Originally Posted by rsdplaya

sucks for AT&T users that the fuze has the ever so-hated blue button for the numbers

but yooo, copped the touch pro today at BB...around 260 after tax.

thanks to everyone who posted on the BB's appreciated!!!!

will throw some pics up later, but i must say, the phone is smooooth....just did the update as well.

tonystrarks, got any suggestions for applications to DL?

Originally Posted by illmatickal

any good .cab's to DL?

Ok alot of ppl have hit me up about apps and all of that. So ima put some basics and some sites down for all Touch Pro owners (AT&T/Tmobile/Verizonincluded when they get thiers). This is also for Diamond owners because most if not all apps for the Diamond are compatible with the touch pro and vise versa.

Any other people who are familiar with hacks and programs feel free to chime in because I know im def not as nice as some of you are out there.

As far as official games and programs that's not freeware, u know we cant discuss or drop info in this thread.......

Basics (Quick guide to installation of files)

(If u know what u doin already skip this part and check the next post for sites)

Couple guys hit me up and said its their first time with a smartphone or had winmo devices and dont know how to installprograms/games/files

There are about 3 types of installation files that ull encounter: .cab, .exe and .exe (desktop)


This is the most common installation file. If u download this file from a website to ur pc, it will look like its in rar/zip form. When u unzip ithowever ull notice a whole bunch of files in there. Cabs are not to be unzipped. Once u trasfer them on the phone, ull notice that it chances from therar/zip into a setup file. U run the setup file directly on the phone and it will install.


There are couple ways to get cabs on your phone.

1. Download directly from a website using your phone's mobile browser, opening it and then installing

2. I u have email setup on on your phone, u can email the cab from the desktop to yourself, then download it using the phone email client

3. The most common way. Using activesync/Mobile center.

Plug the phone into the comp
It should open up activesync (XP/Mac?) or Mobile Center (vista) automatically
Copy the cab that u downloaded on the desktop

Xp/Mac? users with activesync open click on the explore tab
You can paste the cab in my documents if u like or u can put them on the storage card (click my device,
Then storage card)

Vista Users with mobile center open, click file management. From here u should have two options. The main device hard drive or thestroage card. Pick whatever one u want to put the cab file in and paste it.

Now that they are on your device. Go to the file explorer on your phone. If you pasted the cab on the main
phone itself (my documents or so) then scroll down and go into that folder and you should see the cab in setup
form. Click on it and it should begin installing.

If u put it on the storage card, while in file explorer at the top where it says my device with a lil arrow
click it. You should see storage card. Click that and it will open the storage card. From there where ever
You put the cab on the storage card u should see it in setup form. Click it and run it. Should be installing.

Thats it for cabs. U can delete the cabs after your done installing. I keep them all in a folder on my storage card. Just incase i every need to reinstallone of them.

EXE (phone)

Some programs u will download are .exe but for the phone it self. What that means it is the actual program and not a setup (desktop). Its the program itselfthat u put on the phone and run. It should look like an icon more times of the program you downloaded. These require no installation what so ever.

Just place them on the phone/storage card like in the above steps.
Use File explorer to find them
Click or double click them and the program should run

Most places u get these from will tell u that they are the actual program instead of a setup.

EXE (desktop)

These are setups that look like regular pc setups for when ur trying to install a program on your comp. More times they will install partially onyour comp and the other half on your phone.

When u get a desktop .exe setup:

Plug your phone into the pc
wait for active sync/mobile center to pick it up
Then run the setup from your pc, just like installing a regular program
It should have onscreen instructions
Then ask u to check the phone, where an installation should be starting on the phone.
From there just finish installing it on the phone and you should be good.

Where to install?

What ever install file u get to install on your phone, most times its going to ask you where to install it: Deviceor Storage card.

Alot of the apps you encounter will have to be installed on the device itself. Most games and side apps can be installed on the storage card but the main appsrequire u to intsall them on the device. With the touch pro U have alot of space to install them so feel free.


I think that about covers installation, sorry to all the guys who know how already. But couple ppl didn't. Tryin to help em out. If yall runinto problems pm me and ill see if I can help.

Next post will contain sites.

