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I'm like 70-80% sure NYC hospitals gonna be overrun

Really hope I'm wrong

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I hope this tweet isn't true?

it's more or less true.

Consider this -- 2 weeks ago, NYC had 600 cases. Now they have 54,000. And that's with being locked down for these past 2 weeks.

28 states now each have over 600 cases. Many of them have not locked down yet. Where do you think their numbers will be in 2 weeks? And they have nowhere near the hospital capacity that New York and California do.

Only 5 states have fewer than 100 cases right now.

To be fair, NY was way behind on testing initially (and are still behind), so there's hope that most places won't see increases as rapid as them, but they will if they don't shut things down immediately.
I'm like 70-80% sure NYC hospitals gonna be overrun

Really hope I'm wrong

If a mandatory quarantine isn’t enforced as opposed to this ******** half the population aint taking serious, the hospitals will be cooked without a question....we are only 3 weeks in and my otherwise 19 vent icu max is running 50 vents + all spread out wherever you can put them, even pulled all the anesthesia vents off the OR to ventilate Covid patients
I'm like 70-80% sure NYC hospitals gonna be overrun

Really hope I'm wrong
You're only wrong about your percentage. It's more like 90-100%.

The number of new cases has been fairly flat the past 4 days, and I'm hopeful the spread has slowed down and we'll start to see this number decrease in the next week or two.

Still, that means that some fraction of those patients will be hospitalized and need to go to the ICU, and that number is far greater than the number of patients being released (or dying), so that means which each passing day more and more ICU beds are needed.
If a mandatory quarantine isn’t enforced as opposed to this bull**** half the population aint taking serious, the hospitals will be cooked without a question....we are only 3 weeks in and my otherwise 19 vent icu max is running 50 vents + all spread out wherever you can put them, even pulled all the anesthesia vents off the OR to ventilate Covid patients
are vents the only limiting factor creating all these deaths?

So many millionaires in the NY area. Is there any help on its way? If NY or other big cities can't or aren't prepared, what about those spread out towns all over America.

What's the cost of a ventilator? We may see some home vent; If that's possible
Wouldn't it be something if a vaccine finally comes out, it stimulates your immune system to fight the virus and when you contract the virus, your immune system kills you by mistake..

That's depressing to think about

that’s what it takes 12-18 months for a vaccine after testing
are vents the only limiting factor creating all these deaths?

So many millionaires in the NY area. Is there any help on its way? If NY or other big cities can't or aren't prepared, what about those spread out towns all over America.

What's the cost of a ventilator? We may see some home vent; If that's possible

It’s not just the vents, you also need the staff, not all nurses can monitor an intubated patient and most community hospitals only have a handful of RTs in hand, for example tonight there is only 3 of us and we cover the entire hospital and ventilators are our thing....luckily the anesthesia vents are monitored by the anesthesiologists but still....is ALOT.

another thing, like I’ve said before, these patients ain’t coming off the vents, so the numbers keep on piling up...
I wonder what people are truly willing to pay for pandemic necessities if there was a StockX bidding war on it.

Pharmacist here, people went into my shop and dropped as much as $20 for a single n95 mask and $100+ for the box of 10. can’t find them anywhere now. $30 for a box of 100 gloves. Took my personal stockpile before we sold out.
I would say the suburban parts of the Bay have been doing pretty well after the initial surge of cases. Santa Clara County especially has been relatively impressive in taking prompt action. I see cars on the roads but rarely see any human beings out and about ,other than residents going for walks with huge distances between them.

I have a 408 number now, so I'm getting alerts and reminders to stay indoors from the County automatically
Santa Clara County 🙌🏽
quoting myself here

I just wonder what the end game is for these governments. 100% containment? 100% no new cases? Can we sort of get back to normal but no big crowds for sports? This is crazy and something I never thought I'd have to deal with in my lifetime.
I wonder the same. I'm not in the right headspace to study unfortunately, but I wonder how we got passed past pandemics without vaccines. Anyone have an idea?
After all this is over do you think this will help the country come together?

Americans watched terrorists from another country fly planes into buildings killing 3000 innocent people while we all watched it in shock and America came together for like 3 months then it was the usual politics/war/economy related arguments based on the aftermath of the events. So this will be no diff.
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They are vaguely right or close.
First USA death was March 1st.

A full month would be April 1st, which hasn't happened yet.

Likewise. The last two days have given us mid 900s for deaths.

So in reality. It took 25 days for first 1100 cases. Then two days for 900.
This is more about how slow the US has been to test ppl with it than the rapid spread of the virus.

I'm pretty sure a good deal of those cases had it that first month too. A lot of regular ppl just got nowhere to go.
that's the worry. there was some indication that you're primed with antibodies and it causes a more severe reaction in the lungs on reinfection. also why a vaccine isn't a slam dunk.
Are the reinfected patients going through the same symptoms or just testing positive again?
With the Black Plague they rode it out and like half of Europe died, and when winter hit the rats and fleas that carried the bacteria died.
Yeah. I purposely left that out :lol: I'm hazy on my history and plagues but I think it was the world's most deadly pandemic.

Took Euroasia 2 centuries to get their population back to similar #s.

Funny cuz some of the stuff they suggest now would've helped then but given the lack of running water and overall hygiene of teenage centuries its not a surprise.
Bad ***.
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