Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Why? It's helping a lot of people.

Definitely is, but a lot of people I know don’t plan on going back to work because with the pandemic insurance (600) plus their unemployment they’re making much more weekly sitting home than at work. They even plan on finding a different job just so they can milk this as long as possible. Listen if you don’t have a career, I don’t blame them, it just sends the wrong message.

If hospitalizations and deaths are still high throughout the following months then no doubt they should extend it. But if we really do flatten the curve to halfway back to normal atleast, then I think overall its a bad incentive and promotes laziness when things do aomewhat open up.
So Zero Hedge was right all along since January?? :wow:

The WHO & CDC :smh:

Was Tyler Durden ever wrong in the last 15 years ?
Haven’t been reading Zero Hedge since my days as an analyst working for Wall Street.

What did they say exactly?
Definitely is, but a lot of people I know don’t plan on going back to work because with the pandemic insurance (600) plus their unemployment they’re making much more weekly sitting home than at work. They even plan on finding a different job just so they can milk this as long as possible. Listen if you don’t have a career, I don’t blame them, it just sends the wrong message.

If hospitalizations and deaths are still high throughout the following months then no doubt they should extend it. But if we really do flatten the curve to halfway back to normal atleast, then I think overall its a bad incentive and promotes laziness when things do aomewhat open up.

I get your point of view. But at the same time. I think this is in a way exposing how crappy some of those jobs really are that people would rather stay home and collect unemployment over going back to work them.

Yes those retail jobs, fast food jobs and similar jobs in that minimum wage or slightly higher don’t require much skills or any of that. But at the same time you get what you pay for as an employer. Those jobs generally have high turnover as is and not so good service. Where I currently live in Texas. Some of those employees are making $8-9 an hour with no type of benefits whatsoever which is crazy. If I was in their shoes, I’d take my time going back knowing that with unemployment and the extra $600 I’m likely getting twice my weekly salary or close to that, and can easily find another job in that industry once I exhaust all my unemployment.

Me personally. I got laid off from my job in March which was an inconvenience. They encouraged us to apply for unemployment. The $600 plus the $320 or so a week I’ll be getting from unemployment is slightly more than I was making weekly at my last job. I intend to look for work once I feel it’s safe to do so. But I’m not going to settle for some pos job just for the sake of getting back to work. I got my degrees and a somewhat decent resume. I want to use this time to explore my options and try to find a next job which will be beneficial to me.

*since they were right...Pulitzer???

Reading that leads me to now believe COVID-19 m very well be a beta test. If this thing really was man made, who’s to say thIs wasn’t an experiment to see how fast and effective stuff like this can spread on a global scale?

It’s terrifying to even think about it, but what if China has leveraged bioterrorism as a ploy to gain political power? I mean the US has been effected the hardest amongst any other country. What if we see some other **** go spreading around sometime in the future, but this time it won’t be just a cough or flu like symptoms; it could very well just straight up kill you, age/pre-existing conditions indiscriminate.
I didn't know the $600 was weekly. That's not too bad of a package... these folks protesting to open back up and complaining about job loss and unable to pay bills, are they not applying for this?

my exact same thoughts. On another note. I saw you posted something about a $25 flight from Dallas to LA. Where do you find that? If i can something for $60 or less, Ima mask up and do everything I can to be as safe as possible and go home to LA to see my oldest child for a few days.
my exact same thoughts. On another note. I saw you posted something about a $25 flight from Dallas to LA. Where do you find that? If i can something for $60 or less, Ima mask up and do everything I can to be as safe as possible and go home to LA to see my oldest child for a few days.
I went to Expedia bro. So the flight is a Wednesday flight. I booked on a Wednesday night 3-4 weeks in advance. Anecdotal personal experience always tells me the cheapest flights are found on Wednesday nights

I have been checking and the lowest I've seen is $45. The positives are you get 1 carry on free on most flights (not Spirit). As well as free flight protection as in you can cancel your flight any time and they will credit that money to another flight with the same airline
I went to Expedia bro. So the flight is a Wednesday flight. I booked on a Wednesday night 3-4 weeks in advance. Anecdotal personal experience always tells me the cheapest flights are found on Wednesday nights

I have been checking and the lowest I've seen is $45. The positives are you get 1 carry on free on most flights (not Spirit). As well as free flight protection as in you can cancel your flight any time and they will credit that money to another flight with the same airline

That’s not bad. I got a bunch of voucher credit on American right now and about $100 on spirit, but Ima wait until later in the year to use that. I was supposed to have gone back last month for the Dodgers home opener and was supposed to be out there this weekend and going to vegas tomorrow but corona said that’s not happening.

I normally fly Alaska out of love field since it’s closer to me and their lax love field route is super convenient. But I don’t mind spirit if the price is right since I can pack light since I have a bunch of stuff at my parents house. I just found some stuff in the $50 range round trip in late May which Ima pull the trigger on later today.

it’s funny you mentioned the Wednesday part because Tuesday and Wednesdays are the main days I usually end up booking flights.
They cant get it.... most states are so backlogged people haven't gotten INTIAL claims thru. Then you got places like PA where people in the system jus stopped receiving benefits and they dont know where the money's going....

But if the system were working yes. Alot of folks wouldnt be complaining to get 700-1000 bucks a week to stay at home
I didn't know the $600 was weekly. That's not too bad of a package... these folks protesting to open back up and complaining about job loss and unable to pay bills, are they not applying for this?

a lot of it is dependent on states though. Some states have sabotaged their own unemployment systems to make it damn near impossible to file for unemployment (See Florida where people are having to file paper claims). Other states are overwhelmed by the amount of applicants so they are backlogged and people arent getting approved timely. The $600 a week benefit is hinged on getting approved for state unemployment so if the state doesn’t process it, you don’t get the federal benefit either
a lot of it is dependent on states though. Some states have sabotaged their own unemployment systems to make it damn near impossible to file for unemployment (See Florida where people are having to file paper claims). Other states are overwhelmed by the amount of applicants so they are backlogged and people arent getting approved timely. The $600 a week benefit is hinged on getting approved for state unemployment so if the state doesn’t process it, you don’t get the federal benefit either

im going through the process right now. I got hit with the initial “you didn’t earn enough to qualify for unemployment”. I was only at my last job for 5 months. But because of the cares act. Ima ultimately get it off the disaster/pandemic unemployment assistance. I applied on the 5th. It said on the Texas unemployment page to expect it to take 4 weeks to process and update everything and update stuff since they’re overloaded with claims. I’m not stressing too much since I’m not hurting for cash. But when that backpay comes from when I initially filed the claim, Ima enjoy that check lol.
Those folks, herself included could have pre-existing conditions too.

any of us could have some weird genetic **** in the background, and this would be a ****** up way to find out.

Thats why you have your own intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, etc. However when your President chooses not to receive intelligence briefings on a potential pandemic, this is what happens.

China protected their citizens.

that truly astonishes me every time I read it, this man has the top minds on Earth reporting to him each day.

a customized report with all the relevant information the American intelligence community can pilfer.

...but nah, what´s good with Twitter?

I didn't know the $600 was weekly. That's not too bad of a package... these folks protesting to open back up and complaining about job loss and unable to pay bills, are they not applying for this?

oh no my good sir, I don´t think you understand...the people protesting want YOU to go back to work.

it´s the workers--those faceless visors and vests--that have to commute and stay all day breathing coughs, the Patriots are gonna get their half hour haircut or get a couple rounds of laser tag in and go tf home.
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