I called the number last night that ya'll provided like 2 pages ago. They told me the phone retails for $579.99. They said I'm available for an upgradethat would bring the phone down to $399.99. On top of that I get a $100 rebate. So that brought the total down to $299.99. So I was about to get off the phonebecause I was only calling to see how much they'd let me get it for. I told the lady I'll only be able to get it once I get paid this Friday. She saidI can add it to my next bill if I'd like and if I take advantage of it at that present moment then her supervisor would give me a $50 credit on that billbringing the total to $249.99 in the end. Of course I jumped on it. Then as she was factoring up my total she said some $18 to switch phone fee and $12shipping charge. I told her I have never paid to have my phone switched over and why do I have to pay now. She suspended that fee AND the shipping charge. Myphone will be here in 6 days. Trust me NT, no duck tales here.

I would personally like to thank everyone on NT for all of your valuable info. You guys have helped me out so many times in thepast it's not even funny. You're the reason I got my PS3 reserved months before it came out. You're the reason I have got countless pairs ofQuickstrike shoes on release day. And now this phone. You're unselfishness and posting info has proved extremely helpful time and time again. Thanksagain!!!
------------------------------------------------------ (Sign up)

This is one of two sites that should be ur best friend if u plan on doing anything to your phone. They are very friendly and most problems that u may havewith ur handsets, they may have a solution. After u do a search and the question isnt up, post a thread.

PPCGEEKS Touch Pro Thread

They have the audio fix for the low speaker in cab form on that page up there. If you do try it out, I would suggest going with the lite version first beforethe full. If its still too low then u can try the full version. Be careful with this. It can damage ur earpiece if ur using the full version and have it allthe way up. So I would suggest starting from about half way to see if there is any diff, then making ur way up to get ur desired results.

TWEAKED Audiopara.csv louder earpeice, spkphone, and BLUETOOTH WORKING!!!

Thread about some essentials ppl did when they first got their device. Some require a lil advanced hacking. Some dont.

Touch Pro Essentials

Pretty much browse thru the first theread I put up. There are alot of topics being discussed there.

XDA Developers (sign up)

This site should be your other best friend once u becomed more seasoned with hacking and are willing to take risks. This is where PPCgeeks get alot of theirsofware from. They are friendly as well over their but kinda more "grown up". Meaning they assume that u should know how to do even alil bit ofhacking. Most threads will provide some sort of instruction, most will tell u to read the readme file that comes with package.

They have alooooooooooooooot of programs and hacks for this phone. You just gotta know what your doing and READ. Readthe feedbacks and comments. Most people will tell u if its stable, unstable or 50/50. With that said here are some threads.


If you didnt know your touch pro screen is a VGA screen which has a higher resolution that QVGA. The dimensions for wallpapers are:

Portrait: 480X640
Landscape: 640X480

Heres a thread with some nice wallpapers

VGA Wallpapers
PPC Geeks Wallpaper Thread

The main forum on XDA regarding the Touch Pro

Touch Pro/ Raphael Thread

Diamond thread

They have alooot more stuff developed for the Diamond that the pro at the moment. Like I said most of the diamond stuff works on the pro. Here ull findclocks, themes for touch flo, programs etc

Diamond Main Thread
Diamond Themes, Apps& Customization Thread


Those two sites is what taught me what I know about PPC phones and its one of the reasons why I cant leave Winmo. I know most of yall gonna read those threadsand be like $!+? where do I start. Start with PPCgeeks first. Get aquainted with the basics and once uve done a lil sumtin sumtin, test out XDA. Both areforums just like here, so ask questions.

Half the stuff on XDA I didnt even try yet. Today im just gonna attempt to change the clock to a diff one or a clear one. But if u want ur phone to dosumtin, im sure its pretty much being discussed at one of those two sites and maybe someone posted a solution (like the audiofix).

Just like before if u got any questions pm me and ill try to answer them if I know. Oh yea no talk about where to get games or emulators in this thread. Uknow what to do in that case.

Next post what I got on mine so far and some lil trick some ppl discoverd
^How's the YouTube viewing? Is it crystal clear? Does it take long to load? Is it equivalent to an IPod Touch?
^ Yea, I'm going to need the # or just the department you called. If you remember the CSR's name, that'd be great too. Did you just call just callTelesales?

And as for apps, download WMWifirouter. It has 15 day trial for the newest version, but also has a freeware version out too. Dashwire is also needed so you canbackup your phone content to the internet in case you crash or update roms. You can also choose to make some info public like this. Opera has a videodownloader plugin for flash video sites, but it hasn't worked once for me yet
I'm going to try to get the phone also.

Hopefully I can come off with a good price because I've been do for an upgrade.

I just got me Mogul replaced the other day and they gave me this crappy refurbished phone with a glitchy keypad that you have to repeatedly press to get thecorrect letter and it feels so used.

While I was there the girl taking care of me told me about this phone coming out soon.

