Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I know this is old but shorty is bad business I hope that you put in work fam. I might just start an account for the lolz

I ain't do **** with that...

She just stopped talking to me...

I most recently hit a fat BBW from there. 

I know man...

Stuck up *** ******* think I'm spitting game all month for some ***? 

Crazy as hell...
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Forgot I still had an account...
Some broad I hadnt seen/spoke to since last summer just randomly text me a couple weeks ago, then proceeds to call me last night


I just ignored the ****. Stopped talking to the broad cuz she would always have her kid with her, and be wanting to vent about her bum *** ex/daughters father.

You knew he wasnt **** when he was slingin pole up in you... You gotta deal with that on your own, b.
^^^^I bet that mouthpiece was good though. I love bigger women my uncle Zel schooled me on the big chicks a few years back. He said when you young go for the pretty ones and have arm candy and all that jazz. But when you get older them fat ones be "PAYING" ( there are pretty much your own personal credit card, you just gotta give them the pipe) cook, massages, trips, and whatever else you want. I remember he was at one of his fat chicks house and I came through she made a dude a plate and treated my like a king just off my OG.

She cute, but her body is OD big...

I probably would've smashed too.
^^^^I bet that mouthpiece was good though. I love bigger women my uncle Zel schooled me on the big chicks a few years back. He said when you young go for the pretty ones and have arm candy and all that jazz. But when you get older them fat ones be "PAYING" ( there are pretty much your own personal credit card, you just gotta give them the pipe) cook, massages, trips, and whatever else you want. I remember he was at one of his fat chicks house and I came through she made a dude a plate and treated my like a king just off my OG.
^^ my area used to b good for finding a nice heavy chested sucker. Now every other profile is some wack 3 or 4 status broad with 10 expectations or a tran-dog :x
Man..I've been failing a lot lately (coming from a pretty booming year last year) these tinder, POF, and OKC females are on some new stuff. One female on tinder I'm having a conversation with, everything is going good, and I see she is studying law so I innocently ask "Which university do you go to" (I mean I've spent a lot of years in college so I was just curious) she responds, "With time, I will possibly disclose that information" I'm like what the hell? Do you think I'm going to walk around a huge university and hope I bump into you?

And lately females have just been doing the classic disappearing act, which is expected, but it's been more than usual lately. We would text and talk everyday and then out of nowhere they are gone before we even meet up. Or we would meet up, we would make out, and she would give good vibes, but after we meet up, she would start to act funny and text or talk less and eventually disappear. Not to mention the ones I match with and won't respond when I write them..

I think I need to change my formula around, because it seems like what I usually do isn't working anymore. I use to wait at least a week up to 2 weeks before I met up with them..Now I'm going to start trying to meet up off the jump..

I need to get my mojo back!
Why are you even on POF???

As far as big girls no I don't have a desire to take them out on dates and to the beach.

Not walking the beach with some chick who's ashamed because she cant fit in a two piece.

I just don't find it fair, If I take care of my fitness through dieting and working out then so should the woman on my arm.

I'm not gonna empower some sloppy gut chick to make her think shes entitled to an athletic man with six pack abs.

No matter how confident fellas...these big women always got a bunch of insecurities with thier weight...don't let them tell you otherwise.

POF is full of women who don't love themselves

If they wasn't ashamed then they wouldn't be taking thought out angled pics like these to hide that turkey neck and double chin

Lets face it fellas, sometimes we are part of the problem with this online dating stuff.

These women are arrogant and play games because we empower them to by being thirsty and dating 5 levels down of what we are worth.

Before the internet these land whale *** women had to actually put in the work with either the yambz or cake a dude up to get him.

Now they think they some sort of royalty.
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I only went out with a big chick once cause she basically tricked me with her cleverly angled pics. Looked like a thick curvy chick and in person everything was just that much bigger. She was kinda cute in the face, but very much past my weight threshold. It also didn't help that her *** was tragically flat.
So theres this chick im somewhat talking to. We hung out a few times. Anyways she hit me up talking about im too goofy and a man my age shouldnt be that goofy 
 Goofy to a point im immature and how she isnt use to that. So Im like ummm so how do u think a man my age should act like...im 29 btw. She couldnt give me an answer 
real talk, she lame

i remember this chick i was messin wit started sayin stuff like that about me, low key she was just bitter that i got the best of her
So theres this chick im somewhat talking to. We hung out a few times. Anyways she hit me up talking about im too goofy and a man my age shouldnt be that goofy :lol:  Goofy to a point im immature and how she isnt use to that. So Im like ummm so how do u think a man my age should act like...im 29 btw. She couldnt give me an answer :smh:

Goofiness has nothing to do with being immature as long as you know when to be serious
Oh believe me I know when to shut it off when the time is right. But it's crazy cause me being funny and witty attracts alot of women. Just to hear one say I'm immature for being too silly had me like whaaaaa.
So theres this chick im somewhat talking to. We hung out a few times. Anyways she hit me up talking about im too goofy and a man my age shouldnt be that goofy 
 Goofy to a point im immature and how she isnt use to that. So Im like ummm so how do u think a man my age should act like...im 29 btw. She couldnt give me an answer 
Women who say that are usually from strict emotionally abusive fathers...TRUST ME.

Keep it moving fam...if a chick can't enjoy simply goofy humor she is already emotionally damaged goods.

Dont ever lose or hide your humor/smile/happiness for some damaged dumb broad!
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Women who have no since of humor, are just lame and do not deserve to mighty D. I'd tell her go F a republican and kicks rocks
Bouta just say **** it and pay for a month of Match :lol:

Profile I made like three years ago still getting views :pimp: 3 new messages got the kid curious.
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