Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Appreciate ya bro!

You can also say this. I've used it here and there

You know who you remind me of?

She says who

Then you say no one. I just wanted to say waddup. They really wanna know who reminds them of you

Had one joint on badoo i said this too. She said Eva mendes. :lol: she was cute but she wasn't that cute
I just think it comes off as too canned/rehearsed.  Always try to tailor-fit your opening message to something unique in their profile.
Yeah, except when the attractive girls basically write, "Hi my name is Ashley
I like to have fun!"

How the hell am I supposed to comment on that?
Rule #1: don't hold yourself to their standards.  Attractive girls don't have to put in work.  Unfortunate, but true.  If a girl is gonna give responses that lead me down a dead end or they're not gonna ask follow-up questions I'm just gonna stop responding.  I don't care how attractive they are.  Not gonna waste my time on a brick wall.
some old ones from my trolling days:

profile description
Looking for a runway model who: can cook, speaks at least three languages, gets along with everyone, has good child bearing hips, loves sports, plays sports, volunteers to feed the homeless, has a phd, can sing, can dance, can parallel park, fixes broken household items, has a mean coupon game, makes me laugh, laughs pretty hard, smells good, can swim, doesn't mind roughing it...

As you can see I don't really know what I'm looking for, I just hope I find something good...

As for me, I : have a refreshing personality, exhibit an excellent taste in music, have an adventurous palate, display sound spending habits, have an appreciation for making friendly girls laugh...
Reading someone's profile takes maybe two minutes, thinking of something clever to say should take three minutes maximum (and I'm being generous with that one).  If you're not willing to put in the work to come off as an appealing person, you're playing the game all wrong.  Might not even pan out? So what.  You're investing five minutes where the ultimate payoff could be either a friend with benefits or finding a girl that's actually cool enough to wife up.  I'd say the investment is worth the risk.

If that's your approach, I'm not surprised that you aren't having much luck.

Lmao, true. Very true. My whole thing is, I see it as a numbers game. You send as many messages as possible & see what happens. I feel like if I sit and personally craft my messages, it takes time away. I guess I am all about instant gratification, It's disappointing to put effort it & not get anything in return lol . But I'm working it today, y'all are helping me big time.
Reading someone's profile takes maybe two minutes, thinking of something clever to say should take three minutes maximum (and I'm being generous with that one).  If you're not willing to put in the work to come off as an appealing person, you're playing the game all wrong.  Might not even pan out? So what.  You're investing five minutes where the ultimate payoff could be either a friend with benefits or finding a girl that's actually cool enough to wife up.  I'd say the investment is worth the risk.

If that's your approach, I'm not surprised that you aren't having much luck.
Lmao, true. Very true. My whole thing is, I see it as a numbers game. You send as many messages as possible & see what happens. I feel like if I sit and personally craft my messages, it takes time away. I guess I am all about instant gratification, It's disappointing to put effort it & not get anything in return lol . But I'm working it today, y'all are helping me big time.
I hear you.  A lot of times the juice isn't really worth the squeeze, so a quick "what's up?" will suffice if your intent is a hit and quit.  First messages should always be short and sweet.  I try not to write more than two sentences, but I do my best to personalize it to show that I actually put some thought into it.
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Quick question to the guys using these sites...

Are you guys really looking for someone to be with, or just trying to add some members to an existent or none existent team?
Quick question to the guys using these sites...

Are you guys really looking for someone to be with, or just trying to add some members to an existent or none existent team?
No set intent.  If I meet a decent looking girl that I just want to hit and quit, cool.  If I meet a girl and she's actually really cool, great.

POF, OKC are more random hook-up and casual dating type thing.

Match.com would be more actual looking for someone
You can access match, but you have very limited abilities (can't message people). So the way they get you is bunch of girls hit you up, but you can't message em back.

until you pay... 20$/month. (something around this)

Friend trying it, said since they add the fee, there's no trolls or fakes, people srs.

He said he gets hit up a bit and he has to put in some effort to check through the girls, and he has to go on dates.
POF, OKC are more random hook-up and casual dating type thing.

Match.com would be more actual looking for someone

Match is pretty serious. A few friends met their wives on there.

I only use OKC to add to the team and/or one nighters but if I met someone I really vibed with then I would be open to more. Just like any chick I meet offline

been talking to this chick the last couple days, the pics on her fb & pof has her looking good. She just txt me & said she's "not a little girl" & im like 
 wtf happened? 

we were supposed to get up tomorrow. not exactly catfished but ya know...led to believe she looking good but now she is not. 

what do i do?
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POF, OKC are more random hook-up and casual dating type thing.

Match.com would be more actual looking for someone

A lot of these chicks are on at least 2 sites some all 3.

Blackplanet...MissTravel etc

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been talking to this chick the last couple days, the pics on her fb & pof has her looking good. She just txt me & said she's "not a little girl" & im like wtf happened?

we were supposed to get up tomorrow. not exactly catfished but ya know...

what do i do?


Without seeing pics I'd say abandon ship.

