Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I’ve been in the thread all day hoping there’s some kind of hope but it’s scary as hell.


I’m no fan of the mayor but I’m glad she ordered the shelter in place that early. Even the two weeks leading up to the shelter in place, the city has been gradually getting quieter and quieter with all the tech companies allowing employees to work from home. The weekend before the order, north beach and Chinatown were slow by its standards. The busiest buses like the 30 and 8, normally packed on weekends were blowing through stops because no one was on board or waiting at the stops. The mason and Hyde cable cars were empty and I’m sure you know how much people they cram on those things. Only thing was that a brunch place had all its tables full but I’d say the city has been doing a good job so far. I dont expect them to lift the order in April and I don’t want them to.
I work for one of the largest retail companies in the world and we had to submit a forecast and directed us not to even expect sales in April.

i think they drastically cut back on BART and muni service. don't think cable cars are running and replaced by buses. in my neighborhood, it's been pretty quiet. i look out and i still see a line outside Trader Joes, but i am assuming they are limiting the amount of patrons they let in at one time. seems like a lot of the companies had employees wfh weeks before. i haven't been out much since, but was working up til the shelter in place and the amount of people on the streets were drastically reduced. was able to cut my commuted down in half within the city

our company pretty much told the landlords that they will not be making rent and informed all our vendors that there will be no payments
that's the worry. there was some indication that you're primed with antibodies and it causes a more severe reaction in the lungs on reinfection. also why a vaccine isn't a slam dunk.
Wouldn't it be something if a vaccine finally comes out, it stimulates your immune system to fight the virus and when you contract the virus, your immune system kills you by mistake..

That's depressing to think about
just seems like there are so many different strains i have been reading about
hearing some drugs that they've been using work one day and the next it doesn't
just seems like there are so many different strains i have been reading about
hearing some drugs that they've been using work one day and the next it doesn't

First there where 2 strains now their are 8 that have traveled across the globe

Damn so this may be here longer than expected?

Alot longer in fact I think the world will be stuck with this for a long time
Heart Of Humanity: Hundreds Of Georgia Residents Gather In Cars Outside Of A Hospital To Pray For Patients & Workers!

such irony, u can't make this stuff up. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i think they drastically cut back on BART and muni service. don't think cable cars are running and replaced by buses. in my neighborhood, it's been pretty quiet. i look out and i still see a line outside Trader Joes, but i am assuming they are limiting the amount of patrons they let in at one time. seems like a lot of the companies had employees wfh weeks before. i haven't been out much since, but was working up til the shelter in place and the amount of people on the streets were drastically reduced. was able to cut my commuted down in half within the city

our company pretty much told the landlords that they will not be making rent and informed all our vendors that there will be no payments

Your commute to work cut in half while mine doubled. Ever since the virus started to report from China back in dec, I started to take the cable car to and from work. I live on nob hill so there’s plenty of buses I can take but I would wait 15-20 minutes for a cable car instead of waiting less than 5 minutes for the next bus. I’ve been shelter in place since the beginning of the month besides work but now working from home and weekly groceries. i can do this as long as needed. So glad the city started doing this earlier with the banning of 50 or more people gathering and that they didn’t wait until after st Patrick’s day with all the block parties. Hopefully this proves effective
Anybody here got it yet?

Seems everybody getting it.
I'm just trying not to be the first NTer to catch it :lol: I'm trying to be I Am Legend. Last ***** without it.

Still feeling fine but **** I'm seeing more ppl I know come down with symptoms and ppl I know of have it for sure (down the block somebody got it and was picked up by the ambulance).
At this stage, I feel only a cure or medicine to aid in those infected will slow all this down. Right now it's a sinking ship in America. Some mention May we may be in the clear, or June? I can see this lifestyle continuing for years.
quoting myself here

I just wonder what the end game is for these governments. 100% containment? 100% no new cases? Can we sort of get back to normal but no big crowds for sports? This is crazy and something I never thought I'd have to deal with in my lifetime.
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