HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

Dwight missed free throws, harden shot 9/24, bev shot 1/10. This team has a lot of problems that can be fixed. More effort on defense. McHale seems lost coaching. He's going to burn our guys out if we don't dig into the bench.
Him keeping those short rotations and not making adjustments sooner is frustrating as hell to watch. I mean, Brooks, D-Mo, Jones, and Smith all should be getting some time of minutes, 5-8 or whatever, has to be SOMETHING.
hate losing to the lakers. especially since i'm in LA. surrounded by laker fans. :smh: on to the next one.

The Nash "screen"
What? Hugging isn't allowed anymore? 

Real talk, Nash is who I was looking at, so my reaction was like "Why is he... bearhugging Lin... oh snap, Blake got free... wait, noooYYYEEESSSS!!!" 

I'm w/ sea manup: gg, gents, and I fully expect a much different result next time. 

Harden is freaking automatic, man.

Y'all better hope that 'Dwight unhappy w/ the PG situation' thing has no wheels, man. Not trying to troll your thread so I'll leave it at that, but... yeah. 
question for ska: how do people get banned from specific threads? there are trolls that have been banned from the nba thread but when mjshoe kept at it in our thread he just got straight up banned. 
If you trolled our thread..would you warn..yourself?

(but to answer the question seriously, Meth would step in if one of us was way out line, or MarcAngelo if Meth isn't available, as evidenced below
question for ska: how do people get banned from specific threads? there are trolls that have been banned from the nba thread but when mjshoe kept at it in our thread he just got straight up banned. 
If someone is generally fine in all threads except for one, we'll ban them from that thread.

If someone is a nuisance in multiple threads, or they have had multiple opportunities to change their persistent trolling of one or 2 threads, there's no good reason they should be allowed to post anymore.

I banned mjsf, because he'd had enough slaps on the wrist, imo, and I had specifically told him THAT NIGHT to cool out, and he didn't. Like I just warned ohmygosher last night, and... bam... he quit. I wasn't really asking him to quit POSTING in here; just to stop trolling in here. If he thinks the best way to accomplish that is to just leave y'all alone, hey, I can dig it.
Y'all better hope that 'Dwight unhappy w/ the PG situation' thing has no wheels, man. Not trying to troll your thread so I'll leave it at that, but... yeah. 

The Nash "screen"
What? Hugging isn't allowed anymore? :nerd:

Real talk, Nash is who I was looking at, so my reaction was like "Why is he... bearhugging Lin... oh snap, Blake got free... wait, noooYYYEEESSSS!!!" 

I'm w/ sea manup: gg, gents, and I fully expect a much different result next time. :lol:

Harden is freaking automatic, man.

Y'all better hope that 'Dwight unhappy w/ the PG situation' thing has no wheels, man. Not trying to troll your thread so I'll leave it at that, but... yeah. :wow:

Right as this was happening live, I was thinking "I wonder who the Rockets will leave wide open for a 3"
Did you guys see that play when Lin hit the floor really hard and no one came to the rescue except for Bev? Is there something really going on that we don't know about? Or am I reaching?
Y'all are reaching on the word of some random dude on clutch fans lol. Stuff like that gaining stupid traction becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Relax people
As much as I love Lin's finishing ability I can't stomach the rest of his game. Read that Harden went in on him after one late possession lol good.
As much as Harden slack on D he showed life in the 4th defensively.
They are going to have to move Lin and Asik, it's almost inevitable.
Y'all are reaching on the word of some random dude on clutch fans lol. Stuff like that gaining stupid traction becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Relax people

I hope you're right. But we don't really know what goes on behind closed doors.

Stupid a** mother****** Blake just had to sink that three
I think there's been a huge overreaction to the loss last night.

I don't think Dwight would come out and say he's unhappy with the pg situation after 6 games and after they've been having fun as a team. what could he possibly be upset about other than the fact that no one on the team can throw a decent lob?

I was one of the guys that wanted to package Lin and Asik for a strong pf before the season started, but I think Lin is too valuable to let go. he's perfect for the 6th man role and can keep the offense firing with the second unit.

the team as a whole needs to play better defense and stop turning the ball over, but I have full confidence that it will happen over the course of the season. we're only 6 games in and even though it hasn't been pretty, we're still 4-2. there's absolutely no reason to hit the panic button quite yet.

also, was I the only one that was having flashbacks of Brandon Roy before and during the Steve Blake game winner? gave me the same feels :frown:
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I think there's been a huge overreaction to the loss last night.

I don't think Dwight would come out and say he's unhappy with the pg situation after 6 games and after they've been having fun as a team. what could he possibly be upset about other than the fact that no one on the team can throw a decent lob?

I was one of the guys that wanted to package Lin and Asik for a strong pf before the season started, but I think Lin is too valuable to let go. he's perfect for the 6th man role and can keep the offense firing with the second unit.

the team as a whole needs to play better defense and stop turning the ball over, but I have full confidence that it will happen over the course of the season. we're only 6 games in and even though it hasn't been pretty, we're still 4-2. there's absolutely no reason to hit the panic button quite yet.

also, was I the only one that was having flashbacks of Brandon Roy before and during the Steve Blake game winner? gave me the same feels
Or the Monta one 

Lin has actually been the most consistent through 6 games 

One thing is for sure, they need to figure out this defense. 
I think the overreaction is only compounded by the fact that every single person had a voice and even the smallest most frivolous info has a large platform to shoot off from. A fake RT can multiple heavily before it finally simmers down. Oh well, Laker fans and Howard detractors had something to celebrate for a night, and they can take solace in that, knowing they'll be miserable more often than not.

One thing I find hilarious is when they mention Howard acting like a spoiled brat and a child, is that that's what most of that fanbase is, spoiled, whiny butthury crybabies. Maybe that's why they get so rustled, cause they don't realize they're looking in the mirror at themselves. Hmmmmm
I don't understand the perception of why people think Lin is a 6th man type guy and Beverly is a starter. I personally think it's the other way around. Beverley's energy is more fitting to come off the bench and wreck havoc.
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