Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Thought i found me a good one smh. We were rockin for a good minute then shawty switched up on me. I deleted Hinge for her and everything. Fxck it, back to the streets.
That's where you messed up. Women lose interest when you give in to their demands. They want a challenge. She "conquered" you. Gotta let them know you have options and ready to leave at any moment if she starts acting up.
I'm trying to get a bucket list going or something

only go after unique points

young ones, old ones, and brazilians -> that kinda thing

PS: As far as women go, young to me is early 20s and old to me is 40s

PPS: Got a new slogan -> make em laugh, make em cum, and make em food and they'll keep coming back
Nah. They gotta make you food. Respectfully
That's where you messed up. Women lose interest when you give in to their demands. They want a challenge. She "conquered" you. Gotta let them know you have options and ready to leave at any moment if she starts acting up.
I worded that wrong. She didnt make me delete it. I deleted it myself because i thought i found someone worth putting my energy towards.

Dakingii's situation aside I always found the deleting of apps an interesting concept/logic. I think it's Hinge's motto/slogan. Unless you become exclusive it doesn't really matter and is only symbolic/performative. Doesn't mean they won't talk to or smash other people offline or on other apps. Plus deleting the app off your phone isn't the same as deleting your account :lol:

If someone has your attention/interest like that you probably won't have the desire to interact with other people. (Some do it anyway just because they're single/options still present themselves or so they won't get attached but yeah)

Having that level of interest an not cuffing them up or having that conversation/setting certain boundaries will lead to issues since you're not on the same page


Unless you become exclusive it doesn't really matter and is only symbolic/performative. Doesn't mean they won't talk to or smash other people offline or on other apps. Plus deleting the app off your phone isn't the same as deleting your account :lol:

Learned this one the hard way when things started getting serious with my now wife. I initially just deleted the app from my phone. A girl who is mutual friends with a few of my friends (and who I had a casual history with) pulled me aside at a bar one night and asked if things were alright between me and my girl because she saw my profile on one of the apps. (And of course deal with the questions from my wife about why this girl was pulling me to the side to talk.)

Had to re-download the apps and fully delete my accounts before any of my wife’s friends ran across my profile :lol:
Yea she got spooked and felt like things were getting too serious. Which is wild because she was the one talking most about the future we were gonna have. Talking about moving in with me and ****. We still cool but im falling back and not putting any energy or emotions into it anymore.
Sounds like a good old fashioned love bomb. You gotta wonder if your feelings were even real or if they were manipulated and escalated.
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Dakingii's situation aside I always found the deleting of apps an interesting concept/logic. I think it's Hinge's motto/slogan. Unless you become exclusive it doesn't really matter and is only symbolic/performative. Doesn't mean they won't talk to or smash other people offline or on other apps. Plus deleting the app off your phone isn't the same as deleting your account :lol:

If someone has your attention/interest like that you probably won't have the desire to interact with other people. (Some do it anyway just because they're single/options still present themselves or so they won't get attached but yeah)

Having that level of interest an not cuffing them up or having that conversation/setting certain boundaries will lead to issues since you're not on the same page

For me i was already planning on deleting my account anyway. It always gets to a point for me where the apps get overwhelming and i completely lose interest. I just happened to meet someone that i liked around the time of wanting to delete.
Sounds like those social media breaks people talk about. All you have to do is stop opening the app, turn the notifications off or pause your profile. After a certain point/number of matches there's no reason to keep swiping outside of ego boosting.

Reminds me of the chicks who's profiles used to pop up every 2 weeks or so because the download/delete whenever they get bored...the same thing that made you delete it is gonna be there when you come back

On the other end of the spectrum some people have had the app for years collecting/hoarding matches from the Obama administration that they don't even talk to :lol:
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^hoarding matches is also my issue 😂. Ill have too many i never responded to on top of a backlog of likes i got that i never accepted or denied. Its easier to just delete and make a new account than to go through all of them.
Like I said after matching with 10 or so chicks there's no reason to keep swiping outside of boosting ones ego or maybe boredom. Filter through those, link up then go from there
I saw this and thought of y’all. Hopefully it’s helpful:

I see a lot of my young fellas are hitting a wall dating so let uncle Al give you all a dating hack .

When u meet a girl that u actually like take her to BREAKFAST on the first date and I mean breakfast breakfast not brunch. Brunch is a cheat, all girls love brunch and they’ll go on a brunch date even if they dont like you 😂, take her to an early 8:30 am breakfast I’ll tell you why.

First of all it will let you know her level of interest. A girl either really has to love breakfast or really have to like you to wake up and make it to a 8:30 breakfast date. Plus women secretly like early risers. They won’t admit it but they appreciate a man who gets up early and starts being productive.

2. You get to see her level of sensibility, because what’s appropriate breakfast date attire ?? Does she show up club ready or does she come cute and causal?? You typically getter a more realistic aesthetic in the morning, people look more like themselves in the morning as opposed to having all day to get ready. Less is more , if she shows up minimal makeup cute to breakfast chances are she’s really cute. But if she shows up over the top dressed and a full face for bacon eggs, she may be trying to hide something 😂. Ladies this is your time to put on that cute Nike tech outfit that you never wear to the gym , and pretty running shoes you never run in , put your hair in a ponytail or a dad hat and throw on a little lip gloss and eye liner and be comfortable on a date for a change. It’s a win win for everybody, and won’t take you nearly as long to get dressed

3. Breakfast isn’t that expensive, so if you’re balling on a budget you typically can get out of a good breakfast place for anywhere between $25-$40 maybe cheaper .

4. And no Waffle House and IHOP don’t count. Try to find a something local, like a diner or breakfast kitchen , expertise in finding good local eateries will score you big points. Stay away from big chains if possible

5. You get to see a more natural temperament, if she’s not a morning person and she’s in a bad mood , that’s a sign she’s not that into you. 😂. If she likes you, she’ll be more concerned with getting to know you than thinking about being slightly inconvenienced having to wake up early . Plus conversation is harder in the morning because you’re still hazy. If y’all can have a good meaningful conversation at 8 in the morning that’s a possible sign of chemistry .

6. You still have the whole day, so if breakfast goes well and she’s down to do something else it’s not an awkward ask because it’s the middle of the day. Unlike a night date where the only place to go is her house or yours . You can avoid that by going to do something else publicly and extending the date

7. Having a breakfast date subconsciously takes naughty business of the table. So it’s much less pressure, it gives the impression that you’re not thinking about S E GG S and that you actually just want to spend some time, which is what the first date should be. And chances are she’s rarely if ever had actual breakfast for a first date . So points for you for being different .

8. Also if y’all don’t hit it off, your whole day isn’t wasted and you’ve gotten it out of the way and can find something else to do instead of going home at night mad you wasted your time.

9. And finally you get to witness something very important. You get to see if she eats sugar in her grits. And if she does then you know she’s not the one and you don’t deserve that kind of chaos in your life 😂

Happy Dating Spartans”
making things complicated than it is.
feed the bish and get the yambs.
all this askmen.com advice gonna get you looking stupid.

i've gotten yambs off feeding shorty waffle house, she wanted waffle house and I wanted yambs.
mission accomplished.
I saw that on FB as well. I'm taking a woman off this app to breakfast sunday before labor day but not no 8:30am
making things complicated than it is.
feed the bish and get the yambs.
all this askmen.com advice gonna get you looking stupid.

i've gotten yambs off feeding shorty waffle house, she wanted waffle house and I wanted yambs.
mission accomplished.

Bottomless brunch is the move. I keep this one for like the 3rd date though. I really gotta be feeling you to be doing morning/day time ****
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