I Used To Visit Niketalk Multiple Times Per Day

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you think we're not in the same boat as you are?....
But my question is what is being done about it?  If this had only been going on for a month or two, I would accept the answer of "we're in contact/working with Yuku".  But this has been going on for over a year.  Is something else being done, or has the staff become complacent with the fact that this is just a bad platform?  I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I understand the staff does not get paid, and we get the access this site for free.  But I just feel we as a community deserve better than this.  I would hope wheels are turning behind the scenes for a solution to all of this.
"post in the Yuku support thread!"

what a damn joke.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you think we're not in the same boat as you are?....
But my question is what is being done about it?  If this had only been going on for a month or two, I would accept the answer of "we're in contact/working with Yuku".  But this has been going on for over a year.  Is something else being done, or has the staff become complacent with the fact that this is just a bad platform?  I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I understand the staff does not get paid, and we get the access this site for free.  But I just feel we as a community deserve better than this.  I would hope wheels are turning behind the scenes for a solution to all of this.
"post in the Yuku support thread!"

what a damn joke.
Used to post like hella times remember even hitting the limit and being upset
now Ill be a miracle if I post once or twice. the Entourage threads used to hit like 15 pages now they barely make 5, and going through a 10 page thread better get yourself some coffee
Used to post like hella times remember even hitting the limit and being upset
now Ill be a miracle if I post once or twice. the Entourage threads used to hit like 15 pages now they barely make 5, and going through a 10 page thread better get yourself some coffee
It has gotten better recently, but it's still pretty bad. Posted on another message board recently and was
when posts loaded instantly like they should. That's not a good sign.
It has gotten better recently, but it's still pretty bad. Posted on another message board recently and was
when posts loaded instantly like they should. That's not a good sign.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

yeah firefox seems to be the best for NT. Google Chrome is wack on here.
The only thing that really bugs me is that it goes back in time. It's 11:33 now but if I go to General the latest post will be at like 11:10 where clearly more people have been posting within the last 20 or so minutes. They just don't appear.

Same thing happens to me. I be like
Originally Posted by omgitswes

yeah firefox seems to be the best for NT. Google Chrome is wack on here.
The only thing that really bugs me is that it goes back in time. It's 11:33 now but if I go to General the latest post will be at like 11:10 where clearly more people have been posting within the last 20 or so minutes. They just don't appear.

Same thing happens to me. I be like
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Yeah, this site has gone to the crapper...beating a dead horse but there weren't half as many issues when we were on ezboard

Yuku. Is. Ezboard. Capiche?
YOU know what people mean when they differentiate the two.

EZboard was pre-"move". Yuku is the piece of *$%@ EZboard turned in to after the "upgrade"

You don't think people are speaking about the current incarnation when they say EZ, or think they're talking about the past when they say Yuku, do you?

Smart %!* es
I bet you that half of NT doesn't know Yuku = EZboard.

If we get technical he said "...when we were ON...". That's not the most distinct way of saying it. He could've said "back when Yuku was EZboard." but obviously he didn't. That made me say "Yuku. Is. Ezboard. Capiche?" and obviously ruined your day and I do apologize for that. 90% of the threads we get on this subject have a couple posts with "Why did we leave EZboard" or something along those lines so how the $%%@ am I a smart %** for telling this honorable young man that Yuku = EZboard. Looking at his post count he might very well be familiar with this already and my post didn't fill it's purpose but the same might apply to your post as well.

None of that was in anyway aimed at Mr. Twig.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by Twig1026

Yeah, this site has gone to the crapper...beating a dead horse but there weren't half as many issues when we were on ezboard

Yuku. Is. Ezboard. Capiche?
YOU know what people mean when they differentiate the two.

EZboard was pre-"move". Yuku is the piece of *$%@ EZboard turned in to after the "upgrade"

You don't think people are speaking about the current incarnation when they say EZ, or think they're talking about the past when they say Yuku, do you?

Smart %!* es
I bet you that half of NT doesn't know Yuku = EZboard.

If we get technical he said "...when we were ON...". That's not the most distinct way of saying it. He could've said "back when Yuku was EZboard." but obviously he didn't. That made me say "Yuku. Is. Ezboard. Capiche?" and obviously ruined your day and I do apologize for that. 90% of the threads we get on this subject have a couple posts with "Why did we leave EZboard" or something along those lines so how the $%%@ am I a smart %** for telling this honorable young man that Yuku = EZboard. Looking at his post count he might very well be familiar with this already and my post didn't fill it's purpose but the same might apply to your post as well.

