HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)


Love our team, but I hate that we're playing scared.

Won't get swept, but changes are coming this summer.

As for LMA, it's time to "Sweep the leg, Johnny!"
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you guys really can't think Harden is a key to a championship, i mean seriously guys. Derek fisher absolutely locked him up last year. In the 2012 finals there were MULTIPLE reports about him partying in Miami, he will never be a superstar. Its always an excuse.Don't catch feelings fellas, we traded P-Patt for T-Rob last year, didn't play him. Now we got jordan hamilton for Aaron Brooks- Don't use him. It doesn't help Lin refused to play in the 2012 playoffs because he wasnt "100%" and remember last year when his shoulder was killing him that he couldn't play in the playoffs? Yeah, they will probably win game 3, but I'm sorry there is no way we can put the franchise on Harden and expect a championship.

You can stoneface me all you want but I've see this roster from Pig Miller, to Dan Langhi to Carlos Rogers to Oscor Torres, thomas "2sandwhich" .been a fan since i was a kid, so I ain't some newbie. We had shaun livingston last year and let him go, traded away lowery and  refused to pay Dragic for Lin, I had more faith in last year's team than this one
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Also maybe people don't remember but the reason Ibaka was runner up in 2012 for DPOY was b/c HArden was playing the same swipe Defense he plays now and he happened to be guarding 2nd string 1's and 2's. That one play when Harden was on Aldridge in game 1 he litterally just let him go, didn't even try to play D which prompted Webber to say "harden's not even trying here," I mean his lack of D is not a one time thing it's a habit, and that is never gonnna win a championship.
aldridge is tearing us up. :smh:

second half of last night's game was tough to watch. :x :x :x
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you guys really can't think Harden is a key to a championship, i mean seriously guys. Derek fisher absolutely locked him up last year. In the 2012 finals there were MULTIPLE reports about him partying in Miami, he will never be a superstar. Its always an excuse.Don't catch feelings fellas, we traded P-Patt for T-Rob last year, didn't play him. Now we got jordan hamilton for Aaron Brooks- Don't use him. It doesn't help Lin refused to play in the 2012 playoffs because he wasnt "100%" and remember last year when his shoulder was killing him that he couldn't play in the playoffs? Yeah, they will probably win game 3, but I'm sorry there is no way we can put the franchise on Harden and expect a championship.

You can stoneface me all you want but I've see this roster from Pig Miller, to Dan Langhi to Carlos Rogers to Oscor Torres, thomas "2sandwhich" .been a fan since i was a kid, so I ain't some newbie. We had shaun livingston last year and let him go, traded away lowery and  refused to pay Dragic for Lin, I had more faith in last year's team than this one

If you hadn't said anything as silly as wanting Harden to be trade bait, your posts would actually make sense. Because of that, none of the sensible things you can say will be taken seriously. Since have have been a long-time Rockets fan who happens to post like you're 14, looks like you're the @coltfanb of the Rockets fanbase, which is a shame cause that latter parts of your post made sense.
If you hadn't said anything as silly as wanting Harden to be trade bait, your posts would actually make sense. Because of that, none of the sensible things you can say will be taken seriously. Since have have been a long-time Rockets fan who happens to post like you're 14, looks like you're the @coltfanb of the Rockets fanbase, which is a shame cause that latter parts of your post made sense.
i just never had faith in Harden ESPECIALLY last year in the post game conference when he and Parsons we're like, "its cool, we are young, we have next year." there's no killer instinct that propels his game to superstar status, sure he had a great regular season, but in the playoffs if you can;t get it done, they your just a Tracy Mcgrady.
I mean i see everyone hating on me saying Harden is trade bait, but do your honestly as fans think he can lead us to a championship? That's really all I want to know, because the ultimate goal is a championship, well maybe not to Les but to the fans yes.
watching the gm, they didnt know if they wanted to continue forcing into dwight (even after a stretch where he missed a majority of his shots) or go back to harden
even harden was confused in the final moments. he held the ball and decided to go in for the layup
so many late gm mistakes even when portland allowed them a slim chance. falling asleep on matthews, lin with boneheaded foul, and the final play where there was 0 options after the play broke down
James Harden is one of the premiere scorers in the league. Why would you trade that? Oh yeah, he's 24 with his whole career in front of him. His second year as a starter he had a season that only MJ, LeBron, Wade, and Bird have had. You literally sound ridiculous.
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Harden will never be those players want to know why? all of those players came into the league PLAYING DEFENSE. Or understood the concept of it 2 yrs into the league. D-wade didn't come into his own until the playoffs of '04 and actually played Defense and in 2006 when he was known as D-whiste he still played D. I mean everyone is sticking up for Harden yet not asnwering my question: Can he lead the rockets to the championship. I know they won't trade him, Houstonians love him and baby him, claiming he doesn't flop and avoids the fact his D is atrocious and He is so skilled offensively it doesn't matter. But again, instead of anyone actually claiming he could lead the Rockets to a championship, its he's young and I'm ridiculous.

