I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

not every dominican lived in a broom closet in washington heights. no need to drag them all down with you.

you know da most populated dominican neighborhood in da world outside of da DominicanRepublic is Washington heights right?

and there's folks on da island that pray to a fictional baby jesus every night so they can be as forutnate to live in a "broom closet" in adominican neighborhood in da greatest

city in da world.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

why are people still saying that he is stupid for wanting to raise his kids in the hood...he does not want to his kids to live in the hood, he just want them to see that there are two sides of the fence and he wants his kids to experience both
word though.

some are misconstruing the real essence of this thread immensely because some of you are stuck on the word "hood" and neglecting everything else...

i think experiencing ( and not just witnessing, because the two are VERY different ) both sides of the spectrum can help them learn great resourcefulness, wherein they adjust to the circumstances when every resource isn't available to them or aren't handed outeasily and / or immediately.

i'm not saying starve / don't provide / don't help your children, but just don't give them everything they want easily, and don't solvetheir problems for them. let them learn how to earn things on their own and let them exhaust multiple possibilities on their own to get their own %%++* out oftheir own troubles before running to you.

having them exposed to the not-so-perfect aspect of life can gain them more in the long run, whereas giving them the absolute best of the best can only givethem memorable pleasure for the given moment. all i'm saying is expose them to realities of life.

that's the only way they can prosper independently and show genuine strength in times of crisis when they can't run to anyone but themselves ( andhaving everything doesn't equate to NOT having problems; i'm sure this is something everyone can agree on ), and they can attribute this from what theywere exposed to in life.

but i'm not saying this should be the blueprint for every upbringing. you can have people who live / have lived affluently their entire lives andappreciate both sides like this:

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

I have grown up in one of the wealthiest areas in the US... Northern VA. Nothing quite like the people out here. However, there is such a mix of cultures and financial statuses here, that you can experience a large bit of the spectrum, but I will admit that I have not been to or lived in some of the rougher parts of this nation. I know there is a lot more to life, and I try to appreciate all that I have been given and to have grown up in an affluent area like this one.

...or they can end up like this:

Originally Posted by mdresident

ok my man, i'll fall back, i'm sorry that my parents aren't lazy and they are caky (my dad is from bmore city so don't give me your bs), and your father was a bum a** janitor that could barely scrap up a hundred dollars to buy his kid pippens.

now would example b REALLY talk that slick +*%$ in front ( not just behind a computer ) of actual people who can puthim in his place?

i'm not sure of the answer. he might, he might not. but the result is not too hard to imagine...
You can teach your kids instead of giving them the raw experience... I wouldn't do it.
OP, I know what you're saying, but I think you're making assumptions. Bottom-line, it comes down to parenting. I know rich kids that are extremelyhard-working and real, and I know poor kids who are lazy and disrespectful. Most of the time, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If the parentsinstill good values in their children, then their children will carry them on through life. If they don't the opposite is true. It doesn't matter whattax bracket you're in.
Originally Posted by 36hypno

I feel what you are saying....but those values can be taught without being in that environment. There are pros and cons to both sides of the coin.

On point.
i only have a problem with you saying they are gonna be "hood". like what does that mean anyway? can i get a definition?
Originally Posted by jlazy

You can teach your kids instead of giving them the raw experience... I wouldn't do it.
driving in a video game ain't da same as actually driving a car.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

not every dominican lived in a broom closet in washington heights. no need to drag them all down with you.

you know da most populated dominican neighborhood in da world outside of da Dominican Republic is Washington heights right?

and there's folks on da island that pray to a fictional baby jesus every night so they can be as forutnate to live in a "broom closet" in a dominican neighborhood in da greatest

city in da world.

huh? what is your point here? there are a lot of dominicans in the heights (no !$%!) and DR is really poor? thanks for the info.