None of that was in anyway aimed at Mr. Twig.
I mean Yuku finally starting to get a tiny bit better over the last few weeks. its still slow but not like it was last month when it would take 20 minutes to get into a thread and about 45 minutes to post a reply.
I mean Yuku finally starting to get a tiny bit better over the last few weeks. its still slow but not like it was last month when it would take 20 minutes to get into a thread and about 45 minutes to post a reply.
NikeTalk is best at like 3/5 in the morning. I remember posting something at that time and everything loaded and the post
went through just like that.

Yuku just can't handle the high capacity.
NikeTalk is best at like 3/5 in the morning. I remember posting something at that time and everything loaded and the post
went through just like that.

Yuku just can't handle the high capacity.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you think we're not in the same boat as you are?....
But my question is what is being done about it?  If this had only been going on for a month or two, I would accept the answer of "we're in contact/working with Yuku".  But this has been going on for over a year.  Is something else being done, or has the staff become complacent with the fact that this is just a bad platform?  I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I understand the staff does not get paid, and we get the access this site for free.  But I just feel we as a community deserve better than this.  I would hope wheels are turning behind the scenes for a solution to all of this.
NikeTalk's currently running on three servers right now.� Go price out the equivalent on another host and explain how Google AdSense will cover the expense.� (And please, don't bother with those 'unlimited' hosting deals.� We're not dealing with personal web hosting here.)� The problem we're dealing with is that the "slave" experience a lag relative to the "master" (not my favorite terminology, but it's the admin's argot.)

All this "hey, just stop donating to charity, we're more important" stuff isn't terribly helpful given that, the way we've structured things, Yuku basically takes a loss on us.� If we decided to become corporate shills for $neaker ¢omapnies it would be easier to arrange higher yield ads.� We don't really want to be that site.� It already exists.

If you set up shop somewhere else, you've gotta be damned certain that you can pay the bills.� It's easy to ask someone else to put their credit on the line.� I think you'd want to be pretty confident about it if you were placing yourself at risk just to get things running smoother that much faster.

You don't want to put yourself in the position where a minor market fluctuation in CPM yields from AdSense units or a dip in traffic will send you into the red.� This isn't a big business.� There aren't any investors here.� It's Contra status: one hit and you're dead.�

You could start an alternative board tomorrow and life would be easy.  You'd have 30-50 members after a week, no posts backed up, and no server strain - even if you set up shop on a Yuku board.   Their support forums are always running smoothly because they don't have this type of strain on them.  You'd have very few posts to moderate.  You wouldn't be doing the work our buy/sell guides do to help keep people safe from fraud (and have fun when the fraud complaints start rolling in - you'll probably just turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, throw up your hands in defeat and say 'just file a dispute.')  If you go the vbulletin route, you'll only be a couple hundred bucks in the hole after the license and your cheap bargain bin hosting solution, and you'll laugh about how easy it all actually is and how inept we must have been to ignored so obvious a solution.  One of two things will happen: your board will slowly wither and die, in which case you'll never realize the limitations of your choices, or you'll be burdened with success and you'll experience exponential growth - and then your cheap little server will crash, either from the usage strain or just the webcrawlers, and then you're big enough that the trolls will come a calling, and then you'll be big enough that the hackers will want to play with you, and suddenly you'll have to upgrade your setup and code new features and deal with the thousands of customer support emails, coordinate with a large team on very different schedules, and negotiate ad/hosting deals.  Oh yeah, and that'll be in your free time.  
We're working on the performance issue.  It's not an overnight thing and anyone who claims otherwise is either selling something or oblivious to what's involved.  Best case scenario (for those who want us off Yuku so desperately) involves us completely restructuring the entire website from the ground up: revenue stream, hosting, forum platform, design... everything.  Until we can get the monthly revenue where it needs to be in order to sustain the costs of hosting on another, more expensive, setup, a donation of this size isn't going to hurt anything.  There's no point in saving for a year just to move if we can't clear the hosting costs on a month to month basis. 


