Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Went downstairs to take out the trash and saw multiple people on one street corner walking around with no masks, no regard for social distancing and one person on his balcony with no shirt on reading. It’s only the first 70 degree day.

I don’t know how safe it sounds to get your blood taken at a random supermarket. These are the same people that’ll be first to line up to get someone else’s blood plasma injected into them because it has antibodies
It is sadly the human nature of most people to feel things won't happen to them. If they don't have a direct relative or close friend who died from COVID then they won't be afraid of it.

it's like when you watch the news and they interview someone about a murder on their street and 98% of the time their reaction is "man I never thought anything like this would ever happen here."

Or the reason why even tho 50% of marriages end in divorce, a lot of people are still eager for marriage. Because in their mind they won't be part of the 50% that doesn't stay together. People in general will usually feel they're not in danger of something because those things only happen to "someone else."

Except, we're all someone else to everybody else
It is sadly the human nature of most people to feel things won't happen to them. If they don't have a direct relative or close friend who died from COVID then they won't be afraid of it.

it's like when you watch the news and they interview someone about a murder on their street and 98% of the time their reaction is "man I never thought anything like this would ever happen here."

Or the reason why even tho 50% of marriages end in divorce, a lot of people are still eager for marriage. Because in their mind they won't be part of the 50% that doesn't stay together. People in general will usually feel they're not in danger of something because those things only happen to "someone else."

Except, we're all someone else to everybody else

A few more of my favorites:

“man I would never blow through all that money if I won the lottery. I wouldn’t change who I am as a person either.”


“man how can professional athletes go broke? That would never happen to me!”

I don’t think it’s people not taking it serious but rather just accepting the chances. The chances of you actually getting a serious case is not that high. We all know smoking, drinking, drugs, eat junk food, etc can kill you too. The one thing people probably don’t care about at this point is if they are spreading it.
73 degrees F right now in NYC. Warm weather gonna tempt people to go out, and some already are. Ain't no way some people are not lowkey breaking some rules to stay home.
I don’t think it’s people not taking it serious but rather just accepting the chances. The chances of you actually getting a serious case is not that high. We all know smoking, drinking, drugs, eat junk food, etc can kill you too. The one thing people probably don’t care about at this point is if they are spreading it.
Yea but the problem is I can't accidentally catch a drug overdose because I came into contact with a drug addict on the street.
Wild hot take: who thinks that some of those protesters that end up getting the coronavirus........end up sticking with their selfish, ignorant pride and end up staying at home instead of getting themselves admitted in the hospital when they get worse corona-related symptoms, THUS increasing the rate of corona-related deaths at homes (and possibly put more of their families at risk at home as well)?
Wild hot take: who thinks that some of those protesters that end up getting the coronavirus........end up sticking with their selfish, ignorant pride and end up staying at home instead of getting themselves admitted in the hospital when they get worse corona-related symptoms, THUS increasing the rate of corona-related deaths at homes (and possibly put more of their families at risk at home as well)?

crossing my fingers that this happens (minus their families). let natural selection work its magic.

Bad Axe CEO Mario Zelaya expected business to be bad, maybe 10% of the hundreds of customers he would expect to see throw axes and drink beer on a typical weekend.

“That was the worst-case scenario, especially with all the marketing we did,” Zelaya said. “The reopening weekend was a disaster. We had two customers all weekend."

Fam really thought folks would be itching to throw some axes during a pandemic
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More than 260 COVID-19 patients in South Korea tested positive for the coronavirusafter having recovered, raising alarm that the virus might be capable of "reactivating" or infecting people more than once. But infectious disease experts now say both are unlikely.

Rather, the method used to detect the coronavirus, called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cannot distinguish between genetic material (RNA or DNA) from infectious virus and the "dead" virus fragments that can linger in the body long after a person recovers, Dr. Oh Myoung-don, a Seoul National University Hospital doctor, said at a news briefing Thursday (April 30), according to The Korea Herald.

These tests "are very simple," said Carol Shoshkes Reiss, a professor of Biology and Neural Science at New York University, who was not involved in the testing. "Although somebody can recover and no longer be infectious, they may still have these little fragments of [inactive] viral RNA which turn out positive on those tests."
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