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're toooblivious to see that.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

http://www.thelifefiles.c...uploads/2008/01/mase.jpg src="http://www.thelifefiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/mase.jpg">

"Id do good %%%+ like take kids from the ghetto

Show them what they could have if they never settle

Take every white kid from high class level

Show em what christmas like growin up in the ghetto"

Lol we already know where you stand on the topic. This n LOVE the hood and he ain't never leavin.
to be 100% honest, nah i ain't ever leavin da hood i love my culture and love being around my dominican people and let's just say i'm weeeell off finanically then i let on NT,

cuz at da end of da day you don't talk about what u got..you show it be prospering & succeeding around people who are failing.....my problem with people claiming something

is wrong with da hood in da first place. i prefer my life 100% unfiltered....that way when i conduct myself in da suburbs da aura and swag speaks for itself...i done seen plenty

in my life and i wouldn't trade it to be snobbed up in a gated community. that way of life is a facade for da silver spooners or da mamory gland suckers....

My kids are growing up just da way i did, instill some CORE values in them and show em that your skin and blood already put you at a disadvantage, don't pick up a shovel

and HELP them bury you...be a FIGHTER, make sure you WANT IT MORE then da next person. and they gonna be blood thirsty animals in whateva they put they mind to

whether its school, sports, books, etc. giving to em all makes em super spolied and out of touch with life's realities.

There they go, passing judgement on us again...like we lazy and undriven ppl..where do they come up with this stuff?
psssh i don't care who you are..ain't no middle class born kid gonna grind and hustle HARDER then a kid that comes from a home that see's devastation and dismay on a daily

basis and never had nuffin.some of da smartest people on earth never even seen a class room and are self made millionaires.....

my cousin makes close to 100K a year...his parents came from humble beginnings and because of that and wanting to provide for himself he grinded and now he's good...

and son STILL lives in da depths of harlem.

That has got to be one of the falsest statements I have ever read.
your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it toa 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain'tinvisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???
How did I know you would seize on that.

I wanted to make add a disclaimer to make it clear that I wasn't referencing the racial aspect of the excerpt.....but I figured the fact that I didn'twrite the book and none of my posts in this thread have the slightest allusion to race, would be sufficient.

But again, your sack-ridery never ceases to amazes me.

Did you take anything away from the reading except for race?
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???


here we go.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

A lot of adult dominicans living in NY are first generation immigrants, as there was a huge wave of them in the 1960s.

They came from a country that, even today, is dirt poor. They spoke little to no English. Of course they aren't gonna be making 100k a year. But their kidsand those kids' kids certainly can and will.

invisible boundaries? ok dude. if someone said "100k a year is pretty good for a black person" you think that's ok? there certainly are as manyif not more "invisible boundaries" facing blacks than dominicans in this country.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???

You are possibly the biggest idiot I have ever seen post on this board. You have no direction or argument in your posts, you just continue to postignorant #+#%, please leave this thread you don't belong in it.
Some of y'all are scary as hell when it comes to racial discussions.

12 pages of people slinging personal insults and one person types the word "race" and y'all skins turn pale.

Pull y'all skirts down.

Lets diffuse that noise now...This topic is not about race.

Y'all ok now?
Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???
You are possibly the biggest idiot I have ever seen post on this board. You have no direction or argument in your posts, you just continue to post ignorant #+#%, please leave this thread you don't belong in it.

Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???
You are possibly the biggest idiot I have ever seen post on this board. You have no direction or argument in your posts, you just continue to post ignorant #+#%, please leave this thread you don't belong in it.


ok..i'll leave
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by ninjahood

your comment about how what he's accomplished being more impressive because he's dominican is racist, point blank. don't care if you're too oblivious to see that.

lol how is that racist, thats looking at it from a statistical perspective and acknowledging that alot of my Hispanic brother and sisters don't make it to a 100K a year income

compared to their white counterparts. so da fact that he beat da odds is a feat i ain't just gonna "ignore"....ya act like they ain't invisible boundries that prevent people like him from prospering.

What's the percentage of dominicans that wear jean shorts???
You are possibly the biggest idiot I have ever seen post on this board. You have no direction or argument in your posts, you just continue to post ignorant #+#%, please leave this thread you don't belong in it.

ok..i'm an idiot, because u neglected to answer any of my real questions, and u pick and choose what you want to argue...
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