The other aspect of this that most of you seem oblivious to is the actual traffic composition of our website.  The overwhelming majority of our visits come not from forum regulars like you and I but, instead, from unregistered viewers.  Where ads are concerned, unique visits matter more than repeat visits.  If you guys see the same ad 100 times, that's not even close to as valuable as 100 people seeing the ad ONCE.  If you have a 1 in 20,000 chance of clicking on a given ad, that chance goes down to 0 in 20,000 after you've seen it.  At least with another person, that's one more 1 in 20,000 chance to earn a shiny nickel instead of a twelfth of a cent.  Advertisers covet unique visits.  Too many repeat visitors padding your traffic stats is a negative - it means your campaign will be less efficient. 
The performance problems are being taken very seriously, but you guys have never STOPPED complaining since you got here.  People have been telling us "NikeTalk felll off" since 2000.  A lot of that has to do with burnout, and it's a cyclical process related to the redundancy in content that's hardly exclusive to our site or even our medium.  You're gonna get bored with twitter.  You're gonna get bored with Facebook.  You're gonna get bored with reality TV.  There's a curve associated with the novelty and entertainment factors in each product.  It becomes more routinized with prolonged and repeated exposure, not unlike the effects associated with various drugs.  You distill the original, formative experience in your mind.  The first time you came across a certain thread type was someone else's fiftieth.  The tenth time won't have the same thrill as the first.  On the other side of the coin, none of the irritants are as bothersome the first time as they are the fiftieth.

It's our responsibility to take the long view.  I don't want a spectacular NikeTalk that we can only afford for a few months. 

and lastly...
We're running on two servers right now and a third machine should be added this week. 

We'll give that a chance.  IF that does not work, we'll move on to another platform.

IF that DOES work - we still might move on to another platform.  It depends on how well they're able to meet our needs.  Obviously you can't add features to a site that's plagued with basic performance issues.  It's like adding a home theater system to a house that's on fire.  The profile update was a major release for them (and I'm just as underwhelmed by it as you, frankly), but with that out now we're hoping they can focus on building features we actually do care about. 

We've been actively evaluating alternative platforms and hosting solutions, but you need to understand that all of this costs a great deal of money and that ANY platform change would create an enormous disruption.  We'd lose all of our current data.  Everyone would have to create a new account.  How much fun do you think it will be to make sure that the first person to register YOUR username is actually you? 

If a transition is to take place, we'd make sure that our loyal regulars will have the option to retain their usernames and, hopefully, post counts and join dates as well.  We'd probably have to offer that for a fee 1) to help cover the moving costs (since the t-shirt revenues didn't even come close) and 2) to ensure that we're not overburdened by thousands and thousands of such requests - because each would require considerable personal attention to fulfill.  Why go through that unless we absolutely have to? 

There's no guarantee, given our traffic levels, that life would be perfect on another server/platform.  More than likely, we'd still have problems.  They'd just be different. 

A relaunch is a complex and costly undertaking.  You don't just throw up a vbulletin, change the redirect, and call it a day.  You have a LOT to deal with - not the least of which being the associated accounting issues that accompany moving from a situation in which Yuku's handling the ad revenue to one in which a company I'd have to create would be doing so.  We'd have to take on a heck of a lot more work.  It's easy to sit there and just say, "come on, move already," when someone else has to put in the time, effort, and money necessary to make it happen.  We donate what we take in.  That leaves us with very little in the way of working capital.  We've got 4 grand in the Kiva account, and wouldn't it be ironic to take out a loan from that.  We have a few thousand we would use as a pending donation.  We have very little from the t-shirts.  That won't even cover first and last month's rent, much less the development costs of redesigning the site, giving it a professional, custom look and feel, and all the other one-time setup expenses.  So, even if we were 100% dead set on leaving, it's not like we can do so at the drop of a hat.  We'd have to save up to do so and we'd have to sacrifice donations to do so - and given the latter, I think you'd agree that we'd have to be damned sure that's what we want. 

It's one thing to say, "oh, it hasn't been working right all weekend/month/year.  Just move already."  It's another to sacrifice the construction of a library in Zambia for it.  That's about the basic scale we're looking at, cost wise.  If anything, I'm probably underestimating.  If you've ever had a contractor come in to give you an estimate and seen that project through to its completion, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  (If, in pitying the mosquito, I generously offer to allow him to land safely on my arm and draw only so much blood as he needs to survive, do you honestly think he'll stop after crossing the threshold from starving to hungry?)