I been looking at it for the longest, but I would like to sell my Mogul to make some money back to help with the price of this phone.

I don't know I'll see what happens.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

^ Yea, I'm going to need the # or just the department you called. If you remember the CSR's name, that'd be great too. Did you just call just call Telesales?

And as for apps, download WMWifirouter. It has 15 day trial for the newest version, but also has a freeware version out too. Dashwire is also needed so you can backup your phone content to the internet in case you crash or update roms. You can also choose to make some info public like this. Opera has a video downloader plugin for flash video sites, but it hasn't worked once for me yet
^I called 1-866-866-7509. I do not remember the ladies name. 5min. after I got off the phone with her I gave the number to my ex and she calledand they refused to take her bill down any lower than $299 and they would NOT suspend her shipping or phone switch fees. I made the lady laugh a little so Ihonestly think that's why she was willing to help me out so much. That or she might screw me over completely and charge me for just about everything LOL!
Originally Posted by AirForce1King


I called the number last night that ya'll provided like 2 pages ago. They told me the phone retails for $579.99. They said I'm available for an upgrade that would bring the phone down to $399.99. On top of that I get a $100 rebate. So that brought the total down to $299.99. So I was about to get off the phone because I was only calling to see how much they'd let me get it for. I told the lady I'll only be able to get it once I get paid this Friday. She said I can add it to my next bill if I'd like and if I take advantage of it at that present moment then her supervisor would give me a $50 credit on that bill bringing the total to $249.99 in the end. Of course I jumped on it. Then as she was factoring up my total she said some $18 to switch phone fee and $12 shipping charge. I told her I have never paid to have my phone switched over and why do I have to pay now. She suspended that fee AND the shipping charge. My phone will be here in 6 days. Trust me NT, no duck tales here.

I would personally like to thank everyone on NT for all of your valuable info. You guys have helped me out so many times in the past it's not even funny. You're the reason I got my PS3 reserved months before it came out. You're the reason I have got countless pairs of Quickstrike shoes on release day. And now this phone. You're unselfishness and posting info has proved extremely helpful time and time again. Thanks again!!!
well damn
congrats. Putting in work long time no see
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

^How's the YouTube viewing? Is it crystal clear? Does it take long to load? Is it equivalent to an IPod Touch?

Quick and clear. Havent seen it on an Ipod touch but its great. The VGA screen is like Hi Def compared to the mogul or older phones.
Originally Posted by Tonystarks2984

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

^How's the YouTube viewing? Is it crystal clear? Does it take long to load? Is it equivalent to an IPod Touch?

Quick and clear. Havent seen it on an Ipod touch but its great. The VGA screen is like Hi Def compared to the mogul or older phones.

EXCELLENT!!! And to think a week ago I made a thread asking advice on buying a Mogul for $200
Damn if I get this phone I have to get two of them because of my chick. Damn I'm about to dead her and just look out for self
Originally Posted by Tonystarks2984

Originally Posted by AirForce1King


I called the number last night that ya'll provided like 2 pages ago. They told me the phone retails for $579.99. They said I'm available for an upgrade that would bring the phone down to $399.99. On top of that I get a $100 rebate. So that brought the total down to $299.99. So I was about to get off the phone because I was only calling to see how much they'd let me get it for. I told the lady I'll only be able to get it once I get paid this Friday. She said I can add it to my next bill if I'd like and if I take advantage of it at that present moment then her supervisor would give me a $50 credit on that bill bringing the total to $249.99 in the end. Of course I jumped on it. Then as she was factoring up my total she said some $18 to switch phone fee and $12 shipping charge. I told her I have never paid to have my phone switched over and why do I have to pay now. She suspended that fee AND the shipping charge. My phone will be here in 6 days. Trust me NT, no duck tales here.

I would personally like to thank everyone on NT for all of your valuable info. You guys have helped me out so many times in the past it's not even funny. You're the reason I got my PS3 reserved months before it came out. You're the reason I have got countless pairs of Quickstrike shoes on release day. And now this phone. You're unselfishness and posting info has proved extremely helpful time and time again. Thanks again!!!
well damn
congrats. Putting in work long time no see

Word Starks... I was on a month suspension/ban, but I'm back and I'm really considering getting this phone but I've been trying to stack sothat's why I'm hesitant. I'm itchy though because my girl has to have her Mogul fixed and we both have bothchy phones right now at this moment, andthat's only making me want to get this new phone more.
Props to every1 picking up this great phone .. im still hooked to the phone ..

Some Tips and some apps I got installed.

