HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

I don't understand the perception of why people think Lin is a 6th man type guy and Beverly is a starter. I personally think it's the other way around. Beverley's energy is more fitting to come off the bench and wreck havoc.

lin is a bit too ball dominant for his actual abilities. and over the course of a game actually is kinda careless with the ball. and his defense is pretty bad, which can hurt a team's whole defensive gameplan since the opposing PG usually dictates flow. Bev plays his role amongst the stars and is just a good fit and actually locks up over the entire course of the game. Does what's needed of him. And with that swiss cheese defense guys are playing its something that has a big impact but doesnt show up in the box score

If they had some super efficient scoring version of Lin, I'm sure they'd let him cook. But Lin's not really a guy you want "getting rocks off" as a starter on the Rockets.
Alright ya'll, let's see if Pat Bev can pester the **** out of CP3 and turn this game versus the Clippers to a 180 from the other game
That's what Im talking about..let's keep it rolling 
they're finally throwing Dwight decent oops today although the one from harden stayed in the air for what felt like forever
there was one point where cp went to call a timeout and Beverly went for the steal like he did against Westbrook. looked like cp took exception to it, but they cut to commercials. he came out and hit a 3 and a layup right after. he's contained him so far though for the most part
Does Mchale even create plays??? A period of 18-0 from the Clips, and the Rockets just stalling out :smh:. Running out of time here
Scoreless with 5:34 left in the 3rd, along with Bev going out with the fouls, 18-0 Clips. 0-2 homestand currently. This is pathetic.
Hey Bruhs - Just remember, Miami wasn't built in a day... now I'm off to Midtown to drink this bitter losing streak away 
first and foremost, i have no idea why we're only running an 8 man rotation. mchale is going to run our players into the ground before the all star break. if harden has a bad foot, why is he playing 44 minutes against the lakers and 38 tonight?

mchale isn't doing any of our players any favors. casspi and garcia are supposed to be our shooters right? why don't we run sets for them to get clean looks? why is dwight getting the ball 10+ feet away from the basket? we can't run downscreens for him to pin his defender under the rim? every time i look up, it's another harden isolation. we can't run him off a screen or 2? we allow the defense to set up and plan because our offense is so stagnant.

no NBA team should ever give up an 18-0 run, and it revolves around mchale's inability to coach.

asik howard lineup again, although i know it's to defend blake and DJ. i don't care what tjones, dmo, and greg smith look like. you can hide them on the court, and they're live bodies that need to log minutes.
Couldn't have said it any better.



There's no reason at all why Jones, D-Mo, and Smith shouldn't be in there. They could relieve guys and give them valuable rest, plus, on any given day a one of them could get hot. I'd put Brewer out there too, especially since they basically signed him solely for defense. I'm also enjoying the losers coming out the wood works about Howard "reaching his peak", the Rockets being "overrated", and a bunch of other lame things that they probably write down and stash for a rainy day like Shoes. Oh well, it comes with the extra attention Harden and Howard brings.
it's becoming more and more apparent that asik is going to get dealt. not his fault, but we need to fill in the roster and he's the only expendable valuable piece to move.
Tough week. Luckily we should be able to go 4-0 next week and straighten it out. Sixers, Raptors, Knicks and Nuggets. But ya McHale doesn't seem to be a big in game adjuster. Just hope shot start to fall.
I think the only positives out of this game was more effort being there on perimeter defense, and Parsons getting it together. Sucks that Garcia has been in a slump. Him and Casspi need to hit all their shots, cause they're very valuable to this team.
Let's get this 
..even though I like the raps, we need this win.. I think we should be able to go 4-0 this week…*crosses fingers*
T Jones got minutes :wow:

He actually played really week on defense considering he came in and his first meaningful minutes were guarding Rudy Gay. He gives us good flexibility.
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