because if he is..damn, dude did a 180 on us. but i think you have the hippie mistaken with this guy
Nah its him.

Joseph Camel Jr...Team Economics.

He was e-slumming it for a minute.

Hes perfect politician material.

Switched up so much y'all forget it was him
Yeah, I think you got em confused....I forget the other dudes name though. Think he is in Grammar police
It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays.When a n turned 16, the brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and iwould rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.
Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the whip brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.

He's trying hard isn't he?....
Originally Posted by mdresident

It's alot of haters in this thread. Mad cause we didn't have to walk to the corner store with food stamps for mom, mad cause we had great birthdays. When a n turned 16, the whip brand new whip was parked outside with a ribbon on it. I'm sorry that your idea of fun is shootin hoops on a milk crate, and i would rather hit a few holes and have a few brews with my man at my local country club.

damn...you had it better than me homie...

i think you're think of King Louis XIV Huey P
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