First thing was Beejive. Needed that IM app. It comes with a built in IM app but I dont like it. This is my fave out of the pack but u can look up others ifu dont like this one (IM+, Octrotalk, Palringo, Slick, Agile etc)


If you go to the beejive website from your phone u can download the cab directly from the website.

Tip: To get the IM sounds like Aim.
If you have any form of aim installed on you desktop, u can get the messaging sound from there.
Search for imrcv and imsend

Copy those two files and put em in the windows folder on your device (My device/Windows)

Once done go to sounds and notifications in settings. Go to notifications and click on the event box.

Where it says Beejive foreground Im set the sound to imrcv
Beejive new IM imrcv
Beejive Sent IM imsend

Now u got it sounding just like Aim.

Google Maps

Its no Sprint Navigation but it helps.
It wont give you turn by turn voice assistance but it will give u directions from your exact location using gps.

Google Maps

It says it supports street view now, gotta update mine.


MP3 Trimmer

This comes built in on the phone. This is ur ringtone making app on the phone. Put an mp3 file or folder on your phone (using active synce or device center). Open up then file and chop the mp3 to your desired points.


Weather Editor

Most people complain that the weather tab on the touchflo doesnt include their city as an option. Well this program allows u to put ur city in the list.

WeatherDatabase Editor

Download and install the Microsoft .NetCompact Framework 3.5 from the link in the thread
Then install the 1.1 modified cab from the bottom of the first post

follow steps 3-6 and ull be set

Slide to unlock (S2U2)

Basically its a slider to unlock your phone just like the Iphone's. U can also have it slide to unlock to answer your phone calls. Wallpapers are alsochangeable for this app.

Heres what the app looks like and the default pic


Heres what mines look like


Cant show mine inlandscape tho but its a Roxy Reynolds pic

Heres what the slide to answer looks like

Where that white box is, if you have a Picture for that contact, thats what would appear.

Slide to Unlock (S2U2)

When u click the link, to the right of the page click S2U2.
Scroll down, download and install the VGA version
With any application that u get, take some time and READ the readme file.
Itll tell u instructions on what to do, including changing clocks and wallpapers

The rest of the apps cant provide

But this is what I got so far

Final Burn Alpha (neo geo, csps1)
Resco Bubbles (Like teeter but more difficult)
Monopoly Here and Now

Gonna look into the sims 2

Other programs
Memmaid (Cleaner)
Pimbackup backup utility
Garmin Mobile XT (Nav Software)
Sling Player Mobile

Lil Tricks

Voice Command

I dont know if most of you know. Your phone has a program built in called MS Voice Command. It was a stand alone prgram for the Mogul and others. It becamebuilt for the Tilt after the update.

Basically Voice command lets you speak to issue a command and sometimes the phone will do it
. Reason why I say some times is that you have to speak very loud and clear.

U can have it tell you, what time it is, what day is it, whats ur battery level, to play a particular song, to call some one, to redial, to dial a number etc.

All u have to do is hold down the the phone answer key and youll see a lil mic pop up with a sound.
To start off, Id suggest you guys say help.
It will run u through what it can do.

To have it call someone, hold the key down, when u hear the noise say " Call _____ on mobile/at work/ at home"
It will confirm if its the right person and location, then say yes. It should dial after that
If its not, say no, then try again.

Some ppl it will not recognize to save its life lol but those are mostly hood names. Or if u have two contacts with the same name.

u can also say "Dial 718-123-4567" it will confirm if the numbers are correct and then dial.

It supposed to announce incomin calls and be able to read you ur email and text message, but alot of ppl are having problems with that, so maybe a fix for itsoon.

On screen Keyboard

While using the onscreen keyboard, do u notice the symbols above the letters and numbers? Normally ppl hit the 123 tab next to the space bar to input numbersand symbols.

U dont have to do that.

To get to the number and symbol above the letter, all u have to do is hold down that letter. Thats it, the symbol should appear.

World Card Reader

Nice little program thats built in on the phone. Someone mentioned it earlier in this thread.

Basically what that does is U hold ur camera over a business card
Take a picture
The software then reads the text off the picture
Ur are then able to store that business card's info as a contact on your phone.

Try it, fire up the program and see for yourselves. Pretty neat..its no barcode scanner or nuttin
. Tried in on a drivers liscense, doesnt work tho.