Gotta him em with that "send me a pic" text....Skype exists for a reason fellas
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No set intent.  If I meet a decent looking girl that I just want to hit and quit, cool.  If I meet a girl and she's actually really cool, great.

This. I'm 21 man. But I'm recently single so I'll admit that it's been hard for me to get back out there again, I'm rusty haha. I haven't been having too much luck at parties, so here I am.
That Match.com sounds like way to much work :rofl:

Man, why am I so horrible at approaching strangers in real life. :smh: Not just females either. Today at the gym, one of the d-bag trainers who NEVER takes care of his weights left the squat rack a complete mess with weights still racked at 5'6" level. There are signs all over the gym about taking care of your weights, he works there and doesn't... I was about to confront him but I couldn't work up the nerve to do it. I'm 6'5" and this dude is MAYBE 5'7".... :smh: at me.
A lot of these chicks are on at least 2 sites some all 3.

Blackplanet...MissTravel etc



Without seeing pics I'd say abandon ship.

Gotta him em with that "send me a pic" text....Skype exists for a reason fellas
Ship abandoned 
That Match.com sounds like way to much work :rofl:

Man, why am I so horrible at approaching strangers in real life. :smh: Not just females either. Today at the gym, one of the d-bag trainers who NEVER takes care of his weights left the squat rack a complete mess with weights still racked at 5'6" level. There are signs all over the gym about taking care of your weights, he works there and doesn't... I was about to confront him but I couldn't work up the nerve to do it. I'm 6'5" and this dude is MAYBE 5'7".... :smh: at me.

You ain't lying. Lmao, if I'm at a party, I'm more talk with my boys than anything lol. I NEVER know what to say to girls, so I rarely put myself out there. Sad, I know
Nothing to be sad about. Everyone starts somewhere. Take baby steps. Try to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Don't be afraid of someone telling you "no". If a chick tells you no, she's prolly dumb and deaf to not realize what a good guy who are or can be. Don't think about what to say to a chick and just speak to her off the cuff.
Nothing to be sad about. Everyone starts somewhere. Take baby steps. Try to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Don't be afraid of someone telling you "no". If a chick tells you no, she's prolly dumb and deaf to not realize what a good guy who are or can be. Don't think about what to say to a chick and just speak to her off the cuff.

Good advice.

When it comes to talking to strangers, if you're unable to do it, obviously you're lacking confidence. How can you build that confidence? By practicing and getting consistent results. Go get a job working retail, or walk up to random people and ask for directions to somewhere you already know where to go. Practice making eye contact, smiling, and speaking loudly and clearly. Practice your manners. Good manners will make people love you.
Man, I was out downtown tonight at a bar on a slow night, quite a few dimes. I was with some lames from work though, but otherwise after a few brews I mighta just had to approach a few of them. Gotta start somewhere.

I don't even know why I have no confidence, I catch fine women checking me out at the gym all the time. I know I'm not ugly. But man, I've been shy my whole life.
dog if u see a fine woman just say eff it and go say waddup, u wont get rejected becuz few guys have the cohones to talk to em.
dog if u see a fine woman just say eff it and go say waddup, u wont get rejected becuz few guys have the cohones to talk to em.

Yup believe it or not approaching them in a "normal" manner goes a long way. They're so used to dudes who are either too nervous or doing something over the top to impress them. On the other hand, average looking women make things the most difficult. :smh:
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You ain't lying. Lmao, if I'm at a party, I'm more talk with my boys than anything lol. I NEVER know what to say to girls, so I rarely put myself out there. Sad, I know
As others said, no need to be sad breh. I use to be like that too. Until I started doing things that made me uncomfortable. It helps you learn so much and helps you to adapt to different situations.

If your at party where you don't know anyone. The BP table is a great place to meet people. 

Grab one homie and ask to get the table. Introduce yourself to the opponents doesn't matter if they're male or female.

If you win or lose doesnt matter try to make talk after the game. Take some shots with them,who they know,ask how they got good.Questions that'll have talking about themselves.

Use the BP table as a supplement, a catalyst, not a crutch.

I see too many dudes use the BP table  as a crutch. They stay there for the entire length of the party.

To me thats the equivalent to the wall flower and the dudes who talk amongst themselves.

It's not bad, but they're not meeting anyone. 

Another way is to ask people to take shots with you. This is how I meet some girls, I was afraid to do this at first,but with practice, you get use to it.

Treat them like you're not trying to get at them.

If they say no,no biggie. Keep it moving and ask another female.

Great way to find out what they like and dislike.

Or round up your homies and the hosts and get a big as group of ppl to take shots.

Try be solo at one point too. Every time I arrive at a place, I leave my group and go scouting the place. Learn where everything is.

Try to talk to people.

My mentality is I want to have fun. Thats my priority. Everything else is extra. Make sure your enjoying yourself, a must.

Its always a hit or miss with females, its not when your having fun.
Take baby steps. Try to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
Yupp....the thing I focus on the most.

When it comes to talking to strangers, if you're unable to do it, obviously you're lacking confidence. How can you build that confidence? By practicing and getting consistent results. Practice making eye contact, smiling, and speaking loudly and clearly. Practice your manners. Good manners will make people love you.
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