We're doing the best we can.  It's our goal to make substantial improvements to the site this year and the user experience is, of course, of paramount importance. 
There's no need to demand what we're already working our hardest to provide.

If you must make a post every day to complain about this - go to the Yuku support forums and let them hear it for a change:  http://support.yuku.com
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you think we're not in the same boat as you are?....
But my question is what is being done about it?  If this had only been going on for a month or two, I would accept the answer of "we're in contact/working with Yuku".  But this has been going on for over a year.  Is something else being done, or has the staff become complacent with the fact that this is just a bad platform?  I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I understand the staff does not get paid, and we get the access this site for free.  But I just feel we as a community deserve better than this.  I would hope wheels are turning behind the scenes for a solution to all of this.
NikeTalk's currently running on three servers right now.� Go price out the equivalent on another host and explain how Google AdSense will cover the expense.� (And please, don't bother with those 'unlimited' hosting deals.� We're not dealing with personal web hosting here.)� The problem we're dealing with is that the "slave" experience a lag relative to the "master" (not my favorite terminology, but it's the admin's argot.)

All this "hey, just stop donating to charity, we're more important" stuff isn't terribly helpful given that, the way we've structured things, Yuku basically takes a loss on us.� If we decided to become corporate shills for $neaker ¢omapnies it would be easier to arrange higher yield ads.� We don't really want to be that site.� It already exists.

If you set up shop somewhere else, you've gotta be damned certain that you can pay the bills.� It's easy to ask someone else to put their credit on the line.� I think you'd want to be pretty confident about it if you were placing yourself at risk just to get things running smoother that much faster.

You don't want to put yourself in the position where a minor market fluctuation in CPM yields from AdSense units or a dip in traffic will send you into the red.� This isn't a big business.� There aren't any investors here.� It's Contra status: one hit and you're dead.�

You could start an alternative board tomorrow and life would be easy.  You'd have 30-50 members after a week, no posts backed up, and no server strain - even if you set up shop on a Yuku board.   Their support forums are always running smoothly because they don't have this type of strain on them.  You'd have very few posts to moderate.  You wouldn't be doing the work our buy/sell guides do to help keep people safe from fraud (and have fun when the fraud complaints start rolling in - you'll probably just turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, throw up your hands in defeat and say 'just file a dispute.')  If you go the vbulletin route, you'll only be a couple hundred bucks in the hole after the license and your cheap bargain bin hosting solution, and you'll laugh about how easy it all actually is and how inept we must have been to ignored so obvious a solution.  One of two things will happen: your board will slowly wither and die, in which case you'll never realize the limitations of your choices, or you'll be burdened with success and you'll experience exponential growth - and then your cheap little server will crash, either from the usage strain or just the webcrawlers, and then you're big enough that the trolls will come a calling, and then you'll be big enough that the hackers will want to play with you, and suddenly you'll have to upgrade your setup and code new features and deal with the thousands of customer support emails, coordinate with a large team on very different schedules, and negotiate ad/hosting deals.  Oh yeah, and that'll be in your free time.  
We're working on the performance issue.  It's not an overnight thing and anyone who claims otherwise is either selling something or oblivious to what's involved.  Best case scenario (for those who want us off Yuku so desperately) involves us completely restructuring the entire website from the ground up: revenue stream, hosting, forum platform, design... everything.  Until we can get the monthly revenue where it needs to be in order to sustain the costs of hosting on another, more expensive, setup, a donation of this size isn't going to hurt anything.  There's no point in saving for a year just to move if we can't clear the hosting costs on a month to month basis. 


The other aspect of this that most of you seem oblivious to is the actual traffic composition of our website.  The overwhelming majority of our visits come not from forum regulars like you and I but, instead, from unregistered viewers.  Where ads are concerned, unique visits matter more than repeat visits.  If you guys see the same ad 100 times, that's not even close to as valuable as 100 people seeing the ad ONCE.  If you have a 1 in 20,000 chance of clicking on a given ad, that chance goes down to 0 in 20,000 after you've seen it.  At least with another person, that's one more 1 in 20,000 chance to earn a shiny nickel instead of a twelfth of a cent.  Advertisers covet unique visits.  Too many repeat visitors padding your traffic stats is a negative - it means your campaign will be less efficient. 
The performance problems are being taken very seriously, but you guys have never STOPPED complaining since you got here.  People have been telling us "NikeTalk felll off" since 2000.  A lot of that has to do with burnout, and it's a cyclical process related to the redundancy in content that's hardly exclusive to our site or even our medium.  You're gonna get bored with twitter.  You're gonna get bored with Facebook.  You're gonna get bored with reality TV.  There's a curve associated with the novelty and entertainment factors in each product.  It becomes more routinized with prolonged and repeated exposure, not unlike the effects associated with various drugs.  You distill the original, formative experience in your mind.  The first time you came across a certain thread type was someone else's fiftieth.  The tenth time won't have the same thrill as the first.  On the other side of the coin, none of the irritants are as bothersome the first time as they are the fiftieth.

