Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Is the shelter in place working in California? We are under it in Colorado and I think folks are doing their best to honor it but California locked things down before we did.

theres still more cases and deaths being reported due to the lag time (our orders went into effect about a week and a half ago) and i assume more testing being available. we shall see in the next few weeks if its working if the incidence of new cases drops. for the most part people are heeding the orders but there was still fools going out so here in LA county they had to totally shut down all public beaches, parks, hiking trails, etc a few days ago with police patrols enforcing the bans.
here in cali our Gov. Newsom is building a nice portfolio for if and when he decides to run for prez one day. he's handling things pretty well all things considered. I don't know how much you guys get to see of him on your news stations but it seems the focus is more on Gov. Cuomo since his state is hit the hardest(per capita). at least waking up all i see are Trump and Cuomo press conferences. people haven't taken it seriously until Newsom started to put his foot down. only a few days ago he ordered closing of city parks (in general). neighborhood parks are open unless it possible to clsoe them. national parks have to obey Fed laws and that is still in debate. Yosemite and those in like have been closed down.

London breed, the mayor of sf put the shelter in place pretty early (effective 3/17). interesting to see what the data has shown so far and in the next week. seems like folks are taking it more seriously, then again, they also started closing more beaches, parks, parking lots, etc to prevent gatherings

i have a feeling the shelter in place is going to be extended after the initial end date of 4/7
theres still more cases and deaths being reported due to the lag time (our orders went into effect about a week and a half ago) and i assume more testing being available. we shall see in the next few weeks if its working if the incidence of new cases drops. for the most part people are heeding the orders but there was still fools going out so here in LA county they had to totally shut down all public beaches, parks, hiking trails, etc a few days ago with police patrols enforcing the bans.

Are you staying safe and healthy famb? I want my NT famb to stay safe. Please practice #SMASHMOUTHSOCIALDISTANCING

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People will stay at home when they can't beat da 10 count.
Are you staying safe and healthy famb? I want my NT famb to stay safe. Please practice #SMASHMOUTHSOCIALDISTANCING

giphy (25).gif

People will stay at home when they can't beat da 10 count.

always famb. sometimes you gotta scramble back to get out the way but its all part of the tactics #SMASHMOUTHSOCIALDISTANCING


you and your fam stay safe out there too
It wasn’t the noise that made NJ cops shut down ‘Corona Party’ that brought warning from state’s governor

MAR 28, 2020 | 4:06 PM

Members of the Ewing Township Police Department broke up the party on Friday night after finding 47 people, including a DJ, crammed into a 550-square foot space, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on Facebook.

Members of the Ewing Township Police Department broke up the party on Friday night after finding 47 people, including a DJ, crammed into a 550-square foot space, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on Facebook.(Getty Images)

Party hearty in the era of coronavirus, and it won’t be the noise that brings the cops to your door.
Police in Ewing Township, N.J. shut down a jam-packed soiree on Friday night, and charged its host with violating N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy’s order canceling “parties, celebrations, or other social events.”

Wade E. Jackson, 47, even had a DJ at the party in his tiny 550-square foot apartment, which was attended by 47 people.
Police summonsed Jackson for obstruction of administration of law and violation of emergency and temporary acts — namely, Murphy’s order.

Surprised this didn't happen
oh shiiii so it is real then? for the first time ever I decided to hold onto a business card with my name on it for my wallet just in case.
It was Belmont police. They be making up they own **** though. Blocked off ralston ave/92 hwy asking folks where they goin. Next day intersection was clear and all week it’s been coo. You’re good.
London breed, the mayor of sf put the shelter in place pretty early (effective 3/17). interesting to see what the data has shown so far and in the next week. seems like folks are taking it more seriously, then again, they also started closing more beaches, parks, parking lots, etc to prevent gatherings

i have a feeling the shelter in place is going to be extended after the initial end date of 4/7

My office just sent out an email telling us to stay at home for an additional 3 weeks, so basically until the beginning of May. Feel like most companies will do the same. On the finance/accounting end, we're making budget adjustments for three months though (our assumption is a lot more conservative but more realistic IMO).
Is the shelter in place working in California? We are under it in Colorado and I think folks are doing their best to honor it but California locked things down before we did.
Little by little over here in San Francisco. The beaches were kinda packed a few days ago before they shut that down, but every few blocks you would see clusters of joggers or tourists. I would say most people are keeping a good distance from each other though even if it seems like a lot of people.
It wasn’t the noise that made NJ cops shut down ‘Corona Party’ that brought warning from state’s governor

MAR 28, 2020 | 4:06 PM

Members of the Ewing Township Police Department broke up the party on Friday night after finding 47 people, including a DJ, crammed into a 550-square foot space, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on Facebook.

