HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

Great win.. really liked what i saw from jones 

Lin with 31 off the bench 

24 rebounds from Howard 

Parsons and Beard 
Great win? Are u kidding me? We were on the brink of losing to the Craptors... A win is a win, but this game was just plain fugly. Rudy took 37 shots to score 29 pts, lulz.
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So much struggle out there but they did it.
The rockets have to be the worst three point shooting team at this point and I didn't expect that.

It was nice to see Lin go off, he was about the only one that could hit from three.

And I just knew that Rudy Gay was going to make that ******g shot :lol:
-not sure why they stopped feeding dwight the ball in the second half. we had a pretty substantial lead built up when he led the way.

-really hope harden gets healthy soon. he had a pretty monster preseason, but he's been banged up so far ever since he got injured in that last preseason game.

-also, casspi needs to get it together as well.

-glad to see jones make the most of his minutes.

-dwight is absolutely killing us at the line.
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So much struggle in that game but a W is a W. Rockets need to get it together and make a run or something. I can't take these Texan-like games.

Liked what I so from Jones, especially with him having 5 fouls for what felt like forever. What's sad about that is if Garcia wasn't ill, Jones probably would not have played. McHale is awful with rotations and subbing. He's gonna run this team into the ground even before January.
Harden playing superhero ball when he's shooting horribly and has 3-4 guys on the floor that are capable of scoring smh
Sixers have some scorers in Young, Hawes, and Turner. Probably a good thing MCW is out. Let's get this road win!
Rockets should make Lin come off the bench. He can take over games and win the 6th man award. 

If people just have more trust in this kid............ 
Hope Lin keeps it up. It's very apparent he's worked on his game. Looks a lot more confident out there.

Shouldn't be down to the Sixers. Rockets need to get more rebounds and finish some of these possessions.
in the waning moments of a game, you can tell who's a good coach and who isn't.

philly ran plays and sets, we played hero ball.

omer plays 4 minutes? wut?

chandler plays 50 minutes last game and 43 this game. it's not like he has BACK SPASMS.

omri casspi is shooting well, let's not play him in OT when we clearly can't score.

mchale is clueless.
dwight didn't have his best shooting night, but in OT he played pretty well. had an and 1 and hit the free throw to tie, another hook shot, and an assist. also had 15 boards and 6 blocks :wow:

chandler and jeremy had 5 and 8 TOs.

chandler doesn't look confident in his shot at all. it's sad. he's going to set the pump fake record.
^Ditto. This is a team that should be 7-2 right now, regardless of chemistry. McHale is awful on so many levels. I really wanna know what it's like with him during practices, cause if these games (and previous years) are any indication, he needs to be fired on the spot. He only increases the rotation out of desperation instead of strategy, and it's sickening to watch. Very curious about tomorrow's rotation.
^Ditto. This is a team that should be 7-2 right now, regardless of chemistry. McHale is awful on so many levels. I really wanna know what it's like with him during practices, cause if these games (and previous years) are any indication, he needs to be fired on the spot. He only increases the rotation out of desperation instead of strategy, and it's sickening to watch. Very curious about tomorrow's rotation.

it's crazy because we were begging for t jones.

what does he do? okay, i'll play jones. now you get glued to the bench, asik. he just doesn't seem to have a feel for rotations and game flow.
Look at this ****

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So there's no way Smith would've been beneficial? D-Mo couldn't have got a 5 minute spell or something? You play Howard 42 minutes, but you can't play spell him maybe 32-35 minutes and have Asik come right in and be an anchor as well? McHale truly is clueless
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