It's our responsibility to take the long view.  I don't want a spectacular NikeTalk that we can only afford for a few months. 

and lastly...
We're running on two servers right now and a third machine should be added this week. 

We'll give that a chance.  IF that does not work, we'll move on to another platform.

IF that DOES work - we still might move on to another platform.  It depends on how well they're able to meet our needs.  Obviously you can't add features to a site that's plagued with basic performance issues.  It's like adding a home theater system to a house that's on fire.  The profile update was a major release for them (and I'm just as underwhelmed by it as you, frankly), but with that out now we're hoping they can focus on building features we actually do care about. 

We've been actively evaluating alternative platforms and hosting solutions, but you need to understand that all of this costs a great deal of money and that ANY platform change would create an enormous disruption.  We'd lose all of our current data.  Everyone would have to create a new account.  How much fun do you think it will be to make sure that the first person to register YOUR username is actually you? 

If a transition is to take place, we'd make sure that our loyal regulars will have the option to retain their usernames and, hopefully, post counts and join dates as well.  We'd probably have to offer that for a fee 1) to help cover the moving costs (since the t-shirt revenues didn't even come close) and 2) to ensure that we're not overburdened by thousands and thousands of such requests - because each would require considerable personal attention to fulfill.  Why go through that unless we absolutely have to? 

There's no guarantee, given our traffic levels, that life would be perfect on another server/platform.  More than likely, we'd still have problems.  They'd just be different. 

A relaunch is a complex and costly undertaking.  You don't just throw up a vbulletin, change the redirect, and call it a day.  You have a LOT to deal with - not the least of which being the associated accounting issues that accompany moving from a situation in which Yuku's handling the ad revenue to one in which a company I'd have to create would be doing so.  We'd have to take on a heck of a lot more work.  It's easy to sit there and just say, "come on, move already," when someone else has to put in the time, effort, and money necessary to make it happen.  We donate what we take in.  That leaves us with very little in the way of working capital.  We've got 4 grand in the Kiva account, and wouldn't it be ironic to take out a loan from that.  We have a few thousand we would use as a pending donation.  We have very little from the t-shirts.  That won't even cover first and last month's rent, much less the development costs of redesigning the site, giving it a professional, custom look and feel, and all the other one-time setup expenses.  So, even if we were 100% dead set on leaving, it's not like we can do so at the drop of a hat.  We'd have to save up to do so and we'd have to sacrifice donations to do so - and given the latter, I think you'd agree that we'd have to be damned sure that's what we want. 

It's one thing to say, "oh, it hasn't been working right all weekend/month/year.  Just move already."  It's another to sacrifice the construction of a library in Zambia for it.  That's about the basic scale we're looking at, cost wise.  If anything, I'm probably underestimating.  If you've ever had a contractor come in to give you an estimate and seen that project through to its completion, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  (If, in pitying the mosquito, I generously offer to allow him to land safely on my arm and draw only so much blood as he needs to survive, do you honestly think he'll stop after crossing the threshold from starving to hungry?)

We're doing the best we can.  It's our goal to make substantial improvements to the site this year and the user experience is, of course, of paramount importance. 
There's no need to demand what we're already working our hardest to provide.

If you must make a post every day to complain about this - go to the Yuku support forums and let them hear it for a change:  http://support.yuku.com
Originally Posted by solesavage

I completely agree with everyones frustrations.

What drives me and im sure other buy/sell mods crazy is the fact that we are offering time out of our day to help with the buy/sell forums, and its terrible to sit in front of a monitor and wait 5 minutes to approve one listing! LOL
....or to approve a full page of new listings/replies and turn around and it shows that all of them havent been approved......
so frustrating.
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