HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

Though I do agree (somewhat) with the bench thing, I loathe every time Pau gets mentioned cause he's another year older, coming off plantar fasciitis, slow, and soft. Dude will tweak his foot flopping and that will be the end of that.
Though I do agree (somewhat) with the bench thing, I loathe every time Pau gets mentioned cause he's another year older, coming off plantar fasciitis, slow, and soft. Dude will tweak his foot flopping and that will be the end of that.

Trust. I hate pau too. But 25 minutes a night, we need dat
I wonder who's going to take Lin off our hands… hmmm

help us out Hinkie 
Bros i didn't know i had a home to come too

We are looking pretty good right now hope all goes well

we still need a pg tho  
having that NOP pick for next season too 

This is too good fellas 

It's about time we get some love from the basketball gods #REDNATION

And now DM the GM goes 2 work.

He's got 59.5 hours.  Walter White only needed two mins.

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Just saw Morey. He's taking tequila shots at El Tiempo. Hopefully it's just an ace up his sleeve to make sure any contracts and deals are inadmissible in court.
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Wow, went into the offseason with so much hope for another piece to the puzzle and a third player.

Instead we lose basically our bench in Lin and Asik.

Feels bad man. :smh:
Time to build that bench now :lol:. Not mad at any of those players though, 88 in a new place or 118 where you are already at, seems like an easy choice. The biggest concern now is who will be behind Howard, which needs to be an actual center and not an undersized PF for small ball. Asik and Lin would've been gone regardless.

Morey put all his eggs in one basket trying to build superteam only to have it blow up on him.

Karma :pimp:.

Asik and Lin were second and third respectively in Win/Shares in 2013 and a big part of the bench this year, both unappreciated by both the organization and the fans. Some big holes to fill... Potentially losing Parsons, too. Yikes.
Asik definitely wasn't under appreciated here. As far as Lin goes, you can bring up as these deep web stats to show some positives, but if you actually watch the games, he was basically mediocre and inconsistent his tenure here. So I'm not sure what karma you're talking about.
after all those times of getting lucky Morey didnt get it this time around

Damn I cant believe we got nothing to show for it
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