HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

TJones :pimp:

Though that game got close, I never felt like there was any danger or anything. Glad to have Bev back for Monday, as he definitely will be needed. I wish Greg Smith would stay healthy, cause he's actually pretty valuable as a backup center and PF.

Also, I found it pretty funny that Howard put up Hibbert stats in the OKC game, and Hibbert put up Haslem stats against the Clippers last night. Hmm.
^ Miami made it work im sure we could too 

A true PG would help this team a ton imo. Id love to see Rondo throwing up lobs to Howard, Parsons, and Jones 

I know Morey wants K Love but I really doubt we are able to get him, LMA was in the picture but with Portland success I doubt he leaves.

Idk if we get Rondo or not but we just need to let T.Jones keep developing at the 4, get a great defensive wing and another great shooter and we gon be good for next season

Besides the fact that I want Mchale gone but I doubt it happens 

Did anyone watch the whole game against the Bucks?

There was times when we would get into halfcourt offense and everyone was just looking at eachother not knowing what to do smh. Happened more than once boys were out there playing like it was a pickup game 
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Tjones is game time decision with thigh bruise (1/20/'14)

Injuries been killing us this season fellas… 

Excited to watch the game tonight

Let's bring Portland back to earth.. Bev is back 
:smh: and it was a practice injury. No Jones, Asik, Smith nor Garcia. Looks like 40 plus minutes for everybody tonight
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Imo its night and day when hes starting PG vs when Lin starts.

Bev was huge in this game 

3s, Great Defense, and hustle 
My guy Parsons showed out tonight :smokin

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it's night and day with lin and beverly. they have their strengths and weaknesses, but beverly is better with the starters, and lin with the bench. when asik comes back, if we keep him we can go 8 man rotation with



based on the matchup
beverly with a huge +26 in 29 minutes

games like this are so frustrating though, because we show that we can obviously play with the best of them, but we're so inconsistent and play down to our competition. i'm sure we can all easily remember 3-4 games we should have easily won...we could be playing for a top seed right now, but instead we're stuck at the 5 trying not to fall to the 6.
Bev really does benefit this team so much in the starting lineup, along with Lin keying things in for the second team. At full strength (including Asik), this team would be so good come playoff time. But you're right Pug, this team is frustrating to watch. In the West, OKC and LAC are the only teams I don't want to see in the playoffs.

Oh, here's a trade some doofus proposed on the radio between the Rockets/Grizzlies/New Orleans:

Houston gets:
- Mike Conley
- Tony Allen

Memphis gets:
- Montiejunas
- 1st round pick

New Orleans gets:
- Omer Asik
- Pat Beverly

I may be missing 1 more thing from that trade, cause apparently in the trade machine it worked, but I felt like calling in and asking the guy if he was wearing a kufi, and if so, to smack it off his own head.
Bev really does benefit this team so much in the starting lineup, along with Lin keying things in for the second team. At full strength (including Asik), this team would be so good come playoff time. But you're right Pug, this team is frustrating to watch. In the West, OKC and LAC are the only teams I don't want to see in the playoffs.

Oh, here's a trade some doofus proposed on the radio between the Rockets/Grizzlies/New Orleans:

Houston gets:
- Mike Conley
- Tony Allen

Memphis gets:
- Montiejunas
- 1st round pick

New Orleans gets:
- Omer Asik
- Pat Beverly

I may be missing 1 more thing from that trade, cause apparently in the trade machine it worked, but I felt like calling in and asking the guy if he was wearing a kufi, and if so, to smack it off his own head.

heard that too :lol:

CP wasn't having it.

i'd rather keep bev and asik, and try to flip lin. most likely we'll have to get rid of lin and asik because of their contracts. both make like 15 mill next year. trade both, free up cap space, resign parsons, add another really good player to this team, profit.
Profit indeed :pimp: I can wait to see what Parsons new deal is. I hate that people keep throwing him in trade scenarios, cause usually they lowball him as an NBA player, just so they can steal him and prop him up on their team :lol: :smh: Parsons and Bev are assets to THIS team that need to be kept.
Parsons, Bev, and Tjones bout to get paid 

Is Les really going for a third star knowing that all three of those guys are going to get paid? I hope so 
first time in a long time i really saw dwight being aggressive. he was trying to finish a lot of his moves with dunks, instead of stupid baby hooks
Asik is more of an asset than Lin so if we try and trade Lin a team will more than likely try & get Jones or a 1st.

I'm still not resolved that Parsons is untradable if the right deal came but I do think we need another perimeter guy preferably a guard.
I disagree. I think beard, dwight, and chap are the only untouchables. I'd hate to give up tjones though until we can see how much he can progress. We've given away so many 4's the past couple years...time to stick to this one.

I honestly think that we're going to have to hope chap develops into that 3rd star. I can't foresee us paying him as well as keeping all these other solid guys like tjones, bev, and Lin around along with a 3rd max player. It works for the heat, because everyone takes a paycut to play with them.
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Let's just get a win over these mosquito Kings. Jesus, there's no way the Rockets should be beating the Spurs, Warriors, and Blazers, and turn around and lose to teams like the Kings and Suns, regardless of who they have.
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh no TJones again, let's hope D-Mo continues to be productive, and limit his fouls
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