Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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california infection rate shooting up...
The biggest was on the 26th with 873 new cases. The 27th with 843, and today with 748 so far. So possibly a small downtrend before a spike due to more tests being available
that's the worry. there was some indication that you're primed with antibodies and it causes a more severe reaction in the lungs on reinfection. also why a vaccine isn't a slam dunk.

I personally think once you have that it’s never out of your system Completely and if it is it’s going to take over 45 days from what I’ve read

the whole world is screwed

people still believe it came out of a wet market

well I don’t
A New York Doctor Who had ebola said this is the perfect virus
I don’t think nature can make the perfect virus
only man can
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I’ve been in the thread all day hoping there’s some kind of hope but it’s scary as hell.

SF's rate on this graph shows the importance of staying at home for the one or two illiterate people who pop up here every week. The first city/metro area to issue a shelter in place in the US, and it was just a few days/one week before the rest of the country

I’m no fan of the mayor but I’m glad she ordered the shelter in place that early. Even the two weeks leading up to the shelter in place, the city has been gradually getting quieter and quieter with all the tech companies allowing employees to work from home. The weekend before the order, north beach and Chinatown were slow by its standards. The busiest buses like the 30 and 8, normally packed on weekends were blowing through stops because no one was on board or waiting at the stops. The mason and Hyde cable cars were empty and I’m sure you know how much people they cram on those things. Only thing was that a brunch place had all its tables full but I’d say the city has been doing a good job so far. I dont expect them to lift the order in April and I don’t want them to.
I work for one of the largest retail companies in the world and we had to submit a forecast and directed us not to even expect sales in April.
I literally just watched the Daily Show interview with Dr. Fauci the White House disease guy saying he's willing to bet anything that people who recover will be "protected" from re-infection 😂 maybe he meant they can still get it again but not be prone to death? idk

when you get an infection your immune system will make cells that are specific to that infection that will fight it off. and then if you get exposed again, those cells are already in your body to shut it down immediately. this is how vaccines work.

the article doesnt say if they have symptoms or any kind of progression, it could be the test picking up low levels of the virus that havent been killed off by your immune system. i'm gonna follow this its crazy.
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