No insurance what the !*$# I can't even feel bad that's soo dumb people rob pawn shops and %++* all the time insurance should've been the firstthing they thought of unless they opened this pawn shop the day before the robbery this is complete stupidity.
I'm sorry for your loss.....however,

Running any form of business especially a pawn shop without insurance does not speak highly of one's business acumen.
Sorry for your loss.But look at the bright side, no one was hurt or killed...at least from your side.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

is it even LEGAL to own a business and NOT have insurance?

a pawn shop at that?

i cant be the only one baffled by this.......

if they had no insurance in the U.S., then i would be shocked, but their store is in the Philippines

right now 1 US Dollar = 47.63000 Philippine Peso

so 1 Million Pesos = 21,017 US Dollar

sorry for the loss, hopefully you can find out who did it. I think it might have been an inside job or someone close they know
Insurance in a third world country is the biggest joke. It only looks good on paper. It serves nothing but to fatten the pocketsof the owners of insurance companies. I should know. I had all the premium health insurance for my family and when my youngest was born premature, not a singlecentavo was covered. The same goes for other types. During a recent typhoon, 80% of my city was submerged in flood water and thousands of cars and houses weredamaged. Ask the owners if they got anything from their insurance companies.


To those who are *****ing about the business not having insurance, in a third world country, insurance for a small business looks good only on paper. It serves nothing to the customers and business owners.
it was just a simple question

i live in America..............i do not know how these things work in 3rd world.

again if this is a gang in a third world country at least your fam was not hurt.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

hopefully its april fools

Son thought the clocks when forward instead of backwards
Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

Originally Posted by Al Audi

is it even LEGAL to own a business and NOT have insurance?

a pawn shop at that?

i cant be the only one baffled by this.......
it is the philippines so who knows

pffft...they dont do insurance over there

crux sorry for what happened though kapatid
Just looked at the pics.

You already know someone close to your fam was involved. How would they know exactly where to drill, etc?

I'd change the title of this thread, strap up and get to interrogations. Better take a wing man...
Originally Posted by Informerx

Why didnt they have a mounted safe and keep the jewlery/cash in there?
look at the pics... they have a huge safe...they cut right through it.

Sorry to hear Jojo...sucks
i just googled "Acetylene Gang"

wow they been hitting pawn shops for a while.............his fams shop mustve been on the to do list
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

Insurance in a third world country is the biggest joke. It only looks good on paper. It serves nothing but to fatten the pockets of the owners of insurance companies. I should know. I had all the premium health insurance for my family and when my youngest was born premature, not a single centavo was covered. The same goes for other types. During a recent typhoon, 80% of my city was submerged in flood water and thousands of cars and houses were damaged. Ask the owners if they got anything from their insurance companies.



Not understanding how insurance works doesn't mean its useless. What you described has nothing to do with your current situation. Regarding thetyphoon, in the US FLOOD is NEVER covered under any insurance policy other than a Flood insurance policy, which is purchased through the Federal Government,and is regulated by FEMA. So if you have a homeowner's policy and no Flood insurance, you're screwing yourself. If you have car insurance withcomprehensive coverage, then you have coverage for flood and water damage on your car. So, all those people you say didn't get any money from theirinsurance companies probably had no flood policy for their home, or no comp coverage on their cars.
Just because you don't understand how insurance works doesn't mean its useless. What you described has nothing to do with OP's situation.
He IS the OP
and really...I would think that someone in the PI, who has run a business before(as the OP has) would know how insurance works(or doesn't work), in his owncountry....the PI =/= the US.

you just can't apply the US standard
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Insurance in a third world country is the biggest joke. It only looks good on paper. It serves nothing but to fatten the pockets of the owners of insurance companies. I should know. I had all the premium health insurance for my family and when my youngest was born premature, not a single centavo was covered. The same goes for other types. During a recent typhoon, 80% of my city was submerged in flood water and thousands of cars and houses were damaged. Ask the owners if they got anything from their insurance companies.




Not understanding how insurance works doesn't mean its useless. What you described has nothing to do with your current situation. Regarding the typhoon, in the US FLOOD is NEVER covered under any insurance policy other than a Flood insurance policy, which is purchased through the Federal Government, and is regulated by FEMA. So if you have a homeowner's policy and no Flood insurance, you're screwing yourself. If you have car insurance with comprehensive coverage, then you have coverage for flood and water damage on your car. So, all those people you say didn't get any money from their insurance companies probably had no flood policy for their home, or no comp coverage on their cars.
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