Damn crux.
Sorry to hear, @+%$ sucks bro.

Hope all works out for you and your fam

From one mod to another!!
damn terrible.
That's terrible...I'm sorry for u and your family.Kingcrux...Hopefully the police can catch these crooks and retrieve as much of the stuff taken aspossible...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Just because you don't understand how insurance works doesn't mean its useless. What you described has nothing to do with OP's situation.
He IS the OP
and really...I would think that someone in the PI, who has run a business before(as the OP has) would know how insurance works(or doesn't work), in his own country....the PI =/= the US.

you just can't apply the US standard

Didn't realize he was OP, lol. Anyway, edited. Still, Flooding is a completely different scenario....and health insurance, we don't need to get started on that. Basically what I'm saying is the type of insurance he would have needed for the Pawn Shop is completely different than the two scenarios he put up. Insurance companies pay when the loss is covered, problems occur when the person buying insurance doesn't understand what is covered and what is not, which is why a good agent should keep you informed of gaps in your coverage.

For example, if he had insurance for the shop, he would still take an L on the jewelry that was stolen, if it was infact their personal stash and not merchandise.
Like I said though... you just can't apply the US standard of insurance when it comes to the Philippines and other developing countries..
even IF, crux had insurance...I'm betting that the company would find a way to deny it, AND if he went to court to fight that denial, he would fail too.. there is a RIDICULOUS amount of corruption in the PI it's unreal.

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Just looked at the pics.

You already know someone close to your fam was involved. How would they know exactly where to drill, etc?

I'd change the title of this thread, strap up and get to interrogations. Better take a wing man...
Yep everything was in a key place from the entry way to the floor. The only mistake was the door. This was a inside job
come on now...not everything is like that.
all it would take is 1 week or so of casing out the place...looking at where key walls are and aren't...and a little knowledge of building engineering.

Dirty it looked like they drilled in through the wall in the back. You cant look and plan a entry that way unless you know someone on the inside.
That sucks. I know how that feels. Some guy stole my gym shorts out of my brother's locker before.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Dirty it looked like they drilled in through the wall in the back. You cant look and plan a entry that way unless you know someone on the inside.
or maybe since they're experienced theives they know where to punch through.
plus...they also went through the ceiling.

like I said... just takes a little bit of structural engineering to know where to make holes and where not to make them
smh @ some of you people and your ignorance. this is PI were talking about here, not the US. things are ran alot differently out there. my best friends fromthe PI and he tells me its ridiculously corrupted out there, so I wouldnt doubt anything crux is saying

keep your head up, man.
How the hell does anyone assume THIS was an inside job?

They cut straight thru CEILINGS AND WALLS AND SAFES.

That sounds like the exact opposite of an inside job...
Originally Posted by jbeezie

smh @ some of you people and your ignorance. this is PI were talking about here, not the US. things are ran alot differently out there. my best friends from the PI and he tells me its ridiculously corrupted out there, so I wouldnt doubt anything crux is saying

keep your head up, man.

That wasnt really needed...

i doubt it was an inside job. all they had to do was figure out how to get into the shop.

stay up crux
Getting stuff stolen always gets me heated. It's one of those things you can never get back and being a man about it and concentrating on what you have orlooking on the bright side or moving on never does it for me.

I feel you Krux......that sucks man.
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