btw i think they will win game 3 so before they win and everyone gets on my back I think they will win I just doubt he can lead us to the championship, hes the type to be proud to get there but not a care if they win it.
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Because your argument is stupid. Karl Malone played defense, and so did Gary Payton. They don't have championships. Championships aren't made off one player. To say he can't lead a team is just foolish. There's way too many variables completely outside of his control in winning a championship.
Because your argument is stupid. Karl Malone played defense, and so did Gary Payton. They don't have championships. Championships aren't made off one player. To say he can't lead a team is just foolish. There's way too many variables completely outside of his control in winning a championship.
i mean it's as much McHale's fault as anyone, his coaching has always been suspect, hence my first post about Finch basically waiting in the wings. So far though the past 3 playoffs for Harden the bigger stage the harder he folds.(2012 finals, D-fish locking him up last year, this playoff I'm sure your watching) and yes he's still young, etc. I just don't think he has that killer instinct it takes to seperate the great players to the AMAZING players. And i'm n not talking Harden for Bradley Beal, but hey there's Kevin Love available, young with upside. That's what the D-League is for, they are developing those young shooters for a reason, theywill fit in Finch's system in 2 yrs. 

and your right it takes more to win than one player, like the ghost of Jeremy Lin, a deep bench, a competent coach and players who don't mind getting their hands dirty.
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You keep mentioning Fisher locking him up like he didn't average 27. No he didn't shoot as well as we're accustomed to, but he was getting to the free throw line consistently.
You keep mentioning Fisher locking him up like he didn't average 27. No he didn't shoot as well as we're accustomed to, but he was getting to the free throw line consistently.
but when it counted? turnovers galore and c'mon man you know he ain't got that killer instinct u see him posting those pix with the thunder after the games. Man if u really want to win u post a pic of them with their heads cut off not arms around them. thats the truth. 
You keep mentioning Fisher locking him up like he didn't average 27. No he didn't shoot as well as we're accustomed to, but he was getting to the free throw line consistently.
but when it counted? turnovers galore and c'mon man you know he ain't got that killer instinct u see him posting those pix with the thunder after the games. Man if u really want to win u post a pic of them with their heads cut off not arms around them. thats the truth. 

I guess KD doesn't have a killer instinct then. You know, because he's also posting pics with harden
39% fg last yrs playoffs, 27 turnovers in 6 games. James Harden vs. Thabo/Dfish

and I don't even wanna check his stats on PJ tucker. The great players find a way to win against top tier d, they dont keep shooting and shooting and shooting, they look for other ways, playing D,getting the team involved passing the rock (and getting to the line which he does) 
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but when it counted? turnovers galore and c'mon man you know he ain't got that killer instinct u see him posting those pix with the thunder after the games. Man if u really want to win u post a pic of them with their heads cut off not arms around them. thats the truth. 

Harden needs to step it up plain and simple if we're going to win.

They're like best friends though. Games get intense, but they always leave it on the court. I might just stay out of this thread moving forward...mostly because I'm so frustrated and also because I don't want to keep reading stupid ****.
Hopefully that doesn't mean LMA just runs into Dwight & Asik constantly drawing those Dirk/KD fouls
These boys are actually playing like they give a damn now 

Mchale actually showing signs of a coach and changing lineup and puttin in different players into rotation

Daniels go do ya thang 
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