Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Man people are weird.

I go into work yesterday and my boss is there telling me that HIS boss said we have orders to be wearing our masks if we’re inside the office and other people are present. cool no prob.

as he’s telling me this, another employee who’s a hardcore right wing trump supporting “Merica!! Don’t take away my FREEEEEDOM!!” Type dude comes in and starts getting in an argument with my boss about how he doesn’t have to follow that policy. Cool. None of my business, I just leave and let them have their convo.

This dude texts me like 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry if I offended your little feelings. I was just standing up for myself and this hoax is bull****.”

What the hell man? I got nothing to do with whatever was going on :lol:

Dudes got nothing better to do than create some sort of injustice in their minds and me against the world mentality?
Lol sounds like he got offended by you leaving. I hate when people find ways to make literally anything offensive.
Man people are weird.

I go into work yesterday and my boss is there telling me that HIS boss said we have orders to be wearing our masks if we’re inside the office and other people are present. cool no prob.

as he’s telling me this, another employee who’s a hardcore right wing trump supporting “Merica!! Don’t take away my FREEEEEDOM!!” Type dude comes in and starts getting in an argument with my boss about how he doesn’t have to follow that policy. Cool. None of my business, I just leave and let them have their convo.

This dude texts me like 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry if I offended your little feelings. I was just standing up for myself and this hoax is bull****.”

What the hell man? I got nothing to do with whatever was going on :lol:

Dudes got nothing better to do than create some sort of injustice in their minds and me against the world mentality?
He’s the one who was triggered and had words for the boss lol. And now he’s projecting his little feelings onto you. Should’ve hit him with the “U mad”

CRUISE SHIPS! What in the holy f**k. Do people ever listen to the news. They are basically one of the top reasons we are in this mess. I mean come on have some got damn sense. I’ve only been on one cruise and wanted to do one with my wife eventually but after this and many stories akin to this over the past few years about cruise ships, I’m good. Ain’t never getting on one of those floating disasters.

Which means a majority won't even do restaurants or malls.

For cruise ships, an enthusiastic 20% may be enough because, you know, most people don't go on cruises anyway. But if half the population isn't going to be eating out, shutdown or no shutdown, then maybe we should shutdown so we have a chance of containing this.

(I'm assuming "without a vaccine" also implied "with covid-19 circulating in your community)
CRUISE SHIPS! What in the holy f**k. Do people ever listen to the news. They are basically one of the top reasons we are in this mess. I mean come on have some got damn sense. I’ve only been on one cruise and wanted to do one with my wife eventually but after this and many stories akin to this over the past few years about cruise ships, I’m good. Ain’t never getting on one of those floating disasters.

Only 23% said yes
Man people are weird.

I go into work yesterday and my boss is there telling me that HIS boss said we have orders to be wearing our masks if we’re inside the office and other people are present. cool no prob.

as he’s telling me this, another employee who’s a hardcore right wing trump supporting “Merica!! Don’t take away my FREEEEEDOM!!” Type dude comes in and starts getting in an argument with my boss about how he doesn’t have to follow that policy. Cool. None of my business, I just leave and let them have their convo.

This dude texts me like 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry if I offended your little feelings. I was just standing up for myself and this hoax is bull****.”

What the hell man? I got nothing to do with whatever was going on :lol:

Dudes got nothing better to do than create some sort of injustice in their minds and me against the world mentality?
That's just sad.

I work at a psych facility and I have 100 percent compliance on my unit with my patients about wearing masks.

Your coworker isn't even on the level of a mental health patient.

Off unit, I've had one patient who refused to wear a mask, and his reason was 'I don't have covid so I don't have to wear it' That reason is still more intelligent than 'the virus is a hoax' :rofl:.
Man people are weird.

I go into work yesterday and my boss is there telling me that HIS boss said we have orders to be wearing our masks if we’re inside the office and other people are present. cool no prob.

as he’s telling me this, another employee who’s a hardcore right wing trump supporting “Merica!! Don’t take away my FREEEEEDOM!!” Type dude comes in and starts getting in an argument with my boss about how he doesn’t have to follow that policy. Cool. None of my business, I just leave and let them have their convo.

This dude texts me like 10 minutes later, “I’m sorry if I offended your little feelings. I was just standing up for myself and this hoax is bull****.”

What the hell man? I got nothing to do with whatever was going on :lol:

Dudes got nothing better to do than create some sort of injustice in their minds and me against the world mentality?

The little feelings part would have set me off. But the bigger me would have pointed out the irony in that statement when he just had the argument over a mask.

I'm waiting for the class action suit that occurs against Faux News for many of their host downplaying it and labeling it a hoax. Hell, we have a Vice President and President who don't wear mask out.
The little feelings part would have set me off. But the bigger me would have pointed out the irony in that statement when he just had the argument over a mask.

I'm waiting for the class action suit that occurs against Faux News for many of their host downplaying it and labeling it a hoax. Hell, we have a Vice President and President who don't wear mask out.

I was pretty taken aback by him throwing shots to be honest. I literally had nothing to do with his convo. It was a private convo so I let 2 people talk in private. Not sure if he was expecting me to stick around and stick up for him or something?

that’s like you see 2 dudes you don’t know fist fighting and you’re just minding your own business walking the other way and one of them yells out, “ ayyyyy imma beat your *** too!!” 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Weirdo
I was pretty taken aback by him throwing shots to be honest. I literally had nothing to do with his convo. It was a private convo so I let 2 people talk in private. Not sure if he was expecting me to stick around and stick up for him or something?

that’s like you see 2 dudes you don’t know fist fighting and you’re just minding your own business walking the other way and one of them yells out, “ ayyyyy imma beat your *** too!!” 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Weirdo
Honestly he's the type of dude I'd put on ignore and if he asks me why I don't answer his texts I'd straight up tell him he has mental health issues
I was pretty taken aback by him throwing shots to be honest. I literally had nothing to do with his convo. It was a private convo so I let 2 people talk in private. Not sure if he was expecting me to stick around and stick up for him or something?

that’s like you see 2 dudes you don’t know fist fighting and you’re just minding your own business walking the other way and one of them yells out, “ ayyyyy imma beat your *** too!!” 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Weirdo
That dude is an idiot. Stay way clear of this guy and don't even engage in any convo with him. He's bad news!
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