HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

I was wondering why Adelman even got fired in the first place. Seemed like either Alexander or Morey just wanted him out, more than likely Alexander.

I don't feel like adding more redundancy to the type of coach McHale is. He's so awesome as a commentator and during interviews, but he's a very underwhelming coach.

Wizards got washed by the Pacers, hopefully we can jump on them in their building and just pummel them and take the crowd out of it. I'm tired of these back and forth games giving other teams a chance.
Last night was another one of those games where you feel like you're finished with Lin beforehand, then he plays very well, how he should play night in and night out. Seems like against certain teams, we need a 50 point lead just to win by 5. Rockets play all out defense for maybe 3 of 48 minutes. At least the bench did some scoring for once.
everyone was on fire last night for the first 3 quarters. i didn't even mind the rain delay since it gave me more time to watch the team. some of those lobs to dwight were just ridiculous. just throw it up high as hell somewhere in the vicinity of the basket and dwight will do the rest.

couple notes:

-dmo sat at the end of the bench by himself the whole game seemingly totally uninterested. kinda felt bad for him, but oh well.
-garcia has the best shot on the team it seems like when they're just shooting around. they had A LOT of time to just shoot/**** around with the delays and the man would just NOT miss from anywhere. not sure why he's been struggling this season.
-greg smith has a baby's face on a man's body.
Sucks to hear that about D-Mo. Really want his to find some consistency on this team, but I have a feeling he's gonna be one of various Rockets players to stick somewhere else (I could see the Wolves). Hell, the Rockets basically put the Suns and current Raptors team together :lol: it seems like every team in the league has 3-4 former Rockets on the roster, with at least 1-2 having a solid impact.
^ I was just going to say how watching the raps made me feel like watching a bit of the old rockets 

and Dmo? 
 I still don't see how he's not getting minutes 

HOO-AH!! Dwight is too funny 


Another comment about the lobs, those were the best lobs to Dwight the Rockets have done all year. It's like they were different people or something compared to those raggedy off target ones :lol:







Dwight's entertaining a little kid during the rain delay....what a miserable awful clown :rolleyes :rolleyes










also forgot to mention that Saturday was the first time I ever saw Mchale in person. he is absolutely huge (pause) and walks with that limp. he would make a perfect Frankenstein.
Bayou Stomper :x :rofl:

I remember before last nights game, McHale said he wanted to keep a close look at managing Parsons' minutes. He played 39 minutes. The bench is hurting with Lin starting, and Asik having a vagina.

Lin and the starters each played 35+ minutes. Garcia played 11, Casspi 22, Brooks 15, and Brewer with 4:45. No play for D-Mo, none for the Canaan. Just beat the starters to death :smh:
It's pitiful. Not one single legit update. Just a bunch of "He's still out", "Deep thigh bruise". He's NOT still injured, and it's sad nothing else has been said

I miss watching Delfino play, all them funny *** faces he used to make lmao

I read somewhere that we are interested in Mike Dunleavy. 

Honestly dont know much about the guy. Just know he can shoot the 3 prety good, when ive seen him play he kinda reminds me of Bonner lol.

I do remember Dunleavy killing us a few times in the past when he played for the Bucks 
 I was like who tf is this
I miss our group of guys last year 

They really played their hearts out and showed a lot of heart against OKC in the playoffs 

Delfino's dunk on Durant 

@RoseGoldSluggs  yea I read that Mchale was interested in Dunleavy...
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