I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

OP, you're not wealthy and you don't have kids. What is there to talk about?


No one here is smashing Kim Kardashian or buying half a million dollar gold chains.

Maybe we should shut down NT.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

OP, you're not wealthy and you don't have kids. What is there to talk about?


No one here is smashing Kim Kardashian or buying half a million dollar gold chains.

Maybe we should shut down NT.


Delete...Delete......Delete threads.
Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

there certainly are as many if not more "invisible boundaries" facing blacks than dominicans in this country.


Dominicans not only face da same skin prejudice as black but we also battle a language barrier.

shoot, so if someone told me "hey this guy makes a 100k a year, not bad for a dominican huh" i would completely take that as positive, we are a proudpeople but we also at

least one degree from harsh poverty. so in my eyes you chose what you wanna be annoyed about.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

there certainly are as many if not more "invisible boundaries" facing blacks than dominicans in this country.

Dominicans not only face da same skin prejudice as black but we also battle a language barrier.

shoot, so if someone told me "hey this guy makes a 100k a year, not bad for a dominican huh" i would completely take that as positive, we are a proud people but we also at

least one degree from harsh poverty. so in my eyes you chose what you wanna be annoyed about.

when did this turn into a "who's struggle is harder" argument? LOL, ya'll n's wildin.
If my kids disrespect and think everything is sweet.....A month in the projects will teach em a lesson....
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

How did I know you would seize on that.

I wanted to make add a disclaimer to make it clear that I wasn't referencing the racial aspect of the excerpt.....but I figured the fact that I didn't write the book and none of my posts in this thread have the slightest allusion to race, would be sufficient.

But again, your sack-ridery never ceases to amazes me.

Did you take anything away from the reading except for race?

lol stop with the "personal" jabs, they suck. it's your thread, it's your viewpoint i disagree with. why do you insist on getting sodramatic every time i respond to one of your posts?

that reading was trash. as long as there is crime, there will be measures in place to discourage it (prisons) as well as to decrease risk of being a victim ofit (gated communities). don't know about the entire book, but i don't know how you can possibly take that section to heart, nor how you could besurprised that the depiction of whites, in particular white males, could be seen as stereotypical and offensive.

don't know what else to say. i guess you could go on a long-winded tirade about how a disproportionate # of blacks, especially black males, areincarcerated, which is true and unfortunate and of course not the black community's fault and largely linked to the oppression minorities have and still doexperience. but preaching against the building of new prisons and gated communities as if that is a logical response is foolish.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by kix4kix

How will they have a middle class lifestyle, but be hood?

Just because you go to hood places, and public school does not make you hood

Y'all don't get it.

Hood is a mentality as well as a location.

Jay-Z is hood but he ain't in the hood.

Jadakiss grew up in a middle class family and levitated to the hood....he's certainly hood.

I have partners whose parents are politicians in NYC and they are hood as hell.

%+%#, Jay-Z and Jadakiss are perfect role models right

*And wait for, well they got more money then you arguments*

And your right, Al Sharpton keeps it hood and he somehow has managed to become one of the top 2 or 3 figureheads in the black community, yet he is a hustlerand a crook... How is him keeping it hood cool for his people???

And hypothetically, let's say your son perfers to play chess, and rock to alternative rock music or something that doesn't fit your persona of hood???Are you going to shove it down is throat?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

And hypothetically, let's say your son perfers to play chess, and rock to alternative rock music or something that doesn't fit your persona of hood??? Are you going to shove it down is throat?

People play chess and listen to alt rock in the hood
Hizzo what are gonna do when your kid is walkin' home from school and gets caught in a cross fire? or gets robbed on the way home? you're buggin'if you plan on raising your children in the slums..
Originally Posted by MECKS

checking in. decent thread... will read throughly later.

Naw it was.....but now it's filled with a bunch of mad rich guys throwing insults, with a bunch of other rich guys cosigning
I'm just gonna throw this out there:

If, as ninjahood has stated, a child from the hood works harder than a child from the suburbs, why do inner-city children (generally) fall short to theircounterparts on standardized tests and education in general?
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'm just gonna throw this out there:

If, as ninjahood has stated, a child from the hood works harder than a child from the suburbs, why do inner-city children (generally) fall short to their counterparts on standardized tests and education in general?
cuz they dont work hard on education

but seriously, the quality of education in the suburbs > inner-city.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Hizzo what are gonna do when your kid is walkin' home from school and gets caught in a cross fire? or gets robbed on the way home? you're buggin' if you plan on raising your children in the slums..
eggz you and me BOTH know da heightz is faaaar from da slums......i can take a 5 minute walk and go to cabrini and see private property and uppermiddle class that easy.

bottomline though is my kid isn't growing up into a delusional snob.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'm just gonna throw this out there:

If, as ninjahood has stated, a child from the hood works harder than a child from the suburbs, why do inner-city children (generally) fall short to their counterparts on standardized tests and education in general?
da system fails them.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

answer my question damn it.

What's your question?
define "hood"

Hood to me is an inner city swagger that is forged through dealing with scarcity, adversity and the unique experiences of the "ghetto" ...it consistsof self confidence, supreme perseverance, ability to interact with people from all walks of life without looking down on them, to adapt to less than optimalsituations, etc.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'm just gonna throw this out there:

If, as ninjahood has stated, a child from the hood works harder than a child from the suburbs, why do inner-city children (generally) fall short to their counterparts on standardized tests and education in general?

Thats a whole different can of worms.

Standardized tests are one of the least efficient models of examining work effort.
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