Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Man people are weird.

I go into work yesterday and my boss is there telling me that HIS boss said we have orders to be wearing our masks if we’re inside the office and other people are present. cool no prob.

as he’s telling me this, another employee who’s a hardcore right wing trump supporting “Merica!! Don’t take away my FREEEEEDOM!!” Type dude comes in and starts getting in an argument with my boss about how he doesn’t have to follow that policy. Cool. None of my business, I just leave and let them have their convo.

This dude texts me like 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry if I offended your little feelings. I was just standing up for myself and this hoax is bull****.”

What the hell man? I got nothing to do with whatever was going on :lol:

Dudes got nothing better to do than create some sort of injustice in their minds and me against the world mentality?
1. His text is more sarcasm than an actual apology.He's just trying to be heard and flex his stance on people. Which is basically insensitive and disrespectful to everyone who is following the pandemic guidelines.

Did your boss flex on him and told him to wear a mask or send him home?
This is crazy. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. It reminds me of the "models" where people fit a Gaussian to predict the number of deaths. This is even more atrocious. It's also a disservice to the people doing real modeling, which have been actually very good and helpful.

And another take:

holy ****
A bunch of loud racecars do a birthday parade for a little kid and then angry Karen stops them in the middle of the street and calls the cops, then she gets arrested lol. Cars are ridiculously sic tho. What's funny is they do a birthday parade to keep social distancing, but when the arguments start everyone is in each other's faces screaming lol
I was pretty taken aback by him throwing shots to be honest. I literally had nothing to do with his convo. It was a private convo so I let 2 people talk in private. Not sure if he was expecting me to stick around and stick up for him or something?

that’s like you see 2 dudes you don’t know fist fighting and you’re just minding your own business walking the other way and one of them yells out, “ ayyyyy imma beat your *** too!!” 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Weirdo

Nothing wrong with your actions.
Not your conversation.
Why on earth does that dude have your private cell phone number? You’re never going to hear the end of it. Imagine when/if he gets laid off/fired. I’d want to be very far away on that day.

1. His text is more sarcasm than an actual apology.He's just trying to be heard and flex his stance on people. Which is basically insensitive and disrespectful to everyone who is following the pandemic guidelines.

Did your boss flex on him and told him to wear a mask or send him home?
I talked to my boss today and asked what the other dudes deal was and why he decided to throw shade at me. He said don’t bother him and it’s an HR issue now. Dude prob just needs to be told by HR that he needs a doctors note

Nothing wrong with your actions.
Not your conversation.
Why on earth does that dude have your private cell phone number? You’re never going to hear the end of it. Imagine when/if he gets laid off/fired. I’d want to be very far away on that day.

He messaged me from his work phone to my work phone. I didn’t even respond because I didn’t want some back and forth on my work phone, and also it didn’t really want to be dragged into whatever issues he was having. And yeah if he gets laid off, temporarily or permanently, I don’t wanna be anywhere near that nut job :lol:
While it’s really fashionable these days to just blame everything and anything on “Capitalism”, editorial cartoon is bit simplistic and absurd. Which is the point of all editorial cartoons. Just saying.


The absurdities they depict are usually a satirical reflection of an even more absurd reality though..

So many deaths, not even just during this pandemic, end up as a direct result of the absurdity of a for-profit public healthcare system that puts a disproportionate amount of importance on profit over peoples health.
This is so Trump......

Trump is on a mission to take down Fox by coming up with a competitor to destroy them. This **** is hilarious.

Incredible. Trump really is Xi and Kim Jung personified. State TV coming to a household near you. He's really figuring out a way to turn those MAGA hat wearing dullards into communists before their very eyes.
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