Thats all for now. I hope I helped out some who needed it. If any questions hit me up.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Word Starks... I was on a month suspension/ban, but I'm back and I'm really considering getting this phone but I've been trying to stack so that's why I'm hesitant. I'm itchy though because my girl has to have her Mogul fixed and we both have bothchy phones right now at this moment, and that's only making me want to get this new phone more.
Yea I know that mogul was givin u hell lol. This phone is def better tho, havent had no crashes yet. Hardly any slowdown. If u can then def doit.

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Props to every1 picking up this great phone .. im still hooked to the phone ..

What happened to "Im wack at this"
. Holla atme for resco bubbles, that joint is crack

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Got the phone for $100
. Thank you Sprint.

You know what you need to do, post info!
Word. I wanna hear this one.
Originally Posted by Tonystarks2984

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Word Starks... I was on a month suspension/ban, but I'm back and I'm really considering getting this phone but I've been trying to stack so that's why I'm hesitant. I'm itchy though because my girl has to have her Mogul fixed and we both have bothchy phones right now at this moment, and that's only making me want to get this new phone more.
Yea I know that mogul was givin u hell lol. This phone is def better tho, havent had no crashes yet. Hardly any slowdown. If u can then def do it.

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Props to every1 picking up this great phone .. im still hooked to the phone ..

What happened to "Im wack at this"
. Holla at me for resco bubbles, that joint is crack

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Got the phone for $100
. Thank you Sprint.

You know what you need to do, post info!
Word. I wanna hear this one.
as do I before I call retentions in a few minutes
just gave them a ring, they saw I had an unresolved issue from my last call a few days back. Dude said he would do $350 and the $100 rebate, so not too bad. Ijust need to sell this iPod to my boy now

Starks, I keep hearing about this $70 credit people keep emailing eCare and getting. Can you fill me in?
Yo you know what would be so clutch right now is that deal that people were getting away with a while ago where they were getting their Mogul's for like$38 or something like that.

That deal for this phone would be so clutch right now.
That ain't Bria Myles is it Starks? I'm gonna need her name too. And while we're on the subject, is there a way to hide folders and files(particularly vids) on WM6.1? I'd assume not, because then you'd have no way to access them really since most programs don't give you a dialoguebox allowing you to type in the hidden part of the path. But I got some flix on here, I just keep them in 3 levels of oddly titled folders, but if I couldtotally hide them that'd be even better. I'm sure it's old as McCain, but I just discovered this Cherokee and Doletta flick, bananas
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

just gave them a ring, they saw I had an unresolved issue from my last call a few days back. Dude said he would do $350 and the $100 rebate, so not too bad. I just need to sell this iPod to my boy now

Starks, I keep hearing about this $70 credit people keep emailing eCare and getting. Can you fill me in?
Apparently they are getting it just for upgrading their contract for two more yrs. My boy did it but I havent looked into to it. I was justhappy getting the phone lol.

Ima check it out tho see what they sayin on the forums then email ecare and see whats good. He said when he did it, the sprint told him about it. He didnteven know that he got that as a bonus, he just called to confirm his Sero was still in check.
Putting In Work wrote:
Yo you know what would be so clutch right now is that deal that people were getting away with a while ago where they were getting their Mogul's for like $38 or something like that.

That deal for this phone would be so clutch right now.
Sprint would go crazy if that were to happen wit this phone

DatZNasty wrote:
That ain't Bria Myles is it Starks? I'm gonna need her name too. And while we're on the subject, is there a way to hide folders and files (particularly vids) on WM6.1? I'd assume not, because then you'd have no way to access them really since most programs don't give you a dialogue box allowing you to type in the hidden part of the path. But I got some flix on here, I just keep them in 3 levels of oddly titled folders, but if I could totally hide them that'd be even better. I'm sure it's old as McCain, but I just discovered this Cherokee and Doletta flick, bananas
U kno it.

@ the Oddly Titled folders. Same method I use for my"Homegrown" vids
. And
for me knowin that flick. Way too much porn

Unfortunately thats still the method we gotta use. Maybe sumtin we can ask the ppl ova at XDA to come up wit.

Was funny about that is I took some recent ones with my mogul and they were still in the My videos folder. I transfered my card to the Touch Pro and the Picsand Video Tab picked up everything. I didnt member that the vid was in the folder so I aint think nuttin of it.

So when I did the switch to test out my boy's G1, I heard him go "Yooooooo" and he ran out. He came back wit my supes and he's grinnin andlaughin callin me spike lee.

Im like
. Then my boy showed me the screen
. My boy was like screen is clear as mo tho, I think I can see if thats a boy or a girlon homegirls chest. All I could do was

Now I moved the files so far away from my documents its not even funny. They in the archives's archives
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