Members of the Ewing Township Police Department broke up the party on Friday night after finding 47 people, including a DJ, crammed into a 550-square foot space, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on Facebook.(Getty Images)

Party hearty in the era of coronavirus, and it won’t be the noise that brings the cops to your door.
Police in Ewing Township, N.J. shut down a jam-packed soiree on Friday night, and charged its host with violating N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy’s order canceling “parties, celebrations, or other social events.”

Wade E. Jackson, 47, even had a DJ at the party in his tiny 550-square foot apartment, which was attended by 47 people.
Police summonsed Jackson for obstruction of administration of law and violation of emergency and temporary acts — namely, Murphy’s order.
Charge him with homicide. Charge all of them.

This **** is exhausting and we're not even halfway done.
Halfway? You're being quite optimistic. We're just getting started.
I would say the suburban parts of the Bay have been doing pretty well after the initial surge of cases. Santa Clara County especially has been relatively impressive in taking prompt action. I see cars on the roads but rarely see any human beings out and about ,other than residents going for walks with huge distances between them.

I have a 408 number now, so I'm getting alerts and reminders to stay indoors from the County automatically
santa clara have the most cases they better stay inside
I would say the suburban parts of the Bay have been doing pretty well after the initial surge of cases. Santa Clara County especially has been relatively impressive in taking prompt action. I see cars on the roads but rarely see any human beings out and about ,other than residents going for walks with huge distances between them.
Are some of you on curfew? Unless there's a curfew, you can still be out at midnight going to a loved ones house or say What a burger or McDonald's. Some places are open 24/7.

Too many towns and regions with half measures and these cops are bored now.

Five teens cruising the streets could easily be going to another friends house for a small get together/party.

Most places just need a curfew and to shut it all down.

We barely have a stay at home order and cops the other day basically stopped every commuter at 6am asking where they're going. It's invasive

Their best bet is to just set up DUI check points and cross off two questions.

I still see people doing random seemingly normal weekend activities. Lots of people with trailers hauling trash and junk around. There's still a ton of non essential travel. Has any American city totally shutdown?
santa clara have the most cases they better stay inside

Of course, that's what I meant by "after the inital surge of cases". There are still more cases every day, but for a county with such a large population, it's been doing relatively well compared to other parts of the US.
Little by little over here in San Francisco. The beaches were kinda packed a few days ago before they shut that down, but every few blocks you would see clusters of joggers or tourists. I would say most people are keeping a good distance from each other though even if it seems like a lot of people.

Please be sure to unload a right hook on clowns that don't practice social distance. Not hard to keep a 6 foot buffer when you wake up the next day.

My office just sent out an email telling us to stay at home for an additional 3 weeks, so basically until the beginning of May. Feel like most companies will do the same. On the finance/accounting end, we're making budget adjustments for three months though (our assumption is a lot more conservative but more realistic IMO).
We cut loose all contract/temp and pushed out audit....
We cut loose all contract/temp and pushed out audit....

Yup, my company got rid of contractors as well and put some lower performers/junior employees on furlough (with paid benefits, but still, not a good look). We had a company-wide pay cut; it's supposed to be paid back to us after the next round of fundraising, but who knows when that will be.

Also, I find it incredibly ridiculous that the higher ups making ~300K are getting the same percentage cut as the rest of us. a pay cut for them is not going to affect them anywhere near as much as the people making less than 100K; could've easily afforded to keep those furloughed people on reduced hours instead if they just cut their own salary by more.

That's one of the bad parts of this situation; companies have 100% of leverage at the moment, because which employee in their right mind is going to quit and look for a new job right now? I'm thankful just to be employed
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