HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

If we can get past the blazers and grizzlies somehow manage to pull an upset (which we all know they can), then I can see us coming out of that series 4-3 because we will have HCA… On the other hand, the clips and thunder would slug it out and I believe the Thunder will come out of that series, setting it up for a rockets/thunder WCF 

I think we all know that the rockets aren't contending this year, but if we somehow end up in the WCF, I think that's a BIG accomplishment this season.. Then next year is when we truly contend 
somewhere on the internet there has to be a video of the dunk isiah canaan tried late in the game. he got up :wow:
I'd love to keep Asik, but let's say if we can get a Ian Mahimi (?) type big, I wouldn't mind just f'ing the Knicks over with this
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This team already struggles to play defense. I don't like the combo of Melo and Harden at all. I think Rondo would be a better fit for this team, as constructed now.
This team already struggles to play defense. I don't like the combo of Melo and Harden at all. I think Rondo would be a better fit for this team, as constructed now.

Rondo? i dont know. That looks like a disaster waiting to happen and arguments with how much Harden needs the ball in his hands. Rather Melo for all that.
For what we do, Rondo doesn't fit because he can't shoot. He'd make life way easier for everyone though to get better looks
I think Melo would come here with the understanding of his role drastically changing but if he wants to win, then this is the place. Imagine an Olympic type Melo on the Rockets :x
Y'all complain about Harden going all hero ball with the isolations and what not. With Melo, you're basically adding the same thing. Obviously you want to add as much talent as possible though, so if it's him or no one, we should take it.

If you add Rondo, you add a guy that's gives us defense, which we need, and someone to make life easier for everyone else. Maybe the ball doesn't need to be Harden's hands all the time, but it is there out of necessity.

Watching the heat game on Sunday was eye opening to me. The way Lebron and Wade just made a couple huge defensive plays changed the whole game. We don't have anyone like that. Bev isn't that player. He just tries really hard and is reckless. I just feel like adding Rondo makes us more of a complete team.
I'd love to add Melo or Rondo IF you didn't have to clear the team out. Of course that would mean they'd probably be taking less money, which only happens in certain cases. Just think of the makeup of this team if we had to trade for Dwight instead if adding him to what was already here. I don't remember the exact details of the trade proposed that year, but along with Dwight, we would've had Jameer Nelson, and I think Chris Duhon and some other Magic player not named Glen Davis. No thanks.
If you can give up lin and asik to get Melo, you do it 10 times out of 10. Even if you have to throw Terrence Jones in
i honestly don't think we can get any of those guys in FA unless we sign and trade for them if that's still allowed.

we have to get rid of asik and lin before we can do anything major.
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