HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

Just win baby...just win. Hopefully we can bring all this downpour outside to AA Arena and dump all over the Heat. Damn sure won't be easy though.
How bout that dunk hey fellas? 

We in this b****, Let's get this win 

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu refs 

we lost the game, but it didn't help that the refs didn't give us some calls and made bs calls… all i'm saying is, it should've been called consistently… foul on Lebron wasn't called (bear hug on Lin), stupid delay of game (changed the momentum), etc..
It's sort of hard to say that the Rockets should've kept that original 5 point lead when a lot of calls is what led to the Heat blowing past us. During that 15 point lead, I don't even think more than 5 points came from actual scoring, but more technicals and missed calls that led to points. But that doesn't let guys off the hook for not making the most of possessions. Things just started to unravel because of that. Harden missed and open layup, and the offense overall just went stagnant. And it wasn't even because the Heat played lockdown defense, it was because the Rockets just let mistakes pile on. I said it in the NBA thread in the 1st half, you can't win fight the refs AND yourselves. Have to regroup at home right back tomorrow.


And how could I forget that since these are the Houston Rockets, look who showed out today. Not a slight to future HOF Ray Allen, but he shouldn't be going for 25 off the bench.
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it's understood at this point. we don't have a real offense. it's gonna be tough to win a championship anyways the next couple of years with how the west is, but we won't be able to with him at the helm.

at the end of the game, when you really need buckets..what did we do? lin and beverly jack 3's. can't even run plays to get them clean looks.

this has been my problem forever though. when you need buckets, you got to have a good play to get it. we don't have that. i miss adelman :smh:
its all good fellas.. we went 4-3 in that brutal 7 game stretch… all is well… hopefully this team learns from this loss
Yea even at full strength, that Wolves roster isn't nearly as good as what I'm sure we all thought, or thought what they should be

And can't blame McHale for this loss (for once), though him having a brain fart on whether to keep Lin in or TJones (I think) directly led to a Ray Allen 3. Like, that exact possession :lol:

Correction, TJones was on the floor, and McHale subbed Lin back in since the Heat went small. I'm guessing guys were confused about who to cover after that.
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Tales of Kevin McHale’s Hilarious ‘Coaching’

As if Minnesota T-Wolves fans hadn’t suffered enough, but now the guy from the front-office who absolutely botched the last, oh, decade and some, is in charge of leading the troops into battle from the sidelines.

If you’re expecting things to improve, I’d like you first to listen to Anthony Carter’s stories, a man who played for coach McHale a few years ago.

From the Rocky Mountain News:

“It was a learning experience,” said Carter. “He didn’t really know all the X’s and O’s, but he had a good assistant coaching staff that was helping him out with a lot of plays. He kind of let us run whatever we wanted.”

“He was trying to draw plays, and it was like a little Etch and Sketch. Like a kid just messing around… He just gave the clipboard to the assistant coaches sometimes.”

Why do I get the feeling this is precisely the same way that Michael Jordan runs the Bobcats?

McHale, who Etch-A-Sketched his way to the first of many losses last night, will attempt to prove to Anthony Carter and the rest of the Nuggets that he can actually draw a play all by himself tonight in Denver.

As for you Wolves fans, you poor bastards, better hope the assistant coaches bought extra markers. It could be a long rest of the season.
Love Mchale as a person but as a coach, his plays are basically, "Cmon guys, lets play harder…more energy…" lol
twice Lin has drawn up plays for final possesion (one actually when they had possesion)
sometimes i really wonder if he is designing plays other than james iso or dump the ball into howard.
Sometimes it's painfully evident that nothing is being drawn up, the offense becomes so damn stagnant in the half-court sometimes. I hate when the Rockets get into iso ball, sometimes everything just becomes a Harden iso up top and everyone spreads out just looking at him.
Crappy thing is that I doubt he gets replaced. I think we're really going to get exposed in the playoffs in close games/crunch time.

I could foresee us doing well enough in the regular season for him to keep his job, but then faltering over and over again in the playoffs until the team is no longer a contender.
The #Rockets are 5th in % of time in isolation this season, but rank 25th in points per possession in isolation. (via @HPbasketball)
Love Mchale as a person but as a coach, his plays are basically, "Cmon guys, lets play harder…more energy…" lol

Basically. I have said multiple times that McHale the personality, the interviewer, and the commentator are great. But McHale the coach is so underwhelming.

Let's please regroup against Utah. Just crush them right off and not have a dog fight for once.
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